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[建站系统] LaraMerce

LaraMerce the dynamic and innovative Laravel-based eCommerce CMS, designed to empower businesses with a seamless online selling experience. (2024-04-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] pronamic-customer-type-for-woocommerce

Streamline your sales process! This plugin allows customers to clearly indicate a personal or business purchase. (2024-03-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Studiocart

Studiocart is a WordPress plugin that helps coaches, course creators and service-based businesses start selling in minutes. (2024-02-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Car-rental

This is a project on building an app and or website for an existing business. We will be using Wordpress for the website. (2024-02-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] nuxt-erp

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a comprehensive suite of integrated business applications designed to streamline and automate various business processes within an organization. The features of an ERP system can vary based on the specific needs of the business, industry (2023-12-05, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] business-loan-calculator

Free WordPress Plugin: Free business loan calculator that lets entrepreneurs estimate monthly payments, calculate interest on loans, and understand the total cost of the business loan. www.calculator.io/business-loan-calculator/ (2023-11-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wp-opening-hours

This script is a PHP function for WordPress that displays a business s opening hours and indicates the current operational status based on the day of the week and time. (2023-10-14, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] shopy-mobile

Shopy is a mobile CMS that allows to launch a personal storefront in 15 minutes. We help small business owners in Kazakhstan, who sell through Instagram, WhatsApp and TikTok, build an online store with up-to-date catalog, increase sales through repeat purchases, and identify the most popular products with build-in analytics. (2023-08-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] CostTrack

A Cost Tracking Website for Businesses. I started building it as a food cost tracker but later changed it to make it more general. The technologies used are PHP&MySQL. (2023-05-07, PHP, 17687KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] greasby-opticians

This website is the face of Greasby Opticians, a business in Greasby, England. I created the site using Vue, Gridsome and Tailwind CSS. Deployed to Netlify and updated using Netlify CMS. (2020-07-15, Vue, 9009KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] xlong-website-cms

基于Egg + Vue + Webpack 开发的多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染的企业CMS系统
Enterprise CMS system based on multi page and single page server client rendering developed by Egg+Vue+Webpack (2022-10-17, Vue, 36348KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] EmploymentCMS

一个使用Django admin打造的毕业生就业管理系统,SimpleUI样式,角色支持:学生、教师、企业、超级管理员
A graduate employment management system built by Django admin, in SimpleUI style, with role support: students, teachers, enterprises, super administrators (2021-01-30, Python, 161KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] geeCommerce-Java-Shop-Software-and-PIM

geeCommerce是一种企业级Java商店软件和产品信息管理工具(PIM)。geeCommerce al...
geeCommerce is an enterprise quality Java shop software and product information management tool (PIM). geeCommerce also includes a media asset management system and a drag&drop content management system (CMS). (2023-02-22, Java, 205890KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] eva

Eva s background management system is a clean and powerful enterprise level authority management system, which supports the customization of technology stack and functional modules. You can use it to quickly develop enterprise data management systems, OA, CMS, etc. Of course, you can also use it to do graduation projects, personal projects, etc. (2021-07-13, Java, 3456KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] AspNet-NewsCMS-EnterpriseWebsite-Template

Enterprise template website system, news management and release system, and news background management system based on Asp.Net. Including the foreground and background. (2021-06-18, CSS, 1285KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] next-dev-studio

A small business website template based on Nextjs and the original idea of one-click-hugo-cms from netlify. (2022-08-27, CSS, 3484KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] simple-cms

Enterprise official website, spring boot+VUE architecture, front and rear end separation, convenient expansion, functions include user management, article management, administrator management, site management... (2022-04-09, JavaScript, 50795KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] rncms

Rncms 是基于 Koa2 + Webpack4 + Reactjs 结构简单 Cms 易于开发企业站和文档系统【已废弃】
Rncms is based on Koa2+Webpack4+Reactjs, with simple structure. Cms is easy to develop enterprise stations and document systems [obsolete] (2019-03-19, JavaScript, 472KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] typo3

TYPO3核心-企业内容管理系统。[https:review.typo3.org q项目:打包...]的同步镜像(https:revie.typo3.org q项目:Packages typo3.CMS)
The TYPO3 Core - Enterprise Content Management System. Synchronized mirror of <https://review.typo3.org/q/project:Packages/TYPO3.CMS> (2023-06-08, PHP, 29335KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] finecms_v2.1.0

Finecms (free version, enterprise version and public service version for short) is an efficient and simple content management system for small and medium-sized enterprises based on PHP + MySQL + CI framework. It is designed for multiple terminals, including PC pages and mobile pages. It supports customized content model and membership model, and can define its own fields. It can provide a heavyweight website construction solution for small and medium-sized websites, which is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises Website, enterprise level website, news content website, etc., the preferred station building system for individual webmasters and small and medium-sized enterprises. (2020-02-17, PHP, 7665KB, 下载1次)
