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[WEB开发] 111

EML enterprise address book management system provides enterprise directory information to employees anytime and anywhere. Users can real-time view the way of personnel contact on the mobile phone side, dial the phone and improve the internal communication efficiency. (2018-01-23, PHP, 3226KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DM_20160520

DM enterprise website system is developed by php+mysql a set of specialized for small and medium-sized enterprise website construction of open source CMS, can be used to quickly build a business website, the backstage operation is simple, easy to maintain. (2016-05-23, PHP, 7925KB, 下载1次)



软件介绍 CMSCN 企业自助建站引擎(以下简称 CMSCN )旨在打造一款免费、高效、友好、稳定的企业自助建站引擎,降低企业建站门槛,加速中国企业信息化进程
Software introduction CMSCN enterprise self service station (hereinafter referred to as CMSCN) aims to build a free, efficient, friendly and stable enterprise self service station engine, reduce enterprise site threshold, accelerate the process of China s enterprise information (2016-04-15, PHP, 4995KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xsbmxt_v2012

This is a simple student registration system, based on PHP language
This is a simple student registration system, based on PHP language (2015-07-27, PHP, 2442KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] crm_wrv4ok

采用php的源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,初学者不错的参考例子程序
Using php source code to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php corporate website , AKCMS corporate website system v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherits the advantages of speed (2014-04-09, PHP, 998KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] www.lwdbgs.com

Loan companies official website PHP source site (2014-02-04, PHP, 7494KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] wapdeal

Enterprise WAP website system, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 326KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] crm_gjv2us

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,作为开发的各种例子程序代码
Php server-side scripting language implementation , which is a php script language corporate websites , AKCMS enterprise web systems v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherited the advantages of speed (2013-09-21, PHP, 998KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] crm_oa6i8a

服务端脚本语言php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,学习研究参考均可
Server-side scripting language php realize that this is a php script language corporate websites , AKCMS enterprise web systems v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherited the advantages of speed (2013-08-04, PHP, 998KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] crm_c6vba8

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,参看、研究和阅读,提升自我
A good php source code, which is a php script language corporate websites , AKCMS enterprise web systems v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherited the advantages of speed (2013-06-22, PHP, 998KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] crm_g7wxne

php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,可以作为初学者例子代码
php source code implementation, which is a php script language corporate websites , AKCMS enterprise web systems v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherited the advantages of speed, safety (2013-06-22, PHP, 999KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] crm_pdbw9b

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,手头参考的例子程序代码
Php server-side scripting language implementation , which is a php script language corporate websites , AKCMS enterprise web systems v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK corporate website akcms kernel development system is based on the corporate Web site , the perfect akcms inherited the advantages of speed (2013-06-20, PHP, 998KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tool_23086_pvrlll

服务端脚本语言php实现,参考例子程序代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的查询工具,buscx.cn汉字拼音五笔部首速查 v1.0,buscx.cn汉字拼音五笔部首速查可根据汉字查拼音,部首及五笔编码支持多个汉字同时查询使用前先将SQL导入数据,可以作为初学者例子代码。
A server-side scripting language php , reference examples of program code , this is a php scripting language to write the query tool , the buscx.cn Pinyin Wubi Radical Quick v1.0 buscx.cn Pinyin Wubi Radical Quick according to (2012-11-15, PHP, 133KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] phpdisk_6.0.0_utf8(t)

Source network disk system PHPDISK, PHP PHPDISK, PHP network disk system source code (2012-10-28, PHP, 1240KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] 111

A site s source code, PHP,+ the Access enterprise Web site management system (2012-04-23, PHP, 966KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] phpsite

php Build your system, very easy to use, introduction brief. Understand at a glance. (2011-10-10, PHP, 1858KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] metcms

MetInfo enterprise website management system, database, version v2.0- Based on PHP+ MYSQL Enterprise Web Content Management System, convenient and generous! (2009-09-21, PHP, 6536KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] uscode_cn_11119

5个oscommerce template系列之四-11119
5 oscommerce template series four-11119 (2007-09-23, PHP, 3554KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] uscode_cn_11287

5个oscommerce template系列之三-11287
5 oscommerce template series ter-11287 (2007-09-23, PHP, 3540KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] chnum

Chinese characters, numbers, letters validation code is not perfect, hope that we all share, my personal website http://www.mshan.com.cn (2005-12-09, PHP, 1KB, 下载13次)
