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[行业发展研究] yongdadouzhuli

Soybeans and rapeseed meal in animal feed market are substitutes for the help each other in order to study the main futures soybean, rapeseed meal spot hedging function, the paper use the OLS to determine the hedge ratio, VAR and ECM three models and of preserving and increasing performance metrics, the hedge ratio and performance of the above two empirical studies. The results show that the optimal hedge ratio for soybean the main futures and rapeseed spot, weekly data is 0.1338, the hedging performance of 0.0832. In this article, from the model point of view, the hedge ratio and performance of the ECM model than the OLS and VAR models to be high, but the use of sample data obtained result is that the hedge ratio and performance of the OLS model is higher than the VAR and the ECM model . But with the gradual maturity of the futures market, the main futures soybean rapeseed spot hedging would be better to play in the corporate purchasing these products as raw materials will play a more (2012-05-20, WORD, 31KB, 下载12次)
