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[企业管理] source-2.0

物流信息管理系统是企业的物流管理包括第三方物流的信息管理系统,系统涉及到仓储作业管理、 运输及配载管理、 财务管理、 人力资源管理等内容,通过使用计算机技术、通信技术、网络技术等手段,建立物流信息化管理,以提高物流信息的处理和传递速度,使物流活动的效率和快速反应能力得到提高,提升更人性化的服务,完善实时物流跟踪,与减少物流成本。
delphi (2016-05-20, Delphi, 1668KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] gogestionale-code-104

描述 GO Gestionale公开赛(GO打开ERP中英文)是一个完全免费和开源ERP超过2000安装在意大利。该方案有一个直观的图形界面,可以管理多个用户和多个企业。公司可以使用它从销售到采购,仓库管理和会计。它还包括活动的规划,客户关系管理的功能,它可以被用来以简单的用户之间的消息交换。您可以下载GO自由,如果你愿意,你可以订阅一个援助与我们的合同。 特点 • 完整 • 简单,直观 • 客户端/服务器或嵌入式 • 实用的网络和移动提供 • 更新和支持
Description GO Gestionale Open (GO Open ERP in english) is a completely free and open source ERP with more than 2000 installations in Italy. The program has an intuitive graphical interface and can manage multiple users and multiple enterprises. Companies can use it from sales to purchases, to manage the warehouse and the accounting. It also includes functions of activities planning, CRM and it can be used to exchange simple messages between users. You can download GO freely, and if you want you can subscribe an assistance contract with us. Features • Complete • Easy and intuitive • Client/Server or Embedded • Utility web and mobile available • Updated and supported (2013-06-17, Delphi, 13856KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] 200641021467899

进销存程序 说明: 1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的,使用的操作系统是Microsoft Windows 2000(Professional),原则上,操作系统对程序没有影响,不过,作者没有在其他操作系统平台上调试这些程序。 3、数据库使用SQL Server的用户sa,密码为“$ *^@”。如果数据库sa用户密码不同,可以在SQL Server的查询分析器中输入以下SQL语句来修改密码:exec sp_password ‘旧密码’,’新密码’,也可以通过SQL Server企业管理器,展开【数据库】|【安全性】|【登录】节点,双击其中的sa项目,将密码设置为“$ *^@”。 4、默认文件为只读文件,而所有程序在重新编译时都必须重新创建这些文件,所以在重新编译之前必须将所有文件修改为可写。 5、该程序有配套教材《Delphi数据库开发经典案例解析》清华大学出版社
Invoicing procedures (2011-06-29, Delphi, 1463KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] 2009111816398865

用于完成商品销售所面临的日常工作.商品是一个将企业商品销售給客户达标过程.在商品销售过程中,需要进行登记,商品录入,结算,保存等操作. 系统功能描述: 1.实现商品的购进和支出 2.能够对商品进行盘点 3.实现商品查询管理 4.能够进行结款管理 5.实现报表打印.
For the completion of sales of goods facing the daily work. Commodity is a commodity sold to the enterprise customer compliance process. Of the sale process, the need for registration, entry of goods, settlement, saving and other operations. System Functional Description: 1. To achieve merchandise the purchase and expenditures 2. to conduct inventories of goods 3. to achieve merchandise query management 4. capable of Results, Management 5. realize report printing. (2011-05-27, Delphi, 1509KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] guojihuodaiyewuxitong

系统支持海运进出口、空运进出口的业务操作与管理;  系统支持对业务数据设定业务审核,系统自带的报表工具满足企业报表需要;  系统支持对分并单业务的处理及拼箱操作  系统支持各项费用、佣金的结算处理及审核功能,通过报表中心进行决
System supports import and export ocean and air import and export business operations and management system to support operational audit of the business data set, the system comes with reporting tools to meet the enterprise reporting needs system to support the right points and a single business operating system, processing and consolidation support for the fees, commission settlement processing and auditing functions, through the Report Center to conduct summary (2010-01-19, Delphi, 2469KB, 下载102次)


[企业管理] xyPRO0131224

物业管理系统系统特点 一、 实现集中式管理 系统将集团公司、各分公司、各物业管理处连接到一起,所有数据能够实时共享,为企业领导提供一个及时掌握业务全貌的信息处理平台,提供全面的报表查询和分析功能。 二、 具有全面、强大的收费管理功能 支持管理各种类型的物业,具有强大的收费管理功能。在收费管理上支持多种收费项目和多种收费标准,支持现金收款、银行托收、预收款等缴款方式,并能与现有主流财务管理软件实现接口,达到数据流一体化管理的目的。 三、 完善的客户服务中心 住户可通过电话或直接到管理处客服中心进行投诉、装修申请登记、服务申请登记,并通过系统以流程化方式跟踪从登记、派单、领料、处理、回访等整个处理过程,实现客户-客户服务中心-内部专职服务部门之间的互动沟通。并通过业务统计分析功能,分析客户服务质量和客户满意度,不断提升客户服务水平。 功能模块 物业管理部分包含房产管理、客户管理、收费管理、费用报表、租赁管理、综合服务、保安消防、清洁绿化、设备管理、仓库管理、工资管理、文档管理共十个功能模块。 系统管理部分包含基础资料、系统维护共两个功能模块。
Property Management System Features First, realize centralized management System group, the branch office, the property management office to connect to work together, all data able to share real-time for business leaders to provide a timely grasp of the operational picture of the information processing platform to provide comprehensive Report query and analysis functions. Two, with a comprehensive, powerful management capabilities charges Supporting the management of all types of property, with a strong management capabilities charges. At the management fees on multiple charges and multiple charges to support cash receipts, bank collection, pre-payment methods such as receivables, and the mainstream with the existing financial management software interface implementation, to data flow integration management purposes. Three, perfect customer service center Households, by telephone or directly to the Management Office Service complaint, the decoration of application (2009-03-16, Delphi, 2626KB, 下载437次)


[企业管理] 中天人力资源管理系統

sensor IC card computer attendance, doors, EL keyboard Illumination Card Management System is based on the company's development and production of smart cards ESW recorders have the right cardholders Swiping cards the logging, time, the number of readers for storage and other functions, and through computer networks to communicate his record storage data transmission to the computer, by combining the software personnel in the enterprises and institutions in attendance, doors, etc. EL keyboard Illumination management system, preparation of the management software, the original punch-card data processing ICC, managers need to come by the data and statements of a management process to achieve. The system is a multi-purpose (MR350 record for attendance for both machines, EL keyboard Illumi (2006-01-22, Delphi, 1489KB, 下载446次)


[企业管理] 2004102173242944

The motor repair management system management system is a motor repair profession essential part,Its content said regarding enterprise s superintendents and the technical worker all very important,Therefore...Therefore,Uses VFP6.0 to develop this kind of set of management software to become has the necessity very much the matter,By will develop a set of motor repairs management system management... (2005-08-24, Delphi, 130KB, 下载42次)


[企业管理] 秋风人事档案管理系统 单机版

Delphi7 ado Access2000 pattern of development of stand-alone archive management system to manage the personnel files of the full function; Master software interface, moods fresh; Its free software, welcomed the reproduction and dissemination, please do not use its commercial channels; The software also green software can extract; this version corporate structure adopted a three-tier model, suitable for SME management of personnel files, in 1024* Resolution 768 adopted under the layout of the middle way (2005-04-08, Delphi, 1215KB, 下载119次)
