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功能特点: 报告管理-员工日常工作计划和总结;每天工作记录情况,让领导及时掌握员工动态; 邮件传输-给员工轻松发邮件,及时传达工作要点; 员工管理-轻松维护员工信息; 报告审批-领导可对部门员工各报告进行审批和维护; 简单说明:操作简单,功能精炼,界面美观,非常适合中小型的日常企业! 安装说明:直
Simple description: simple operation, refined function, beautiful interface, very suitable for small and medium-sized daily enterprises! (2021-02-18, ASP, 1543KB, 下载0次)


[其他] netUltimate

1.采用asp+access更加适合中小企业的网站模式。 2.网站页面div+css兼容目前所有主流浏览器,IE,Chrome,火狐,Opera,Safari等。 3.后台管理界面,操作便捷、友好、更具人性化。 4.网站支持无限的语言种类、无限菜单栏目及无限栏目分类。
1. ASP + access is more suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. 2. The website page div + CSS is compatible with all current mainstream browsers, ie, chrome, Firefox, opera, Safari, etc. 3. The background management interface is convenient, friendly and more user-friendly. 4. The website supports unlimited language categories, unlimited menu columns and unlimited column classifications. (2020-03-25, ASP, 1589KB, 下载0次)


[其他] helpdesk15.0

帮助台helpdesk是一套适合IT使用的问题(Tickets)管理系统域资产管理系统。 Helpdesk支持邮件提交功能,这使得他能够在不更改企业员工现有工作习惯下, 就能够实现对问题的自动归档,自动生成报表。
Help desk helpdesk is a set of problems suitable for IT (Tickets) management system domain asset management system. Helpdesk supports e-mail submission, which enables him to automatically archive problems and generate reports without changing employees'existing work habits. (2018-09-21, ASP, 5352KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

蓝宝石留言本是一个易用,安全的留言本,适合中小企业网站和个人网站部署。 蓝宝石留言本可能是首创asp留言本使用中文注册码,更大程度上杜绝了发贴机。
Sapphire message book is an easy-to-use, safe message book, suitable for small and medium-sized websites and personal website deployment. Sapphire Message Book may be the first ASP Message Book to use Chinese registration code, to a greater extent to eliminate the post machine. (2018-09-14, ASP, 1320KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

Ajax architecture is free and open source message book, div+css layout, blue tone. Simple and quick! The message board comes with background, which can batch manage messages, and is suitable for all small and medium-sized enterprises to integrate their website into a website or use it as a separate message system. (2018-07-25, ASP, 319KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

The ISchool random test system is located in the school or enterprise unit for the random test. The system adopts the independent way of the test project database. Although the ACCESS database is used, it can support the long term examination requirements, and at least can support the online examination task of more than 2000 times 5000 people. (2018-07-24, ASP, 286KB, 下载1次)


[其他] gzqy_asp

企业工资管理系统 工资管理系统 1、系统功能的基本要求: ? 员工每个工种基本工资的设定 ? 加班津贴管理,根据加班时间和类型给予不同的加班津贴; ? 按照不同工种的基本工资情况、员工的考勤情况产生员工的每月的月工资; ? 员工年终奖金的生成,员工的年终奖金计算公式=(员工本年度的工资总和+津贴的总和)/12; ? 企业工资报表。能够查询单个员工的工资情况、每个部门的工资情况、按月的工资统计,并能够打印; 2、数据库要求:在数据库中至少应该包含下列数据表: ? 员工考勤情况表; ? 员工工种情况表,反映员工的工种、等级,基本工资等信息; ? 员工津贴信息表,反映员工的加班时间,加班类别、加班天数、津贴情况等; ? 员工基本信息表 ? 员工月工资表。
gongziguoli gzh_num int(2) primary key, gzh_name char(10) not null, gzh_grade int(2) not null, gzh_pay int(12) not null, gzh_workdays int(2) not null (2018-07-21, ASP, 514KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

奖奖品调查系统使用ASP而写,把代码放在自己的某个网站下,既可以增加流量,同时你在完成一个企业客户的网站时,也可以方便的在客户网站上加入一段代码,即时显示为客户而定制的调查主题,可以同时为不同的客户添加投票。 用户名:admin 密码:admin 后台验证码区分大小写
The prize award survey system uses ASP to put code under one of its own websites, which can increase traffic, while you can also easily add a section of code on the customer's website when you have completed a customer's website. Vote. Username: admin Password: admin background verification code, case sensitive. (2018-07-19, ASP, 722KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

非零坊汽车频道 1.0 1、打开Config.Asp修改网站名称。 2、不用更新,直接获取汽车信息 3、目前有八个栏目『交通新闻』『行业新闻』『重磅谍照』『维修养护』『市场动态』『企业新闻』『评论分析』『政策法规』
Non - zero Square car channel 1 1, open Config.Asp to modify the name of the website. 2. Direct access to car information without updating 3, there are eight columns, "traffic news," "industry news," "heavy intelligence," "maintenance," "market dynamics" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "policy and regulations". (2018-07-18, ASP, 5KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 77dw

发布站程序后台管理 用户名:admin 密码:admin 注意事项 一定要修改 ./data目录下的二个数据库文件名 用文本替换器把WWW cn 改成你的域名 文件类型选 ASP HTM js 三种 GameDLQ.cab 插队核心文件 这个文件是经过了数字签名的,破坏它的话无法实现在线登陆 -----其实这步做不做都无所谓,意义无非就是让人家安装完后弹出你的网站----- 用 WINRAR 打开 /DLL/setup.exe 解压出 CONFIG.INI 再修改里面的域名,再添加进去
sgdfgggdfgdfgdfdgfdg (2018-05-17, ASP, 1434KB, 下载2次)


[其他] auth

1.前台版权水印:免费版的前台有S-CMS企业建站的水印,授权版没有。 2.后台功能限制:免费版后台无富文本编辑器,无法下载和切换模板,无法修改联系方式;授权版无任何限制。
1. front desk copyright watermark: the free version of the front desk has the S-CMS enterprise building watermark, the Authorized Edition is not. 2. background function limit: free version of the background without rich text editor, can not download and switch templates, can not modify the contact mode; the Authorized Edition without any restrictions. (2018-01-13, ASP, 10095KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 房地产公司网站管理系统源码正式版

Real Estate Company web site management system source code, the official version of the real estate enterprise website management system, Real Estate Company site self-help site management system source code. Background address /admin, background account admin password for admin (2017-07-21, ASP, 4088KB, 下载1次)


[其他] CRM

CRM(Customer Relationship Management),即客户关系管理。CRM的主要含义就是通过对客户详细资料的深入分析,来提高客户满意程度,从而提高企业的竞争力的一种手段。优客CRM是由业务家园经过前期对业务员的了解分析,不断地对客户研究分析,并综合对比国内现有的CRM,研发出的一套高效人性的CRM系统。优客CRM采用先进的.NET技术,封装代码,使其能高效稳定的运行,成为公司业务、客户、财务、团队、FAQ等管理的必备工具。
CRM (Customer Relationship Management), the customer relationship management. The main meaning of CRM is the customer detailed information on in-depth analysis to increase customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises as a means. CRM is excellent customer service to their homes early on the salesman' s understanding through analysis of continuous research and analysis on the client, and comprehensive comparison of domestic existing CRM, developed a set of efficient human CRM system. Excellent customer CRM advanced. NET technology, package code, so that it can be highly efficient and stable operation of a business, customer, financial, team, FAQ and other management tool. (2010-04-08, ASP, 3668KB, 下载12次)


[其他] exw

EXW网站管理前台模板VIP版:Elite xml website,由伊缘网汉化,且修正多出BUG。 系统由伊缘网制作 人性化设计,操作简单功能强大。 可完美的用于: 企业形象展示、产品展示,组织团队展示,工作室展示,个人主页。
EXW site management front Template: Elite xml website, by the edge of network finished in Iraq, and to amend more BUG. System is composed of Iraqi production of geo-net user-friendly design, easy to operate and powerful. Could be perfect for: corporate image display, product display, organize the team display, studio shows, personal home page. (2010-02-27, ASP, 2579KB, 下载37次)


[其他] jobmls

528人才招聘网整站源代码-蓝色经典(精简版)。适合中小企业人才招聘使用。界面美观,适用;网站相关信息在后台均能操作,稍加设置就可投入使用。ASP+access格式。此版全面优化代码,代码更加稳定和快速!全面修正以前版本发现的漏洞。 后台地址: admin/login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin
528 Job Network stations throughout the source code- Blue Classic (Starter Edition). Recruitment for the use of small and medium enterprises. Beautiful interface, apply site-related information in the background are able to operate a little set can be put into use. ASP+ access format. This version fully optimized code, the code more stable and fast! Comprehensive amendments to previous versions of discovered vulnerabilities. Background address: admin/login.asp user name: admin Password: admin (2009-12-09, ASP, 1182KB, 下载117次)


[其他] aspUploadindexer

多文件上传组件 temp.html 上传调用实例 update_.swf 上传FLASH文件 update.asp 接收示例 ASP版 update.php 接收示例 php版 详情访问 http://www.access2008.cn/update/ -------------------- 历史更新 -------------------- 1.0.5 bate 版 修正了自动滚动显示正在上传的文件列表 在组件右下角增加了上传文件总数信息 1.0.4 bate 版 添加了对等待上传文件最大个数控制,参数为 fileNum 添加了上传数据总量控制,参数为 UpSize,本地判断用户可传输的流量,最大限度的节省了服务器流量浪费 版
1.0.3 bate (2009-05-04, ASP, 28KB, 下载11次)


[其他] Zoomla

1、全新的标签导出结构设计; 2、全新后台结构设计; 3、支持MSSQL2000和MSSQL2005数据库; 4、改进的栏目与内容页节点; 5、行业内首个专为传统商家开发项目管理系统发布(Zoomla! Projicet),致力于服务传统商家; 6、增加站点问题反馈功能(如同www.bj2008.cn的站点错误反馈系统),及时跟进客户服务。 7、站点栏目排序功能,以及更友好的结构界面。
1, a new label export structure design 2, a new structural design background 3, support MSSQL2000 and MSSQL2005 database 4, columns and content to improve the page node 5, the industry (2008-09-25, ASP, 2666KB, 下载9次)


[其他] AdamCMS_1.1.1

AdamCMS is a free open source software, the use of simple functional and practical, aimed at individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises to facilitate the rapid erection of its own web site, can be customized modules and documentation, home-made style style Web site, the use of UTF-8 encoding, in various languages to facilitate release of information, welcome everyone to use (2008-03-17, ASP, 687KB, 下载24次)


[其他] 239524

这是一套集“新闻、产品、订购、招聘、下载、留言”为一体的企业型后台管理系统 系统维护人员: ################################################## # copyright: muf2004--(易天工作室) 2004-2005 # # QQ:81606154 190871262 # # MSN:felix2718@hotmail.com # # E_mail:lany@dadayu.com # # # ################################################## 本系统源由网上流传的一套程序,经修改加工后变成现在这样,我们也将对此程序作继续的修改,如果您在使用中发现有任何问题,你都可以直接与我们联系,或登陆"大大鱼技术论坛(http://www.dadayu.com/bbs)给我们留言,我们将在第一时间为您解决问题。 管理员登录用户名为:admin 密 码为:admin 测试地址:http://www.gcsj.com/web
err (2008-01-03, ASP, 524KB, 下载5次)


[其他] bbsxp6

感谢您使用BBSXP,她是一个经过完善设计,适用于Windows NT环境的高效论坛解决方案。 她的体系结构更经过特别的优化,不同版本可以满足从小流量到大流量,从个人到企业各 方面应用的要求,为您提供一个全新的,快速的和优秀的论坛解决方案。
BBSXP, after she is a perfect design, applies to Windows NT environment and efficient forum solutions. She architecture more specifically optimized to meet the different versions from small to large traffic flow, from the individual to the enterprise application requirements, to offer you a new, fast and excellent forum solutions. (2006-04-03, ASP, 721KB, 下载3次)
