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[游戏] egret-H5-qipai-game

2024新年第一天上班,全开源一套全新H5电玩城支持俱乐部、多模式比赛、活动有:万人抢红包、水果狂欢、欢乐农场,游戏中还含有内置活动:如捕鱼有寻宝活动。客户端可编译成android\ios 客户端APP及H5网页版。 源码包含:服务器端JAVA、客户端 白鹭引擎 ts 、后台JAVA、数据库mysql
On the first day of the 2024 New Year, we will open a new set of H5 video game city to support clubs, multi-mode competitions and activities, including red envelope grabbing by 10000 people, fruit carnival, happy farm, and built-in activities in the game, such as fishing and treasure hunting. The client can be compiled into Android ios client APP and H5 web version. Source code includes: server JAVA, client egret engine ts, background JAVA, database mysql (2024-02-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] src

Adventure Island 079 server source code! There is yourself, repair almost (2017-12-06, Java, 924KB, 下载44次)


[游戏] Aircraft-war

中国手机用户超过1亿,手机的功能越来越齐全,在使用手机进行通讯的同时,手机作为一个娱乐工具的作用越来越明显。手机公司甚至开发了专门的游戏手机,因此手机游戏也将是一个新的服务性领域。本游戏对手机游戏的硬件要求比较简单,所以广大的手机用户基本上都可以下载来玩。 按5键打的子弹比较厉害,一般的话会自动打子弹的,只要移动上下左右或者2468就可以移动角色了。
More than 100 million Chinese mobile phone users, mobile phones function more and more complete, in the use of mobile phones to communicate at the same time, mobile phones as an entertainment tool for the increasingly apparent. Phone companies have even developed a special game phone, so mobile game will be a new service areas. This game is the game' s hardware requirements for mobile phones is relatively simple, so basically the majority of mobile phone users can download to play. Press 5 to play more powerful bullets, the general words will automatically hit a bullet, as long as 2468 to move up and down, or you can move the role. (2011-05-03, Java, 381KB, 下载8次)


[游戏] TSS

玩“贪食蛇游戏”,难度最大的不是蛇长得很长的时候,而是开始。那个时候蛇身很短,看上去难度不大,却最容易死掉,因为把玩一条小短蛇让人容易走神,失去耐心。由于难度小,你会不知不觉加快调整方向的速度,其实是在游走自如的时候蛇身加长了,你却没有意识到危险,在你最得意洋洋的一刻突然死亡。好比你是老板,小企业赚钱赚得挺麻利,结果骄傲自满,一不留神出了事儿,后悔的机会都没有。 (2010-06-16, Java, 13KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] PuzzleFrame.java

(1).能够实现简单的小游戏智能拼图,所设计的是数字智能拼图,包括初级和高级两种玩法; (2).初级三行三列,包括数字1——8,和一个活动按钮,高级四行四列,包括数字1——15和一个活动按钮; (3).游戏开始,数字随机排列,玩家把数字按顺序1——8或1——15排列起来(行排列)就算成功过关; (4).此游戏为休闲娱乐小游戏。
(1). To achieve a simple smart puzzle game, designed for digital intelligent puzzles, including the junior and senior two games are played (2). Primary three rows of three, including the number 1- 8, and an activity button, and senior four lines of four, including the number 1- 15 and an event button (3). game start, digital random arrangement, the number of players in order 1- 8 or 1- 15 line up (rows) Even if successful clearance (4). This game is a recreational game. (2010-06-05, Java, 8KB, 下载13次)


[游戏] sjniaosc

该版软件有270个特效,界面精美,可以自行增加、编辑、预览与删除,集管理与收集于一身,是网页设计师们不可多得的特效软件,经不完全统计,该版软件特效总数是目前同类软件中最多的一款,同时我们也在不停地更新,更新速度较快。栏目分为常用特效-高级特效-另类特效三大类,细分为一级常用、二级常用、时间与日期、颜色与文本、鼠标与控制、媒体与图像、娱乐与游戏、 窗口与界面、菜单与导航、复杂另类、简单另类.
The software has 270 special effects, attractive interface, free to add, edit, preview and delete, set management and revenue rolled into one, web designers are a rare special effects software, through the incomplete statistics, the software effects Total is currently the largest in a similar software, and we are constantly updating, updates faster. Section is divided into Common Effects- Advanced Effects- Alternative Effects three categories, subdivided into a common, two commonly used, time and date, color and text, mouse and control, media and graphics, entertainment and games, window and interface, menu and navigation, a complex alternative, simple alternative. (2010-01-11, Java, 1037KB, 下载62次)


[游戏] src

在现代信息社会中,随着网络游戏的突飞猛进的发展,把中国的游戏产业推向了前所未有的高度,游戏从原来千篇一律的模式向多方向发展,以腾讯的棋牌为主的休闲游戏再一次把国内的休闲游戏推向另一个高潮,作为休闲游戏的起源应该追索到早期的俄罗斯方块与坦克大战(TankWar),坦克游戏没有RPG游戏的复杂而枯燥的做任务,也没有复杂的道具,没有道路陷阱,没有玩家之间的勾心斗角,它只是最直接的最平面化的战斗模式,是一款非常适合工作之余用来缓解压力的小型游戏。目前休闲类游戏的发展趋势正朝着:体积小、内容好 、耐玩 、娱乐性高 、无年龄层次 、能修改难度 、有益身心健康。
In the modern informational society, with the rapid development of the internet game ,it pulls the industry of game in china to an unprecedented level ,the game develop into various of direction from the only one typical style originally .for instance ,the tencent’s game for leisure which are based on cards pulls the one in the domestic to another peak as to the origin of the leisure game ,it should dated back to the early squarecards in russia and the tank war the latter one is only a direct model,it is a small game which is very suitable for the people to release their stresses after their work,it is also without the complex but tiring tasks,without complicated modes,without any road hits ,and without the explicit fierce fightings among the players .at present,the developing trend of the leisure game is towards small size ,goog content ,enduring usage,funny ,no age consideration ,correct able,be good for healthy . (2009-12-03, Java, 7KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] eluosifangkua(java)

俄罗斯方块游戏,从俄罗斯人阿历克赛·帕伊特诺夫在八十年代末制作成功以来,以其规则简单,容易上手,游戏过程变化无穷,且能在娱乐中益智等特点,它已经成为一个家喻户晓老少皆宜的大众游戏。 我设计的这款俄罗斯方块游戏,也具有丰富的游戏操作功能
Tetris game, from the Russians Alec帕伊特诺夫game in the eighties at the end of the production of successful since its rules are simple and easy to use, the process of changing the game, but also in educational and other entertainment features, It has become a well-known and popular game ages. I designed this Tetris game, but also has a wealth of game operation functions (2007-10-20, Java, 4KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] 用 JAVA 开发游戏连连看

提起 JAVA ,相信大家也不会陌生了吧, JAVA 是一门相当优秀的语言。目前 JAVA 领域 J2EE 、 JSP 、 STRUTS 等技术不知有多么的热门,他们的主要用途是用来进行企业开发, J2ME 也由于能够被大量的移动设备所支持,因此,也有不少的程序,特别是游戏是在 J2ME 平台上开发的,反而是 J2SE ,似乎只是被人们用来做一做程序界面的,就连 APPLET 也很少有人使用了(有了 FLASH ,谁还用 APPLET 啊)。用 JAVA 来开发桌面平台的游戏,似乎很少有人这么做,也可能大家一想到做游戏都会想到 C 、 C++ 、汇编等。 前段日子我迷上的 QQ 游戏中的“连连看”,游戏之余,突发奇想,也想自己用做一个试试,经过十来天的奋战,终于完成了。
filed JAVA, I believe we are not unfamiliar to the bar, Java is a very fine language. Current areas of Java J2EE, JSP, STRUTS technology do not know how popular that their main purpose is for enterprise development, J2ME was also due to a large number of mobile devices, therefore, there are a number of procedures, in particular the game is on the J2ME platform development, but is J2SE seemed only been used as an interface to do the procedure, even APPLET few people use (With FLASH, who then used APPLET ah). Using Java to develop desktop platform of the game, few people seem to do so, we may think of a game will be expected to do C, C, the compilation. Earlier on the day I became fascinated with the game QQ "1000 block of Terry Avenue," apart from the game, you have, and I want to (2005-11-23, Java, 69KB, 下载131次)
