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按分类查找All 搜索引擎(148) 

[搜索引擎] News_Articles_Category_prediction

创建了一个RNN LSTM模型,该模型预测了体育、娱乐、政治等新闻文章的类别。还使用了词干化、柠檬化和关键词删除的概念。
Created a RNN LSTM model which predicts the category of the news articles be it sports, entertainment, politics etc. The concept of Stemming, Lemmatization and stopword removal were used as well. (2024-02-19, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Synonymos

A just for fun project that changes non-stopwords in a text with random synonyms. You could play a game like "What is this text about ", if you have, like, too much free time. (2024-02-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Collective-Skills

we are provided SEO consultant in Lahore search engine optimization consultant job is to help your business to be found by your customer… (2023-11-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] groundbreakers

使用JavaScript、React、Chakra UI和Netlify构建了一个具有SEO和可访问性的家族企业网站。集成的无服务器电子邮件...
Built a family business website with SEO and accessibility using JavaScript, React, Chakra UI, and Netlify. Integrated serverless email alerts, boosting visibility, inclusivity, and client engagement. (2023-10-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] docker-solr

Solr is an open-source enterprise search platform, used for full-text search, faceted search, and real-time indexing of documents. It is built on Apache Lucene. (2023-10-06, YAML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] connectors-ruby

用于Elastic Elasticsearch、企业搜索、应用程序搜索和工作场所搜索的官方连接器客户端,
Official Connector Clients for Elastic Elasticsearch, Enterprise Search, App Search and Workplace Search, (2023-10-04, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] glooagency

GLOO is a search engine optimization (SEO) digital marketing agency. We assist businesses in achieving success in search engine rankings by improving their ... (2023-09-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] enterprise-search-sharepoint-server-connector

用于弹性企业搜索的官方SharePoint Server Connector包-工作区搜索,
Official SharePoint Server Connector Package for Elastic Enterprise Search - Workplace Search, (2023-01-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] TaoTao-Shoppingmall

Java Web建立一个网站商城,包含技术点:Maven,JavaSE,javaEE,SSM,solr,redis,nginx,采用企业级模块化管理方式进行开发。,
Java Web establishes a website mall, including technical points: Maven, JavaSE, javaEE, SSM, solr, redis, nginx, and uses enterprise level modular management for development., (2017-08-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] sensefy

Sensefy是一个基于Apache ManifoldCF、Apache Solr和Apache Stanbol构建的联合企业语义搜索框架。开发是sp...,
Sensefy is a federated enterprise semantic search framework built on Apache ManifoldCF, Apache Solr and Apache Stanbol. Development is sponsored by Zaizi (2022-07-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] re-Site-SmallBusiness-WithScheduling-WithPayments

Work in progress for portfolio Brochure Website for small businesses, complete with scheduling, accounts, payments, SEO etc. Free to use and adapt (2019-01-05, JavaScript, 21556KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] safs-website

一个SEO良好基于响应式设计的企业官网 [www.sail-fs.com](http: www.sail-fs.com)
An official website of enterprises with good SEO based on responsive design [www.sail-fs. com] (http: www.sail-fs. com) (2017-11-06, HTML, 6432KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] pythonic_lucene

mabye是Apache Lucene的一个简化python实现,它有助于理解企业搜索引擎是如何实现的...
a simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene, mabye helps to understand how an enterprise search engine really works. (2022-01-03, Python, 135KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] SmartStoreNET

开源ASP.NET MVC企业电子商务购物车解决方案
Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution (2023-03-15, C#, 53182KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] wpss_1.3

全能网盘搜索引擎,可以搜索 我的磨|百度网盘|115网盘|乐视网盘|新浪微盘|华为网盘|千脑网盘|城通网盘 的资源,使用谷歌做为引擎,且不受GFW限制。
Versatile network disk search engine, you can search my grind | Baidu network disk | 115 network disk | Letv disc | Sina microdisk | Huawei network disk | one thousand brain network disk | City Link network disk resources, using Google as the engine, and GFW without restrictions. (2016-05-08, ASP, 63KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] AmeavWebSite

System is powerful, easy to operate and has a high degree of continuity of content development and knowledge management systems, and a powerful set of system information, products, downloads, talent, voice mail, search engine optimization, and other functional modules, for the corporate sector to provide a simple and easy with open, scalable platform for enterprise information portal or e-commerce platform to run. (2016-04-22, ASP, 1882KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] aoxocms

A powerful, high performance enterprise Station system. The use of static Web technology greatly reduces the burden on the server, speed up the display of the page, improve search engine promotion. Features of the system custom modules diversified, high speed, small footprint server resources, scalability, can quickly and easily create your business showcase. (2016-04-21, ASP, 1527KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Googlecontestsubjects

google contest真题, programming their own ability to fit the challenge, or want to interview a large software enterprises and development of people go to think (2009-03-27, WORD, 6KB, 下载10次)


[搜索引擎] 3

An automatic segmentation based on enterprise document search engine design and implementation of outstanding papers (2007-12-20, Others, 4460KB, 下载34次)


[搜索引擎] mysoo-1.0-preview

Mysoo 网络时代,人人都可以拥有的站内搜索引擎! 小强拥有一个自己的娱乐门户网站,而且有不错的访问量,Alexa排名也蒸蒸日上,几年前小强就已经采用了专业的CMS和BBS系统,最近更是采用了Blog、eShop,甚至是时下如火如荼的Web2.0等技术来武装他的站点
Mysoo the Internet Age, everyone can have a Site Search Engine! Xiaoqiang have a their own entertainment portal, and has good traffic, Alexa ranking is also thriving, a few years ago Xiaoqiang already using a professional CMS and BBS systems and, more recently, was the introduction of a Blog, eShop, and even now in full swing of Web2.0 technologies such as armed him to the site (2007-10-08, Java, 4266KB, 下载94次)
