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[.net编程] 10

动力启航是一个以ASP.NET(C#) jQuery技术为中心,面向软件开发者、程序爱好者、网页设计师,服务于个人、企业的网站
Power sailing is a web site with ASP.NET (C#) jQuery technology oriented to software developers, program enthusiasts, web designers, and services to individuals and enterprises (2018-04-13, C#, 10878KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] EasyHRSolution_111

EasyHR.net 源码 源码描述: 100 开源连锁企业(超市、物流、商店、不同地点有分公司的企业工厂)人事工资系统。本软件基于本人发布的EasyPlat.net快速开发平台,属于成熟软件进行开源。 工资自定义工资帐套的项目和结算公式;包括计件工资、年终奖发放、个人所得税、工龄工资等。 可以提取企业考勤系统数据,而且也可以与企业生产系统、供应链、ERP方便的二次开发进行对接,也可以在此基础上开发OA、CRM、文档管理等系统。 功能模块分为: 人事管理,工资管理,促销员管理,行政管理,基本资料设置,系统管理,桌面 注意: 登录账号:01191 密码:123 清空数据之后登录账号:xiao 密码:123 开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,数据库为SQL Server 2005,数据库文件在DB_51aspx文件夹中附加就行。
EasyHR.net Source Source description: 100 open source chains (supermarkets, logistics, shops, business offices in different locations have factories) personnel payroll system. The software is based on I released EasyPlat.net rapid development platform, open-source software are mature. Custom set of books payroll wage items and settlement formula including piecework, year-end awards issued, personal income tax, seniority wages. Time and attendance system can extract business data, but also with enterprise production systems, supply chain, ERP convenient secondary development for docking, can also develop OA, CRM, document management and other systems on this basis. Function module is divided into: Personnel management, payroll management, promoters management, administration, basic data set, system management, desktop Note:         Login Account: 01191 Password: 123         After clearing the data login account: xiao Password: 123 &# (2014-08-19, C#, 17872KB, 下载45次)


[.net编程] InternalOfficeSystems

Features include: enterprise office automation system based on ASP.NET development staff to add, view, and delete management file transfer, accept, delete management program management Announcement Management News Management exchange management activities in voting management attendance management system management rules and regulations, management module (2012-12-25, C#, 7621KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] B2BPBRevision

拍宝网 使用.Net 1.1 + SQLServer2000技术仿照淘宝网相对功能完善的网站,实现了无限级的分类功能,为网站的扩充提供了很好的基础。 此外还完成了会员开店,个人商品管理,站内信等功能.. (正在继续完善中...)
Shoot Po network use. Net 1.1+ SQLServer2000 technology modeled Taobao relatively well-functioning website, infinite level classification, and provides a good foundation for the expansion of the site. In addition, the completion of the member shop, the personal merchandise management, station within the letter and other functions .. (and is continuing to improve in ...) (2012-11-25, C#, 5934KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] mb003

一款非常漂亮的酒类网站,以红色为主调,页面干净清洁、一目了然,非常适合卖红酒中小企业的朋友 打造精致、简单、易用商城
A very beautiful website liquor, mainly red tone, clean page, at a glance, is very suitable for selling wine SME friends to create exquisite, simple, easy-to-use mall (2012-09-24, C#, 8394KB, 下载12次)


[.net编程] PostOfficeMVC

Corporate mail system, which enables the account registration, intranet users with each other e-mail and the outside network to send e-mail. (2012-06-10, C#, 982KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] jxgl

asp.net development of a management by objectives and performance appraisal system, customized monthly work plan, according to the indicators into the situation, to calculate totals automatically. (2012-04-11, C#, 1468KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] SearchEngine

运行程序前,需要下载第3方动态链接库(DictSeg.dll、Highlighter.Net.dll、Lucene.Net.Analysis.Cn.dll、Lucene.Net.dll),将其添加到Bin文件夹下。下载fckeditor在线文本编辑器,然后放在SearchEngine文件夹下。 运行“Default.htm”文件,进入程序主界面。当用户在搜索引擎主页输入关键字到文本框中,然后单击“搜索经验技巧”按钮即可,单击“阅读技巧”,可以查看该篇文章。
Run the program, you need to download third-party dynamic-link library (DictSeg.dll, Highlighter.Net.dll, Lucene.Net.Analysis.Cn.dll, Lucene.Net.dll), add it to the Bin folder. Download fckeditor Online text editor, then put SearchEngine folder. Run " Default.htm" file into the main program interface. When users enter a keyword in the search engine home page into the text box and then click " Search Experience skills" button, click the " reading skills" , you can view the article. (2011-07-05, C#, 1250KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] Visual[1].Assist.X.v10.6.1830.0.Cracked-YzL

Install the program and apply my patch. Enjoy it! For VS2010, Visual Assist X is usually installed in following directory: " USERPROFILE \Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Whole Tomato Software\Visual Assist X" ---- Special thanks to BRD. By StarsunYzL http://www.sunyzl.cn 2010.08.17
Install the program and apply my patch. Enjoy it! For VS2010, Visual Assist X is usually installed in following directory: " USERPROFILE \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 10.0 \ Extensions \ Whole Tomato Software \ Visual Assist X " ---- Special thanks to BRD. By StarsunYzL http://www.sunyzl.cn 2010.08.17 (2010-08-24, C#, 10388KB, 下载86次)


[.net编程] netShop

The main purpose of this project is to create a B2B e-commerce site based on the entire system from the functional category is divided into three main modules: front display modules, management modules, background administration module. (2010-05-03, C#, 37112KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] HotelManagementSystem

数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 2000。 技术平台:Microsoft .NET Framework版本。 IIS:Internet Information Server 5.1版本。 调试(开发)工具:Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005中文企业版。 服务器操作系统:开发过程中使用Windows XP Professional操作系统,系统运行服务器可以采用Windows 2000 Server以上版本的操作系统。 需要说明的是,光盘中并不包括Visual Studio .NET 2005的安装程序。 第1章酒店管理系统.rar
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Technology platform: Microsoft. NET Framework version. IIS: Internet Information Server 5.1 version. Debug (development) tools: Microsoft Visual Studio. NET 2005 Enterprise Edition English. Server operating system: the process of developing the use of Windows XP Professional operating system, the system can be used to run the server Windows 2000 Server or later operating system. It should be noted that CD-ROM does not include the Visual Studio. NET 2005 installation program. (2009-03-12, C#, 281KB, 下载20次)


[.net编程] Asp.netB2B

Asp.net大型B2B网站程序源码 具有供求信息、行业资讯、产品展示、会员注册、会员自助建站等模块 企业注册后可以建立商铺发布产品信息、公司信息及在线交易等 会员分为免费会员和收费会员,其中系统还集成了广告管理系统
Asp.net large B2B website with procedures source of supply and demand information, industry information, product demonstrations, membership registration, members of self-help enterprises registered建站modules can be established after the release of retail outlet and product information, company information and online transactions, such as membership is divided into a free membership and charges members, which also integrates the ad management system (2008-12-08, C#, 3399KB, 下载75次)


[.net编程] Doughty_cn_2_0

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***** 本论坛效果演示:http://bbs.doughty.cn ***************************************** 本论坛特点:(小技巧的组合!) 1。使用ASP.NET+C# VS.NET 2005制作,代码和界面分离,调试维护方便。是用用户控件,大量修改方便。 2。使用SQL2000,支持大数据量的应用。 3。贴图看图功能强; 4。无第三方控件,调试运行方便; 5。代码完全开放,使用技术简单明了,适用于初学者学习,也适用于中高级开发人员发展分支。 本论坛还存在很多不足,在以后的版本中,将不断的补充,希望改版对大家的学习会有帮助! —————————————————————————————————— 数据库文件:在data文件夹下,“附加数据库”即可。 初始管理员:admin 口令:666666 在db的USERS表中。 注意数据库设置在Web.config文件中,找到: <appSettings> ... </appSettings> 将其改为你的机子中的配置就可以了. ***************************************** 本论坛效果演示:http://bbs.doughty.cn (2008-03-22, C#, 1308KB, 下载60次)


[.net编程] 05+SQL+VISIO

Use Visio modeling design and planning. NET enterprise solutions. Containing source code and documents. (2008-02-29, C#, 8767KB, 下载93次)


[.net编程] 4EC

ASP.NET2.0 develop a similar BtoC, CtoC enterprise Product Information Publishing System. (2008-02-01, C#, 1682KB, 下载18次)


[.net编程] DocumentManage_51aspx

Asp.net企业信息文档管理系统 一个可以用于企业内部的文档资料管理的系统平台,利用TreeView控件进行树控制 有类别管理、文档管理、添加文档、浏览文档、附件管理、角色管理、添加角色、用户管理功能模块。 操作过程中: 1:选择上下移动按钮可以改变角色的排列顺序; 2:选择"pen"型按钮可以修改你所选的角色,并在下面的文本框中填写修改后的角色名称; 3:选择"X"型按钮可以删除你所选的角色。 默认管理帐号密码均为51aspx
Asp.net Enterprise Information Document Management System can be used in an internal document data management system platform, using tree controls TreeView control has categories management, document management, add files, browse documents, Attachment Manager, the role of management, add the role of user management function module. Operation: 1: Select button to move up or down to change the role of the order 2: Choose pen-type button can modify your chosen role, and in the text box below to fill the role of the revised name 3: Select X-type button you can delete the selected role. Management accounts are the default password 51aspx (2007-10-22, C#, 659KB, 下载113次)


[.net编程] 111

系统名称: 狂热论坛企业版C#.NET网站访问统计系统[全源码提供] 系统介绍: C#.NET+SQL,标准三层架构,企业版网站访问统计系统 用柱状图显示按日月两种口径统计的网站浏览量; 柱状图显示按照国内外地区分类的网站浏览量; 分析按源自不同搜索引擎和访问途径的浏览量; 详细记录显示每个访问者的详细信息; 最新数据库(2003年12月)记录了四万多条IP记录; 全源码提供,代码优化,数据库设计严格,耗费资源极少,功能强大,使用方便 首页调用WebInclude/AboutCunter/sitecounter.ascx控件即可实现所有功能 功能示意图浏览地址:http://www.asp600.com
System name : fanaticism Forum Enterprise Edition C#.NET website statistics system [to provide all-source] system introduced : C#.NET SQL, the standard three-tier system. Enterprise Edition website statistical system used by the Sun and Moon histogram shows two caliber Statistics website site; histogram shows areas classified in accordance with domestic and international websites site; from the analysis of different search engines and ways to visit the site; Detailed records of each series of detailed information; The latest database (December 2003) record of more than 40,000 records of the IP; provide full source code, code optimization, Database Design strict, costly rare, powerful, user-friendly homepage called WebInclude/AboutCunter/sitecount er.ascx controls all functions can (2007-07-09, C#, 729KB, 下载157次)


[.net编程] dotnetAlbum

本同学录系统演示地址: http://class.19870123.cn/ 下载后请在Web.Config里更改设置,如数据库路径等 如果要换sql数据库,请将app_code里的MyPage.cs改为以下代码即可 public class MyPage : LeeHom.Web.UI.SqlPage { } public class MyMasterPage : LeeHom.Web.UI.SqlMasterPage { } 并在Web.Config里设置数据库为SqlServer Sql的执行语句在App_Data下DataBase.sql 后台管理:http://网址/admin/ 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin 可注册一个新用户后设置新用户为管理员后删除admin用户
demonstration of the website address : http :// class.19870123.cn/downloading please Web.Config Lane Change settings , such as databases, etc. If they took the path sql database I would be grateful if the app_code Lane MyPage.cs code can be replaced by the following public class MyPage : LeeHom.Web.UI.SqlPage () public class MyMast erPage : LeeHom.Web.UI.SqlMasterPage () and Web.Confi g Lane SqlServer database for the implementation of SQL statements under the App_Data DataB ase.sql background Management : http:// website/admin/default administrator : admin Password : admin can register a new user after the user to install a new administrator after users delete admin (2007-06-28, C#, 601KB, 下载58次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET_Portal_CSVS_Installer_cn_v1.0

中文繁体版的asp.net portal starter kits.学习portal开发的最好材料。安装方便,需要预装.net framework1.1 和 sql server2000.源代码在安装目录下portal文件夹。
Traditional Chinese version of Asp. Net portal starter kits. Learning por tal development of the best materials. Easy installation, Installed needs. net and SQL SERVER2000 framework1.1. at the source code installation directory portal folder. (2007-04-15, C#, 1033KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] Mastering_ASP.NET_with_CSharp

《ASP.net与C#入门到精通》书配套源码 【原书名】 Mastering ASP.NET with C# [原书信息] 【原出版社】 SYBEX 【作者】 (美)A.Russell Jones 【译者】 陈建春 白雁 杨永平 【丛书名】 从入门到精通系列丛书 【出版社】 电子工业出版社
"ASP.net And C# Cross the threshold Is skilled in" the book necessary source code [ original book title ] Mastering ASP.NET with C# [ original book information ] [ original publishing house ] SYBEX [ author ] (to be beautiful) A.Russell Jones [ translator ] Chen Jian spring Bai Yanyang the Yongping [ a clump of book title ] from to cross the threshold is skilled in the series collection [ publishing house ] the electronics industry publishing house (2006-05-31, C#, 341KB, 下载32次)
