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[游戏] 海阁网络游戏

Hai Ge network game provides similar OurGame chess game server and the client program. The server program includes game service program, server management program and server Access database file. The client application includes hall program, Chinese chess, chess program and four war program. Using this software, you can establish a personal website. The network chess game server PC and LAN, to the customer or company your employees to provide entertainment. This version is free demo version, the server supports only 50 people in the line at the same time, it only included China chess game chess, chess and four war. (2017-06-13, Visual C++, 6705KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] QM-FeiJi

QM全民飞机大战源码 一、源码描述       这是一款非常火的打飞机游戏,娱乐性很强,玩法也很简单,只需要打爆对面过来的各种飞机就行了。       界面也比较美观,该源码具有吃道具、发大招、计算得分等功能感兴趣的朋友可以下载试玩下哦。    二、玩法介绍       1、游戏按键       上 W up;下 S down 左 A left 右 D right 暂停 1;恢复 2;开始 Enter       2、游戏说明:该游戏默认为三条命,用完后游戏结束,当吃到道具后才可以按B键发大招。 三、注意事项            1、开发环境为Visual Studio 2012,无数据库,使用.net 4.5开发。       2、暂停键和恢复键需要用小键盘。       3、该源码代码结构比较清晰,功能比较完善,是一款非常不错的飞机游戏源码。
body hyoen (2015-06-15, Visual C++, 15994KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] Qt_Project

泡泡龙是一款很受欢迎的小游戏,画面简洁,操作简单容易,是很适合娱乐休闲的游戏。 Qt是一个1991年由奇趣科技开发的跨平台C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。它既可以开发GUI程式,也可用于开发非GUI程式,比如控制台工具和服务器。Qt是面向对象的框架,使用特殊的代码生成扩展(称为元对象编译器(Meta Object Compiler, moc))以及一些宏,易于扩展,允许组件编程。基本上,Qt 同 X Window 上的 Motif、Openwin、GTK 等图形界面库和 Windows 平台上的 MFC、OWL、VCL、ATL 是同类型的东西。 本次课程,我运用QT GUI设计了泡泡龙的游戏界面,所用版本为Qt 5.1.1。
Bubble is a very popular game, the picture is concise, simple and easy operation, and is very suitable for entertainment and leisure game. Qt is a 1991 by cross platform C++ graphical user interface application development framework developed by trolltech. It can not only develop GUI program, also can be used for the development of non GUI programs, such as tools and the server console. Qt is an object-oriented framework, using code generation special extension (called the meta object compiler (Meta Object Compiler, MOC)) as well as some macros, easy to expand, allowing the component programming. Basically, the Qt with the X Window Motif, Openwin, GTK graphical interface library and Windows on the platform of MFC, OWL, VCL, ATL is the same type of thing. In this course, I use QT GUI to design the Bubble Bobble game interface, the version of Qt 5.1.1. (2014-05-13, Visual C++, 4878KB, 下载20次)


[游戏] source

赛马是一古老的游戏,早在公元前四世纪的中国,处在诸侯割据的状态,历史上称为“战国时期”。在魏国作官的孙膑,因为受到同僚庞涓的迫害,被齐国使臣救出后,到达齐国国都。 赛马是当时最受齐国贵族欢迎的娱乐项目。上至国王,下到大臣,常常以赛马取乐,并以重金赌输赢。田忌多次与国王及其他大臣赌输赢,屡赌屡输。一天他赛马又输了,回家后闷闷不乐。孙膑安慰他说:“下次有机会带我到马场看看,也许我能帮你。”
Horse racing is an ancient game, early in the 4th century Chinese, in the feudal era, historically known as the "Warring States period". As the officer in the state of Wei bin, because of his colleagues pangjuan persecution, is Qi envoy rescued, reach the Qi states. Horse racing is one of the most popular entertainment was aristocratic. To the king, the minister, often in horse racing for fun, and money to bet win or lose. Tian Ji repeatedly with the king and other ministers bet win or lose, gambling repeatedly repeatedly. One day he horse lost again, after coming home feel depressed. Sun Bin comforted him: "next time you have the chance to take me to the racecourse to have a look, maybe I can help you." (2014-03-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] snake-game

Snake is a small and simple game, only for entertainment. You can run the program mainly includes borders, scoring, there fruits and poisonous fruit, upgrades, acceleration and general functions, but also in the course of play will appear flashing super star, will automatically disappear within a certain time, playing in the process, will be accompanied by some background music, and when the snake to eat something different, there are different tone, so that surge of interest in the player. (2013-08-27, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] marble1

打砖块作为一款经典的FC老游戏,距今已有20余年的历史,玩家通过控制一根条形长棒反弹不断飞行的小球去击打砖块,打中则砖块消失,若将砖块全部打掉,则过关。随着时代的发展,打砖块衍生出了无数版本,从开始最简单的纯打砖块发展到砖块有不同的特性,譬如击中会爆炸、需要多次打击才能打掉等。游戏过程中可能掉落物品,接到这些物品可以改变长棒或小球的特性。游戏界面也从原先简单的像素合成,单一色彩演变到大量运用各种炫目特效甚至是3D特效。可以毫不夸张地说,打砖块作为一款休闲娱乐小游戏,20年来随着电脑的普及,为越来越多电脑用户所认识,它益智怡情两者兼得,是一类极其成功的休闲游戏。 本次大型作业编写的主要目标是实现打砖块的基本功能,如控制长棒的移动,各种运动的判断等。通过编写程序,了解C下图形化输出及即时响应的工作原理,熟练C的编写技巧,培养团队工作所必须的良好书写风格。 同时,作为发展,我组在编写大型作业时尝试了在C下使用鼠标控制、游戏可设置性的运行、不同地图的编写等进阶要求。这些对今后编写类似程序或调用类似功能提供了宝贵的经验。
As a classic Arkanoid FC old game, dating back over 20 years of history, players bar a long rod by controlling the continuous flight of the ball rebounded to hit Breakout, hit the bricks disappear, if the All the bricks destroyed, then cross the border. With the development of the times, Arkanoid spawned numerous versions, from the beginning the simplest pure Arkanoid developed into bricks have different properties, for example, will be hit by an explosion destroyed so many times as necessary in order to combat. Items may be dropped during the game, I received these items can be changed a long stick or ball characteristics. The game interface, a simple pixel from the original synthesis of the evolution of a single color to make extensive use of a variety of dazzling special effects and even the 3D effects. It is no exaggeration to say that Arkanoid game as a recreational past 20 years with the popularity of computers, more and more computer users know, it builds character puzzle have i (2009-10-19, Visual C++, 133KB, 下载26次)


[游戏] llk

" Lianliankan" is a function of a relatively perfect game software, this game is addition to the usual timing, points, save progress, tips and other functions, but also adds its own weight out, re-play, pause, time to help other more interesting functions. In order to enhance the recreational and competitive nature also has its own rules of integration. (2009-09-17, Visual C++, 6447KB, 下载10次)


[游戏] zwdzpt

网络对战平台 在互联网日益发展的今天,电脑游戏也得到了迅猛的发展,使人们获得了更多的娱乐方式。 电脑游戏发展的到今天,出现了一大批优秀经典的游戏,提供着丰富的关卡情节和多人对战等游戏方式,而多人联机对战这种方式使更多的玩家都能参与到游戏的乐趣中来。并由此产生了新的体育项目—电子竞技。 多数单机版游戏一般只能在局域网里进行联机游戏,或者通过游戏开发商提供的平台进行互联网游戏,除此之外没有其他方式在互联网上进行多人联机游戏,限制了玩家游戏的范围。 随着人们对此的认识,不少的公司开发了一些游戏平台使这些局域网游戏能够在InterNet上进行联机对战,使人们在游戏中获得更多的游戏乐趣和结交更多的朋友。 中国战网对战平台是一个综合性游戏对战娱乐平台,支持魔兽争霸、冰封王座、反恐精英、星际争霸等等局域网类多人对战游戏,使玩家通过对战平台,能在Internet上与其它的玩家进行多人游戏模式,提供了一个玩家之间交流经验、聊天交友的好地方。 尤其是 对战平台支持实时的玩家积分排名系统,每一个通过平台进行游戏的玩家,都会为自己能在平台上留下战绩而感到自豪。这也是对战平台与同类产品相比,体现出来的最大亮点。
net battle platform (2009-08-08, Visual C++, 13582KB, 下载141次)


[游戏] puzzle

[简介] 名称: 《拼图》-附源代码 (代码行数:747 注释行数:164) 开发环境:WinXp+VC.Net2005+Win32 API 作者:mj 联系方式:mj055@yahoo.cn [拼图] 鼠标操作,有音效 游戏玩法仿文曲星上拼图游戏,每次只能用空白方块与左右相邻的数字方块对换, 当排列成1 2 3 则游戏胜利 4 5 6 7 8 [说明] 1.游戏引擎代码参考[美]Michael Morrison的《游戏编程入门》 2.打猎游戏图片资源来自于《武林群侠传》中的打猎小游戏 3.用vc.net2005编译时注意在项目属性页中ATL使用选择"不使用ATL",字符集选"使用多字节字符集",还有链接器->输入->附加依赖项:msimg32.lib winmm.lib
[Profile] Name: puzzle - attached to the source code (the code number of rows: 747 Note the number of rows: 164) Development Environment: WinXp+ VC.Net2005+ Win32 API Author: mj Contact: mj055@yahoo.cn [puzzle ] Mouse operation, there are sound gameplay文曲星on imitation jigsaw puzzle, each only with a blank box with the box around the figure adjacent to the exchange, when arranged in the game 1 2 3 Victory 4 5 6 7 8 [Description] 1. game engine code reference [U.S.] Michael Morrison s Introduction to Game Programming 2. hunting game image resources from the Wulin群侠Biography in the hunting of small game 3. vc.net2005 compiled by When the project properties page ATL use select do not use ATL , Character Set selection the use of multi-byte character set , as well as linker-> input-> additional dependencies: msimg32.lib winmm.lib (2008-11-16, Visual C++, 506KB, 下载38次)


[游戏] hunting

[简介] 名称:《打猎》-附源代码 (代码行数:1773 注释行数:363) 开发环境:WinXp+VC.Net2005+Win32 API 作者:mj 联系方式:mj055@yahoo.cn [打猎] 鼠标左键射击,消灭出现的猎物;有音乐及音效; 屏幕下方的计分板记录击中的猎物个数,右下角的头像个数表示未击中的猎物个数; 游戏难度会随击中数量上升,当未击中数达到5个时游戏结束。 [说明] 1.游戏引擎代码参考[美]Michael Morrison的《游戏编程入门》 2.打猎游戏图片资源来自于《武林群侠传》中的打猎小游戏 3.用vc.net2005编译时注意在项目属性页中ATL使用选择"不使用ATL",字符集选"使用多字节字符集",还有链接器->输入->附加依赖项:msimg32.lib winmm.lib
err (2008-11-16, Visual C++, 549KB, 下载35次)


[游戏] TankFighting

坦克大战小游戏 控制说明: 玩家1相关控制: A/W/S/D:控制方向 F:开火 1 :玩家1复活 玩家2相关控制: UP/LEFT/RIGHT/DOWN:控制方向 0 :开火 2 :玩家2复活 ESC:返回Menu ENTER:任务完成/失败后的确认按键 功能说明: 将敌方坦克消灭完则任务完成,进入下一关,每过1关,障碍物减少1个,电脑 坦克总数增加5辆,一次出现最多的电脑坦克数目增加1. 我方坦克被消灭完则任务失败,任务从第一关重新开始. 击毁一辆红色坦克,会产生一个宝物,获取后可以根据宝物的类型完成相应 的功能. 宝物功能描述: 1.奖励玩家一辆坦克 2.炸毁当前显示的所有敌方坦克 3.所有敌方坦克被暂停运动和开火,持续10秒 4.玩家坦克处于无敌状态,持续15秒 具备多玩家游戏的功能,目前暂定最多支持2人游戏,按1,2,若相应玩家坦克 已全部被摧毁,则复活该玩家的坦克,并设定该玩家坦克数量为3,总分清0. 其它说明: 作者:朱波 QQ:443581450 Email:kyozb2004@yahoo.com.cn (2008-05-31, Visual C++, 2288KB, 下载16次)


[游戏] zy

黑白棋是一种休闲娱乐的益智小游戏,在各种电子词典及手机上广为应用,设计实现这个程序,主要应用了C++中的函数调用及线形二维表的设计和面对对象的思想。应用的编辑程序Vasual C++开发工具能够充分提供各种库类和面向对象的工具,为黑白棋的设计提供了环境保证,并能够正确实现游戏。
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[游戏] ACM国产凌凌发(008)系列3D游戏(MFC)

“国产凌凌發(008)” 3D 系列游戏 本软件基于微软VC 6.0(MFC)为开发工具,运用了3D STATE最新的图形 引擎3D STATE engine API Version 6.0和声效引擎FireMOD(FMOD) 3.32。 具有艺术级的画面质量和动感的声音效果,能够设计出功能强大、娱乐性较 高的3D游戏来。同时本软件为开源软件,可到作者主页自由下载源代码。
"homemade Lingling made (008)," the 3D game software based on Microsoft VC 6.0 (MFC) development tools STATE use of the latest 3D graphics engine 3D engine API Version STATE engine 6.0 and costume FireMOD (FMOD) 3.32. With art picture quality and dynamic sound effects, to design powerful, high on entertainment 3D games. In addition, the software for open-source software can be downloaded free author Home source code. (2006-01-02, Visual C++, 19873KB, 下载335次)
