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[数学计算] binary

二叉树方法计算信用风险溢价 参数说明: V:公司资产市场价值初值 r:市场无风险利率 sigma:企业资产市场价值波动率 T:期限 num:二叉树层数 dp:违约点,即债权价值 输出结果: M:公司的风险溢价
The binomial tree method to calculate the credit risk premium Parameters: V: the market value of assets initial value r: market risk-free rate sigma: Enterprise market value of assets volatility T: Term the num: binary tree layers dp: default point, ie, the value of claims Output: M: The risk premium (2012-05-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载20次)


[数学计算] Crank-Nicolson_

C-N解偏微分方程的程序。解的是定步长的抛物型偏微分方程: du/dx - a * d2u/dx2 = 0 在程序中可以更改 a 的值以实现不同系数的解。在循环中改变 a 的值以实现变系数. 该说明在压缩包是也有
CN solution of partial differential equations procedures. Solution is scheduled to step parabolic partial differential equation: du/dx- a* d2u/dx2 = 0 in the procedure can be changed in order to realize the value of a different coefficient of the solution. Change in the cycle in order to realize the value of a variable coefficient. The note in the compressed packet is also (2008-04-20, matlab, 1KB, 下载236次)


[数学计算] high-resolution-one-dimension

high-resolution requirements of the system with large bandwidth, the increased instantaneous bandwidth will improve the system of hardware, In this paper, a flexible and convenient step frequency signals. Pulse frequency step-pulse waveform through the carrier frequency step to achieve great changes in the effective bandwidth. make imaging with high resolution, increasing the window and fill methods to improve signal-to-noise ratio is, However, the signal on the target radial velocity is very sensitive. Using zero-distance sampling method to improve resolution, so that distance as refinement, and formulates a zero-distance sampling can improve resolution, does not alter the frequency of the signal from stepping resolution capabilities. The signal waveform on the target radial velocity sens (2007-04-07, matlab, 2KB, 下载472次)
