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[collect] sdk-python

云账户是一家专注为平台企业和新就业形态劳动者提供高质量灵活就业服务的新时代企业。云账户 SDK 对云账户综合服务平台 API 接口进行封装,让您不必关心过多参数请求,帮助您快速接入到云账户综合服务平台。云账户 SDK for Python 为您提供签约、下单、回调、数据查询等功能,帮助您完成与云账户综合服务平台的接口对接及业务开发。
Cloud account is a new era enterprise that focuses on providing high-quality flexible employment services for platform enterprises and workers in new employment forms. The cloud account SDK encapsulates the API interface of the cloud account integrated service platform, so that you don t have to care about too many parameter requests, and helps you quickly access the cloud account integrated service platform. The cloud account SDK for Python provides you with functions such as signing, ordering, callback, and data query, helping you complete the interface docking and business development with the cloud account integrated service platform. (2024-03-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] job-llm

Simplify and improve the job hunting experience by integrating LLMs to automate tasks such as resume and cover letter generation, as well as application submission, saving users time and effort. (2024-01-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Social_Media_TrendSpotting

Spotting trends on YouTube is crucial for content creators, marketers, and businesses looking to maximize their visibility and engagement on the platform (2024-01-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Bas

Welcome to BAS.AI, a cutting-edge Python innovation tailored to empower data analysts and transform their corporate ventures. Our mission is to effortlessly elevate your professional journey by delivering unmatched efficiency, simplicity, and satisfaction. (2023-12-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] simple-erp-system

基于 Python, FastAPI, sqlite3 的简单 ERP 计算系统 :实现 MPS(Master Production Schedule) 的计算,按时间分段计划企业应生产的最终产品的数量和交货期;资产负债表公式查询。轻量化,易复现。
Simple ERP computing system based on Python, FastAPI and sqlite3: realize MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculation, and plan the quantity and delivery date of the final products that the enterprise should produce according to time segments; Balance Sheet Formula Query. Lightweight, easy to reproduce. (2023-10-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Deblur-AI

This project uses AI to fix blur images of faces. This uses a 5-layered UNet architecture which hallucinates facial features to sharpen the image. This be used recreationally or aid in forensic investigation to identify faces (2023-09-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] TCV

ライフ?イトツイキャススソフトトアェアア?イイイイキャススススイソソフ12488 (2023-09-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] pybiotk

生信常用工具合集,包括gtf fastx bam bed格式文件的处理和转换,bam,bed注释工具,R绘图脚本等。
A collection of commonly used tools of Shengxin, including the processing and conversion of gtf fastx bam bed format files, bam, bed annotation tools, R drawing scripts, etc. (2023-08-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] connexion

在python上使用connexion实用程序的示例项目。示例是基于hjacobs练习的企业级示例,有关更多信息,请查看他的回购文件[h..](https:github.com hjacobs-connexion example),
A sample project for using connexion utility at python. The sample is enteraly based on hjacobs excercise, for more info look his repo at [h…](https: github.com hjacobs connexion-example), (2019-12-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] speaker_diarization_nmf

DA 623的课程项目:用信号计算。我们研究了非负矩阵分解在说话人分离和信源分离中的应用。
A course project for DA 623: Computing with Signals. We investigate the use of Non-negative Matrix Factorization for speaker diarization and source separation. (2023-05-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
