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[WEB开发] libs

java ee企业级应用开发所需基本jar包
Basic jar package for Java EE enterprise application development (2019-05-31, Java, 8019KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 企业人力资源管理系统

Realization of human resource management system (2018-06-27, Java, 12351KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] qiyecms_admim

Blue brevity enterprise CMS backstage management template, fast download!!! (2018-02-05, Java, 206KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] zsyqywz

Adaptive green enterprise website template is developed by HTML5 mobile phone enterprise website template, it can be applied to the PC side can also be applied to the WAP mobile terminal. (2017-03-08, Java, 1264KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] wxgsyinse

网新企业网站管理系统是专业为个人和企业网站建设而开发的一款智能化程序。该程序基于ASP+ACCESS环境开发, 拥有完善的网站前台和后台全智能化管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加、修改网站基本信息、产品、企业新闻动态等)静态生成前台界面HTML格式网页文件, 是个人和企业智能化网站建设首选!
Web site management system is a professional website for individuals and enterprises and the development of an intelligent program. The program is based on ASP+ACCESS development environment, the website has a perfect foreground and background intelligent management features, completely by the background operation (such as add, modify the basic information of the website, products, business news etc.) to generate static front interface page file in HTML format, is an intelligent person and enterprise website construction preferred! (2017-02-01, Java, 1488KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] v1-tongyongqiye

后台地址登陆页面:http://.../Admin/login.asp 用户名、密码:admin SiteDynamic企业网站管理系统采用较为成熟的ASP+ACCESS编写,是迄今为止国内较先进的ASP语言企业网站管理系统。系统为企业级网站提供一个框架,能满足企业的基本应用,同时系统开放全部源码,用户可以根据自己的需求扩展出自己需求的模块
Background address landing page: http://... /Admin/login.asp User name, password: admin SiteDynamic enterprise website management system using a more mature ASP+ACCESS, is by far the more advanced ASP language enterprise website management system. The system provides a framework for enterprise web site, to meet the basic application of the enterprise, while the system is open to all source code, users can expand their needs according to their own needs of the module (2017-01-19, Java, 3514KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] jixiejichuangwang

From the beginning of the design will be based on a large number of business users on the basis of the actual needs. We combine the characteristics of enterprise users, the design of the unique features of these leading functions to make the web site system based on the thousand machine machine tools, the site has a strong flavor of the enterprise. (2016-08-10, Java, 5390KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qidianwangzhan

Qidian online enterprise website management system for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the development of is easy to use, powerful, high performance to price ratio, good expansibility, high security, good stability in both Chinese and English bilingual version of the system can accelerate the development of enterprise website speed and reduce the development cost. So different users understand a little HTML language based, will be able to quickly construct a personalized style and powerful in both English and Chinese enterprise website. (2016-08-05, Java, 4609KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dwcms_1.0

Dawang information management system DaWangCMS is a free open source thinkphp3.2.3 developed the computer version of corporate website, enterprise web site of the mobile terminal and the mobile web development system uses can easily build enterprise website mobile end in many mobile terminal template is easy to use. (2016-04-26, Java, 4314KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] f

华奥汽车销售集团网 华奥汽车销售集团网站主要实现以下目标:为企业提供展示商品及表现企业形象的平台。为用户提供车辆信息查看、在线车辆订购、意向购车申请、置换申请等功能。采用动态网页技术,使网站中展示的新闻信息更具时效性。提供客户投诉中心功能,收集用户对企业的意见。提供后台管理页面,简化了企业信息、车辆信息、用户信息等网站数据的维护操作。
Challenger Motor Sales Group sites to achieve the following objectives: to provide the display of goods and performance of the corporate image of the internet. To provide users to view vehicle information, online vehicle ordering, purchase intention to apply, apply for replacement and other functions. Dynamic web technology, news and information Web site shows more timeliness. Providing customer complaints center functions to collect the views of users of the enterprise. Provide admin page to simplify the corporate information, vehicle information, user information and other site data maintenance operations. (2016-02-06, Java, 2418KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] SaxuePower_v1.1.20141101

SaxuePower multi-language corporate website management system is a multi-language corporate website solution. PHP+ MySQL-based system development, the use of B/S architecture, templates and procedures for separation of open source. (2015-04-03, Java, 2734KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] enterpriseWeb

javaweb 写的企业门户网站模板(其中lib的jar包需要自行下载)
javaweb write enterprise portal template (2015-02-06, Java, 1642KB, 下载7次)



Contract Management Invoicing solutions are enterprise logistics, capital flow, information flow, integrated management systems, mainly for businesses to send and receive corporate deposits accounted for inventories (2014-02-11, Java, 24719KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] enterpriseWeb

Source enterprise portal, upload and download management software, message boards, architecture (2013-12-11, Java, 2093KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DEDECMSshangyi

DEDECMS 商易网络公司网站-企业网站, 加载在DEDECMS上使用
DEDECMS commerce network company website- corporate website, loaded on DEDECMS use (2013-09-04, Java, 11826KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cszufang.cn

Changsha rental network ASP code. Sign release provides rental information. Can easily browse rental information (2013-06-21, Java, 1914KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] gongyinglian(1)

According to incomplete statistics, at the various SMEs in the company' s supply chain is basically in run independently of the situation. To some extent, a waste of resources. (2013-04-20, Java, 257KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] SiteDynamc

采用微软 ASP 设计,使用框架设计模式,页面高速缓存,是迄今为止国内比较先进的ASP语言企业网站管理系统(系统现今分为在标准版和企业版两个版本)。系统为企业级网站提供一个框架,能满足企业的基本应用,用户可以根据自己的需求扩展出自己需求的模块。整套系统的设计构造,完全考虑大中小企业类网站的功能要求,网站的后台功能强大,管理简捷,支持模板机制。全站可生成各类模拟静态(伪静态,需服务器支持)。使用页面高速缓存,站点访问速度快。
Powered by Microsoft ASP design, framework design patterns, page cache, is by far the more advanced ASP language of domestic corporate Web site management system (the system today is divided into the Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition 2 version). System for enterprise-level Web site to provide a framework to meet the basic business applications, users can expand according to their own needs out of their own needs module. The design of the entire system structure, fully consider the medium and small enterprises category the site functional requirements, site' s back-powerful, simple management, support the template mechanism. All stations can generate various types of analog static (pseudo-static, need server support). Use the page cache, site access speed. (2009-11-25, Java, 3016KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] qiyejianzhan

漂亮的企业建站系统,数据库直接导入 ASP程序
Enterprises Website beautiful system, the database directly into ASP program (2009-04-14, Java, 1175KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] downcode.com

奥运直播程序&在线网络电视 本程序修改自某网络电视程序。奥运来临,特提供一个专门针对奥运直播的网络直播程序,希望大家能够喜欢。谢谢! 演示:http://www.zhibo.sc.cn http://www.tv8.sc.cn 下载:http://www.zhibo.sc.cn/tv.rar http://www.621000.sc.cn/live/tv.rar 1、分类管理及删除修改 2、频道添加删除修改 3、取消了频道隐藏功能 4、频道设置独立密码 5、网站变量在线修改 6、管理员修改密码 7、修改了后台登陆问题! 8、增加了前台栏目修改功能,不用index.asp直接修改! 9、增加了软件下载功能! 10、增加多个播放器选择!(flv/asf/rm) 11、新增加了多套电视!(190部电视频道,全部是本人测试后可以播放才添加上去的,以后难免有些地址会失效!) 12、取消了强制填写5个地址,现在想填写多少就多少,可以增加多少集数! 13、新增加了搜索功能! 14、新增地区选择功能. 15、暂时只有这么些功能! 提示:下载本程序后请修改数据库以防下载!(数据库路径"DaTa\#ZhiBo.Sc.Cn.asa") 后台管理登陆地址:/admin.asp 用户:admin 密码:admin
err (2008-07-26, Java, 222KB, 下载32次)
