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[Windows编程] Greed_Algorithm

1.在一个吝啬的国度里有N个城市,这N个城市间只有N-1条路把这N个城市连接起来。现在,Tom在第S号城市,他有该国地图,他想知道如果自己要去参观第T号城市,必须经过的前一个城市是几号城市(假设不走重复的路)。 2.输入要求:第一行输入一个整数M表示测试数据共有M(1<=M<=5)组,每组测试数据的第一行输入一个正整数N(1<=N<=100000,表示城市总数)和一个正整数S(1<=S<=100000,表示参观者所在的城市编号),随后的N-1行,每行输入两个正整数a,b(1<=a,b<=N),表示a号城与b号城市间有一条路连通。 输出要求:每组测试数组输出N个正整数,第i个数表示从S走到第i号城市,必须要经过的上一个城市的编号(当i=S时,输出-1)
An example of a greedy algorithm .Greedy country. (2019-11-18, Java, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Ferdinandoa

1 、 COOKIES 、 SESSION 二种记录用户资料方式,使不支持 COOKIESE 的浏览器自动选择 SESSION 方式记录用户资料 2 、免费、开源,非凡的访问速度和强大的负载能力。睡死猪工作室网络办公系统一直坚持免费+开源的策略,依靠优质的服务,采用国际通用的项目管理方法,模块化、高效统一的内核编写模式 3 、周密的安全部署和攻击防护。独创的用户登录机制保持用户不同地点的安全登录,对各种不同浏览方式的识别并给予不同的安全防护和处理,对全局运行日志的把握和管理让您随时掌握论坛的运行情况。 4 、无需独立服务器,有个虚拟空间就可以快速建立企业信息中枢
1, COOKIES, SESSION two ways to record user data, so that does not support the COOKIESE browser automatically SESSION way to record user information 2, free, open source, extraordinary access speed and strong load capacity. Sleep pig studio network office system has always insisted on a free+ open source strategy, relying on the quality of service, project management method based on universal, modular, unified and efficient kernel compilation mode 3, careful security deployment and attack protection. The original user login mechanism keep secure login in different locations for different users, browsing the identification and safety protection and different processing, and grasp the management of the overall running log so you can grasp the operation of the forum. 4, no independent server, there is a virtual space can quickly establish enterprise information center (2016-12-19, Java, 2120KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] ExpressTrack

Express query source integration is a application in the market has released the logistics query app source, logistics information query driven right kuaidi100 and can be connected to the Internet to query the wind express, EMS, Shen Tong express, Yuantong express, rhyme Tatsu Express, in the pass courier, ZJS, Debon logistics, FedEx, FedEx, wind up, Huayu logistics, daily express, excellent speed logistics, long state of logistics, China Railway Logistics, Huitong express, UPS, Xinfeng logistics, express delivery, Jiayi logistics, Xinbang logistics, Saint logistics, the Chinese dragon, Sheng Feng Logistics, Beijing Guangzhou express, fast express courier 27 express/logistics Dan Hao information. UI is concise and elegant, and can automatically record the waybill query logs and click record inside waybill can directly view the tracking information for easy viewing. Embedded in the multi League advertising sdk. (2016-07-21, Java, 7900KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] ytscglrj-a5

1、有订单、采购单、生产单、领用单、完成单、归还单、销售单、调拨单和报损单九大单据。 2、两种生产模式:一张生产单减少材料库存和增加商品库存(当天一次性完成生产);用材料领用单和商品完成单管理生产流程(多天多工序完成生产)。 3、有材料库存报表、商品库存报表,材料和商品分别管理。 4、有收款单、付款单;支持货款两情、先入库后付款、先付款后入库。 5、可以管理往来单位(包括供应商、客户)应收、应付(我们欠供应商货款、客户欠我们货款)。 6、专门增加费用单来记录企业的工资、电费、水费等日常费用,可以自定义设置费用分类。 7、特有两个自定义字段,更适合各行各业的加工生产企业。 8、订单可以和采购,生产,销售等单据进行关联,随时可以查询订单的进度。 9、独有的拼音码技术,支持条码扫描,最大限度提高录单速度。 10、可以设置默认选项,减少操作步骤。 11、所有的查询,可以导出到EXCEL里;同时支持材料信息、商品信息、往来单位信息的EXCEL文件导入。
1, there are orders, purchase orders, production orders, requisitioned single, complete orders, restitution orders, sales orders, transfer orders and single reported loss of nine documents. 2 two modes of production: the production of a single material inventory reduction and increased merchandise inventory (day-time completion of the production) complete order management production processes and materials requisitioned single commodity (many days more to complete the production process). 3, material inventory reports, inventory reports merchandise, material and merchandise management, respectively. 4, receiving orders, payment orders support payment two conditions, the first storage payment, the first payment of storage. 5, can be managed between units (including suppliers, customers) payables and receivables (money owed to suppliers of our customers owe us money). 6, specifically to increase the cost of a single record of wages and salaries, electricity, water and other daily (2016-04-17, Java, 1833KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] ISA95_Part1_Models

ISA 95 简称 S95,国外也有称作 SP95。 SP95是仪表、系统和自动化协会 (ISA) 的一个委员会。 我们用SP95代表这个委员会, SP 标示标准项目(Standard Project),而95代表是ISA 的地 95个标准项目,而且最巧合的是委员会的第一次会议在 1995年召开。委员会标准的通过过程是所有委员会的投票代表必须在标准通过前同意,而标准的开发过程是由 ANSI(美国国家标准协会) 监督并保证其过程是正确的。 此委员会开发一系列标准称作 SP-95“企业系统与控制系统集成 Enterprise - Control System Integration”标准.
ISA-95 Standard in Manufacturing,Part1,Model (2015-01-11, Java, 806KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] AvatarSample

esto es porno xxx sedwnfiwf fwek fkednfw
esto es porno xxx sedwnfiwf fwek fkednfw (2015-01-11, Java, 3011KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 04

The system is designed according to the needs of enterprises, with the following characteristics: user-friendly, human-computer dialogue, easy to operate. Information inquiries, flexible, fast and secure data storage. User management features, including user login and registration functions. The data entered by the user, the system performs rigorous data checking, as far as possible to exclude human error. To achieve fuzzy query feature that allows users to query a class article. System is stable, safe and reliable. (2013-12-23, Java, 16169KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] vmeeting

Using this system, you can use an ordinary PC, a standard video capture devices, headsets and microphones can be Internet-based virtual meetings. Compared with traditional hardware-based solutions, the video conferencing system is a pure software solution. You do not need high cost of inputs, the meeting will be able to achieve a variety of high quality, high reliability, audio and video communication, written communication, document sharing, whiteboard and other functions, effectively saving time and money and improve the efficiency of enterprises (2013-12-22, Java, 8021KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] shopcopy

Easy mall system. This system is based on the most popular optimization of the MVC (struts+ hibernate) framework for enterprise-class large-scale J2EE web applications, all the heavy computing and processing by the server-side processing, operational speed, security and stability, the database greatly reduced the use of MYSQL client user machine restricted by the limitations of CPU frequency, while the absolute security and stability of the system' s most powerful and most important design and development components. (2010-01-19, Java, 678KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] 1519

The digital root of a positive integer is found by summing the digits of the integer. If the resulting value is a single digit then that digit is the digital root. If the resulting value contains two or more digits, those digits are summed and the process is repeated. This is continued as long as necessary to obtain a single digit. For example, consider the positive integer 24. Adding the 2 and the 4 yields a value of 6. Since 6 is a single digit, 6 is the digital root of 24. Now consider the positive integer 39. Adding the 3 and the 9 yields 12. Since 12 is not a single digit, the process must be repeated. Adding the 1 and the 2 yeilds 3, a single digit and also the digital root of 39. source http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=1519
The digital root of a positive integer is found by summing the digits of the integer. If the resulting value is a single digit then that digit is the digital root. If the resulting value contains two or more digits, those digits are summed and the process is repeated. This is continued as long as necessary to obtain a single digit. For example, consider the positive integer 24. Adding the 2 and the 4 yields a value of 6. Since 6 is a single digit, 6 is the digital root of 24. Now consider the positive integer 39. Adding the 3 and the 9 yields 12. Since 12 is not a single digit, the process must be repeated. Adding the 1 and the 2 yeilds 3, a single digit and also the digital root of 39. source http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=1519 (2009-11-25, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] abc

White Cloud computing- Cloud computing is currently one of the hottest direction, regardless of the Internet, PC Magazine Or an enterprise are cloud computing hype wave. But what is cloud computing, cloud computing is Is used to doing, cloud computing can not be doing, how to use cloud computing, and even how to achieve cloud computing? To solve these problems, few people tend to be clear. This white paper by the sun s Cloud Computing Group Experts prepared a detailed description of the concept of cloud computing and cloud computing value, especially for those who want to understand practice What is cloud computing for beginners, is a rare good material. (2009-10-22, Java, 683KB, 下载162次)


[Windows编程] wuziqi

Currently, computer technology and network technology at the core of modern network technology and production in real life can be widely used in the leisure category of online game set interesting, entertaining, interactive and informative and one has already become the majority population leisure. Gobang is a very popular chess games, it can be called the history of our country goes back to ancient times, it can not only enhance the thinking ability and intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation (2009-05-23, Java, 5KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] xingmaEC

As China' s rapid economic development, science and technology by leaps and bounds, our country' s economic activities become increasingly frequent, increasingly close interpersonal relationships, life and a gradual increase in the level of consumption. Whether it is business or personal, there is a need city car, vehicle, driving school and other related issues, Anhui Xingma Automobile Co., Ltd. aware of the need to make better use of e-commerce platform to better for customer service, to provide customers with more convenient and better service. (2009-05-03, Java, 234KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] CRM

Customer relationship management, including a set of business processes and support systems, it supports the business strategy with a specific table to establish a favorable long-term customer relations. CRM (2009-01-10, Java, 569KB, 下载74次)


[Windows编程] MaxInterest

原创,使用面向对象模拟人的思维解此题! 这是一道很有趣的推理题。据统计,在美国20分钟内能回答出这道题的人,平均年薪在8万美金以上,题目如下: n个海盗抢到了100颗宝石,每一颗都一样的大小和价值连城;他们决定这么分: 1. 抽签决定自己的号码(1,2,3,4,5,……) 2. 首先,由1号提出分配方案,然后大家一起进行表决,当且仅当半数和超过半数的人同意时,按照他的提案进行分配,否则将被扔入大海喂鲨鱼。 3. 如果1号死后,再由2号提出分配方案,然后再进行表决,当且仅当半数和超过半数的人同意时,按照他的提案进行分配,否则将被扔入大海喂鲨鱼。 4. 以次类推......   条件:每个海盗都是很聪明的人,都能很理智的判断得失,从而做出选择。   问题:第一个海盗提出怎样的分配方案才能够使自己的收益最大化
err (2008-11-22, Java, 7KB, 下载22次)


[Windows编程] oa_solution

OA is an open, advanced Intranet/Web technology as the core of a new generation of information processing integrated system. Through its construction will be the latest computer and based on mature technologies, improve the level of enterprise information, in-house to achieve the sharing of information resources and circulation, for leadership at all levels to keep abreast of the situation for the macro-management and scientific decision-making to provide convenient and efficient services, unit staff to gain prompt access to all aspects of the dynamic, to improve the conditions of office, making the unit more efficient management, standardization and scientific. (2008-06-20, Java, 65KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] opentaps-0.9.2-all-platforms

Sequoia ERP是一个真正的企业级开源ERP解决方案。它提供的模块包括:电子商务应用(e-commerce), POS系统(point of sales),知识管理,存货与仓库管理,客户服务( customer service)等.Sequoia ERP采用Java开发可部署在Linux/Unix与Windows平台上,并支持当前主流数据库如:MySQL, PostgreSQL,Oracle,Microsoft SQL Server等关系型数据库.
Sequoia ERP is a true enterprise-class revenue ERP solutions. It provides the modules include : e-business applications (e-commerce), POS (point of sales), knowledge management, inventory and warehouse management, Customer service (customer service). Sequoia ERP using Java open fat can be deployed on Linux/Unix and Windows platforms, and supports the current mainstream databases such as : MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server relational database. (2006-10-12, Java, 59767KB, 下载703次)
