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[.net编程] 16

金鼎餐饮通是一套功能强大、操作简单的大型综合餐饮信息化管理系统, 它集点单(支持电脑/平板/手机店内点单、顾客手机自助点单、网络点单、微信点单)、收银、订台、外卖、会员、库存、营销、推广、催单、出品监控、经营分析、顾客满意度调查、微信朋友圈分享等功能于一体,完整覆盖点单、收银、出品、营销、后勤、决策分析等各个环节,可帮助餐饮企业快速高效地构建智慧餐厅。
Jinding restaurant is a powerful, simple operation of large comprehensive food and beverage information management system, it sets point single (support computer / tablet / mobile phone shop point single, customer mobile phone self-help point single, network point single, WeChat point list), banking, booking, takeout, membership, inventory, marketing, promotion, promotion, reminder, export monitoring It integrates the functions of business analysis, customer satisfaction survey and WeChat circle sharing and so on. It covers all links of point list, silver collection, export, marketing, logistics, decision analysis and so on. It can help catering enterprises to build smart restaurants quickly and efficiently. (2018-04-13, ASP, 51149KB, 下载30次)


[.net编程] OA2010

 系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。  实施强大的手机短信息群发功能。  灵活快速的发送和接收文件更快捷。  实现员工的上下班考勤。  实现功能强大的公告发布与管理功能。  对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。  系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。  实现企业部门和职员的信息管理功能。  为了促进内部员工之间的交流,设置聊天室、活动投票功能。  实现公司优秀员工评比功能。  实现职员修改登录系统的个人密码。  通过后台查看与删除公告信息、查看公文信息的功能。  对员工信息、职位信息与部门信息的管理。
The system  man-machine dialogue, beautiful and friendly interface, flexible information query, convenient, safe and reliable data storage.  implementation of powerful mobile phone SMS listserv.  flexible and quickly send and receive files faster. The  achieve employees commuting attendance.  Powerful announcement with management functions.  on the user input data, the system performs a strict data examination to exclude as much as possible the human error. The  maximize ease of maintenance and ease of operation.  interface is simple and clear framework, nice.  corporate departments and staff information management functions.  To promote exchanges between internal staff, set up chat rooms, activities voting function.  achieve excellent staff appraisal function.  staff personal password to modify the registry system.  view and delete the announcement information through the background (2013-04-11, ASP, 1228KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] download

Valley is the only Recruitment System Co., Ltd. Wuhan Valley s only software to open a powerful platform based on ASP.net Recruitment systems, including enterprise recruiting system, news system, search management system, personnel employment system, customer verification system , multisection base station system, automatic acquisition system, business center system, the background can be free to set the station all-static or pseudo-static capabilities, and provide an integrated forum DISCUZ! NT interface, integrated into the latest seo website optimization concept, css div technology combined with efficient, safe and efficient system, stable-to-use, full ASP.net features, is a real sense by region, industry classification standards for the construction of double sub-station of multisection points Recruitment station group system. (2011-12-06, ASP, 4783KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] j_7355_chinadoc

电子公文传输系统就是为满足党政机关,行政职能部门,事业单位,大专院校,企业上报和下发公文需求,而开发的一套实用的系统。 电子公文传输管理系统实现无密级公文的网络传输、公文的签收,公文上报,实现网上会议签到,下载会议文件,通报发布等功能。整个系统技术成熟,安装配置简单,使用方便,系统稳定可靠,功能完善且灵活。从正常运行使用以来得到广大用户的支持和好评,以系统使用和维护简单,系统稳定为用户称道。 公文在各机关办公事务中是最繁杂又是最重要的事务,机关内部以及机关所属下级机关之间经常进行大量的公文接收与传送,一份文件有时候要印刷几十份,甚至上百份。大量文件的转发、传阅、发送、签收、审核让办公室里文件堆积如山,杂乱如麻,在这种公文处理过程中,要耗费相当大的人力与物力,而且重复劳动,量很大,办公效率较低。也许您现在以邮件方式来进行公文的传输,邮件发送公文的方式无法对公文进行统一备份,统一管理,也经常会出现文件感染病毒,接收反馈情况不能及时的获悉等弊端。
electronic document transmission system is to meet the party and government organs, administrative departments, institutions, universities, enterprise reporting and issued a demand for documents and the development of a practical system. Electronic Document Management System transmission No Confidential documents the network transmission, receipt of the correspondence, documents reported, Conference attendance to achieve Internet, downloading documents, communications release function. The entire system technology is mature, the installation configuration is simple, stable and reliable system, which is flexible and functional improvement. From the normal operation of the use of the vast number of users since it was the support and approval, the system use and maintenance simple. System sta (2007-06-03, ASP, 900KB, 下载80次)


[.net编程] xue_sheng_zong_he_su_zhi_ping_ce_xitong

本系统以ASP.NET为开发平台,SQL Server 2000为后台数据库,采用B/S模式,运行于校园网络系统平台上,用户及操作人员通过浏览器访问Web服务器,Web服务器再根据客户机的需要通过ADO.NET访问数据库。本系统中Web服务器为IIS5.0,数据库采用SQL Sever 2000。本系统适用于各大中小学校,其功能主要分为四大类: 用户管理:用于对用户的添加及对用户的删除及查询。 成绩管理:用于对成绩查询。 帮助信息:用于对本系统的具体操作进行详解。 本系统性能力求易于使用,具体有较高的扩展性和可维护性。
to the system for ASP.NET development platform SQL Server 2000 database for the background, using B/S mode, running on the campus network system platform, users and operators through Web browser visits the server, According to another Web server client needs access to the database through ADO.NET. The system for IIS5.0 Web server, database using SQL Server 2000. This system applies to all universities, primary and secondary schools, their main function is divided into four categories : user management : for the right of users to add and delete users and inquiries. Performance management : for the results of inquiries. Help message : the system used for the specific operations for Hi. Performance of the system sought to easy-to-use, the higher the specific scalability and maintainability. (2007-05-24, ASP, 206KB, 下载48次)
