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[WEB开发] run-aspnetcore-cqrs

ASP.NET Core+Angular web应用程序的真实企业CRM应用程序示例。实现了ASP.NET核心的CQRS设计模式...,
Real world Enterprise CRM application example of ASP.NET Core + Angular web application. Implemented CQRS Design Pattern for ASP.NET Core + Angular reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD best practices. Download 100+ page eBook PDF from here -> (2023-01-09, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] O365ModernProvisioning

This sample demonstrates how to integrate a typical enterprise scenario where the user can submit a creation s request for a new SharePoint team site, communication site or a Microsoft team through a node.js Bot (App Only) which is available on Teams, Skype, Direct line and so on. (2019-09-13, C#, 1892KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 1

这是一款比较全面地企业信息管理系统,采用了MVC框架Spring.NET+NHibernate, 改进了分页效率较低和分页代码量大等问题
This is a comprehensive enterprise information management system, which adopts the MVC framework Spring.NET+NHibernate. It improved the efficiency of paging, and the large amount of paging code. (2018-04-14, C#, 4531KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Vote

Modern enterprises increasingly vote, voting ingenuity, this system uses sql2005 asp.net development and online voting system source code in detail (2016-09-09, C#, 579KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xycms_zxsj_v2.6

XYCMS装修设计公司源码系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的企业网站源码。 功能简述: 企业信息管理:包括基本信息管理,添加,在线报名信息管理,问答中心信息管理 新闻中心管理:管理新闻信息内容,管理相关分类,添加或者删除 服务项目管理:对公司服务项目进行管理,发布最新信息 网页广告管理:包括一些图片广告管理。生成JS调用。 其他信息管理:查看管理员登录记录 系统信息管理 系统设置:进行系统相关基本信息设置,如网站名称,企业信息等基本信息。可以管理是否关闭网站,注册是否审核,留言是否审核
XYCMS decoration design company source system is a asp+access for the development of enterprise website source code. Function description: Enterprise information management: including basic information management, add, online registration information management, question and answer center information management News Center Management: management of news information content, management related classification, add or delete Service project management: management of the company s service project, release the latest information Web advertising management: including some image advertising management. Generate JS calls. Other information management: View administrator login records System information management System settings: the basic information about the system settings, such as the website name, enterprise information and other basic information. Can be managed to close the site, the registration is the audit, the message is audit (2015-12-15, C#, 6549KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] brnmall

官方的Brn 系统商城是以ASP.NET4.0+MVC3为基础开发的一套网上商城,功能丰富,架构稳定,配置灵活,适合企业及个人快速构建个性化的大中型网上商城。 到了我手上,我将之升级为.NET4.5+MVC5版本
brn shop (2015-09-10, C#, 551KB, 下载9次)



校园内部人才招聘系统源码 代码功能比较简单,主要实现的功能是招聘、应聘、新闻发布及后台管理 管理后台的主要功能有:新闻添加 新闻管理 个人会员管理 企业会员管理
public code (2015-07-15, C#, 678KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] WDW-WebSite

后台登录初始用户名和密码是admin admin,欢迎下载使用。使用ASP.NET开发的免费公司网站,带后台功能,用户可以自定义界面。不使用数据库,部署简单。
ASP.NET development of the use of free company website, with the background of the function, the user can customize the interface. Do not use the , simple deployment. (2015-01-05, C#, 4688KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] QuickKnowledge

Asp based business website, there are two roles experts and enterprises can search expert information, publish tenders, bids, etc. Reply (2014-04-10, C#, 13225KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] admiweb

前面公司开发的时候用的一套版 主要是我自己写的几个可以通用的界面 用来开发了好几个企业站 新闻和后台文本编辑器是用的eWebEditor 应该是比较实用的东东 比较适合初级的新手在公司做小站使用 欢迎各高手指点交流谢谢!!
asp net web (2013-11-11, C#, 6646KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 173CMS_v1.0.6_UTF8

企业网站开发的网站内容管理系统 推荐配置:Window 2003 + IIS6 + .Net2.0 + Access 操作系统:Window 2003或更高版本 WEB服务器:IIS6或以上版本 程序支持:.Net2.0版本
system:Window 2003或更高版本 WEB:IIS6或以上版本 code:.Net2.0版本 (2013-05-04, C#, 5861KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] EnterpriseWeb

Own design an enterprise software industry portal, which contains a manual, product management, guest book and other functions, the relevant background management has (2013-05-04, C#, 2672KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] hsj

可万能扩充栏目的企业整站源码,对于开发企业OA还是有一定参考价值。 本系统采用.net 2.0技术,必须用.net 2.0环境运行本系统,用.net 1.1环境运行时会出错。 1.本系统安全性很强,密码采用多层md5加密,无法暴破 2.可以万能式扩充栏目,灵活性很强 3.后台路径:adminruan/index.aspx 帐号:admin 密码:admin 下载后请用于学习,不得用于任何商业目的
Universal expansion of part of the enterprise may be the whole point source, for the development of enterprises is still have some reference value OA. The system uses. Net 2.0 technology, we must use. Net 2.0 environment to run the system with. Net 1.1 runtime environment error. 1. This system is highly secure, multi-layer password md5 encrypted and can not break 2 storm. You can extend part Universal, flexibility, strong 3. Backend path: adminruan/index.aspx Account: admin Password: admin After downloading for learning, not for any commercial purpose (2011-02-21, C#, 5534KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] TECsystem

Technology system (2010-06-02, C#, 14584KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] weblog

A blog site, with WEB2.0 related technologies such as CSS, AJAX and so the development of enterprise-level Web site (2009-12-09, C#, 4987KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Daila

企业电话客服系统主要实现以下目标:  客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。  用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。  外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。
Business telephone customer service system is mainly to achieve the following goals:   customers call customer service business phone, the system will automatically receive, identify and record the caller' s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information.  users to dial telephone customer service business, the system will automatically voice-guided, the customer through the selection button, which you can hear a pre-set a good voice in commerce, such as corporate profiles, information on the latest products ... .... All Zixun information can be obtained through the button.  outside telephone calls between seats, enabling the system prompts the caller can transfer to human services, to communicate directly with the agent. (2009-12-05, C#, 686KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] MyEnterprice_WebSite

Small and Medium Enterprises website, where I took six months to a commercial laboratory products, set undergraduate, graduate hearts out the essence of devotion to you free of charge (2009-11-04, C#, 763KB, 下载11次)


[WEB开发] fxEnterpise

一个功能比较全的企业管理系统,后台主要功能: 用户管理:类别管理 用户组管理 模块管理 管理员列表 添加管理员 友情链接:友情链接 企业介绍 广告管理 公告信息 关于方向 企业新闻:添加新闻 新闻管理 历史图片 公司历程 产品管理:添加产品 产品管理 技术支持:QQ在线 在线演示 实用工具 产品知识库 软件管理 培训服务:培训信息 管理培训 手册管理 客户服务:客户留言管理 服务指南 服务的客户 采用了三层架构,数据库为sql2000 后台管理地址:admin/Login.aspx,用户名/密码:admin/admin
Comparison of a functional enterprise-wide management system, the main functions of the background: User Management: Category Management user group list management module management administrator to add the administrator Link: Links Notice enterprise information management to introduce advertising on the direction of Company News: News add pictures history course management Product Management: Product Management added products Technical support: QQ online online demo utility software products Knowledge Management Training services: information management training management training manual Customer Service: Customer message management services to guide customers A three-tier architecture, database sql2000 Admin address: admin/Login.aspx, username/password: admin/admin (2009-06-22, C#, 4937KB, 下载34次)


[WEB开发] JaShop

JaShop 网络商城 JaSoft.Net 是一个专业从事 B/S 架构的 网络应用 的开发组织。立志投身于企业管理系统的开发及研究工作。力争行业的典范,重视用户,不断提升自己的专业技术。 提供给您最精、最细、最完善、最省心的企业管理系统 是我们的宗旨。 第一次安装请仔细查看 安装说明,默认管理帐号 用户名:admin,密码:admin
JaSoft.Net Mall JaShop network is a professional engaged in B/S structure of the organization for the development of network applications. Determined to join in the enterprise management system development and research work. Strive for a model of industry, attention to customers and continuously upgrade their professional skills. Provide to you the most precision, the smallest, most complete and most hassle free enterprise management system is our mission. The first installation, please carefully read the installation instructions, the default administrative account user name: admin, password: admin (2009-05-18, C#, 1418KB, 下载2次)
