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[WEB开发] 网络招聘系统 源码 C#

这是网络招聘系统 ,jsp实现求职招聘功能,具体包括学生注册发布求职信息,企业发布招聘信息。 (jsp realize Jobs features including student registration publish job information, corporate job information.)
This is the network recruitment system, JSP realize job recruitment function, including student registration, job information, enterprise release recruitment information. (JSP, realize, Jobs, features, including, student, registration, publish, job, information, corporate, job, information.) (2017-06-21, Visual C++, 1470KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] High-quality-_C-CPP

高质量C++/C 编程指南,质量程序设计是软件行业的薄弱环节,大部分企业为此付出了高昂的代价,只能通过大量的测试和改错来提高软件
High quality C++/C Programming Guide, the quality of programming is the weak link in the software industry, most companies have to pay a high price, only to improve the software through extensive testing and error correction (2017-03-23, Visual C++, 604KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] MPU6050_shangweiji

1.上位机无法运行的用户请下载安装.net framework4.0:http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id 17718 2.请先选择串口号,然后选择正确的波特率,默认115200. 4.点击记录按钮,可以记录MPU6050模块上传的数据,数据保存在上位机目录下的data.txt中。 5.Z轴初始化按钮用于是模块的Z轴角度归0,并且校准陀螺仪的零偏误差。点击校准按钮后,算法会等待模块进入静止状态,然后记录当时的零偏误差。这个数值是可以掉电保存的,经过一次校准以后,陀螺仪下次上电以后,会更快获得稳定的角度输出。
1 PC can not run the user to download and install framework4.0:http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx id 17718?.net 2 please the serial number, then choose the correct baud rate, default 115200 4 Click the record button, you can record the MPU6050 module upload data, data stored in the host computer directory under the data.txt. 5.Z axis initialization button is used to the module s Z axis angle to 0, and the calibration of the gyro bias error. When the calibration button is clicked, the algorithm will wait for the module to enter the static state, and then record the zero bias error. This value can be dropped to save, after a calibration, after the next power up, will be faster to get a stable output angle. (2016-08-20, Visual C++, 1304KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] zhient_v9.0.0

智睿企业网站管理系统具有强大的系统功能,支持中英繁三语体系,拥有文章/新闻、图片/产品、资源下载、人才招聘、订单系统、问答/留言、友情链接、广告系统、自定义模型、等众多丰富的功能模型。 个人站长完全免费,用户可在官网下载,免费使用,免费升级,全开放源码,而不需要支付任何费用,企业,机关,政府,请使用商业授权版,请仔细查看用户许可协议。
Zhirui enterprise website management system has the powerful system function, in support of British and Chinese fan three language system, have articles/news and pictures/products, download resources, talent recruitment, order system, question and answer/message, links, advertising system, custom model, many rich function model. Individual stationmaster is completely free, the user can be in the official website download, free to use, free upgrades, open source code without the need for payment of any fee, enterprises, institutions, government, please use commercial licensed version, please carefully check the user license agreement. (2016-04-15, Visual C++, 2096KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] TuziCMS_v2.5

TuziCMS(兔子cms)是基于ThinkPHP框架开发的企业网站内容管理系统,国内PHP+MYSQL 开源建站程序,它具有操作简单、功能强大、稳定性好、扩展性强,二次开发及后期维护方便,可以帮您快速构建起一个强大专业的企业网站。TC 软件具执行效率高、模板自由切换、后台管理功能灵活等诸多优秀特点。凭借椰角网络的不断创新精神和认真的工作态度,相信兔子CMS 能够为您带来全新的使用体验!TC 采用MVC 设计模式实现业务逻辑与表现层的适当分离,使网页设计师能够轻松设计出理想的模板,框架式开发易用扩展,支持自定义内容模型,可面向中小型站点提供重量级网站建设方案。对于那些想要进行开发,但技术不足的站长们是一个难得的CMS 平台。企业建站,就选兔子CMS!
TuziCMS (rabbit CMS) is ThinkPHP framework for the development of enterprise web content management system based on, the PHP+ MySQL open source site program. It has simple operation, powerful function, good stability, expansion and strong, secondary development and maintenance is convenient, can help you quickly build a strong professional business website. TC software has many excellent features such as high efficiency of implementation, free template switching, flexible background management and so on. With the continuous innovation of the coconut corner network and serious work attitude, believe that rabbit CMS can bring you a new experience! TC using MVC design pattern realized business logic the presentation layer of appropriate separation, enable Web page designers can easily design the ideal template, frame of development of easy expansion, support for custom content model, for small and medium-sized site provides heavyweight website construction scheme. For those who want to d (2016-04-13, Visual C++, 5175KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YIXUNCMS_v2.0.4.5(1)

YIXUNCMS website construction system is a set of display class website system which is developed by the software studio, which is designed for medium and small enterprises, and adopts the PHP language with the popular language and the MYSQL with stable performance. (2015-12-14, Visual C++, 4090KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ttxl

制作校友录主要是用来让同学们能在上面相互联络,能够共同想起彼此之间的友谊,还能够想起大学时代的生活。我们制作的校友录通过利用ASP.NET、SQLSERVER数据库、JAVASCRIPT、Dreamweaver来进行研究和开发的,制作的目的主要是用来能够进行校友的登录、注册和校友照片的上传,还能实现留言、发表评论、聊天。还能够在网站上,只要在线的校友都可以互相聊天。总之我们制作的校友录网站最终目的是为了能让同学们能够相互交流,彼此联络一下感情,从而更加加深了同学间的友谊。在这次制作中能使我们充分利用网页制作、ASP.NET语言、SQLSERVER数据库来制作一个好的网站,也使我们对ASP.NET语言和SQLSERVER数据库掌握的更深,更透彻。 本文来自: 一流设计吧(www.16sheji8.cn) 详细出处参考:http://www.16sheji8.cn/onews.asp?id=215 (2015-06-04, Visual C++, 1779KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] shycms_v11.9

ShyPost as a CMS station software professional, software is open source, with dozens of templates, you can modify according to their need to arbitrary systems of various styles, can be suitable for various industries use two part, software has powerful front display and background management component. Support the long amplitude dynamic advertising photo call. Commercial rolling display function. Navigation column content divided clearly, including the company profile, product centers, company news and successfully, talent recruitment, online message, Download Center and more than a dozen programs, can fully meet the demand of enterprises of all types of enterprises, is the best site software. (2015-02-01, Visual C++, 2290KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] CPPprogrammer-interview-books

This book through more than 380 interview questions, to the enterprise recruitment c/c++ programmers need to master the knowledge of system, the comprehensive summary, in order to help the reader to fully prepared for the interview, in the fierce competition for success. (2015-01-05, Visual C++, 9956KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] j_21048_wzzygreen

1、具备传统企业网站基本、高级用户交互功能;(公司介绍、新闻、产品、案例、下载、营销网络、客户留言、人才、订单、会员、站内搜索、邮件订阅等);   2、提供公司Google地图设置接口,可在后台进行公司方位标注,在前台同步显示您所设置的公司方位地图;
1, with the traditional corporate website basic, advanced user interaction (company, news, products, stories, downloads, sales and marketing network, Feedback, Search personnel, orders, member stations, mail subscriptions, etc.) 2, to provide the company set up Google Maps interface for the company position marked in the background, simultaneous display of your company to set the orientation map in the foreground (2015-01-04, Visual C++, 2723KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_Kernel_v1.10

Kernel is themeforest wordpress theme, the theme is simple, can undertake all kinds of custom background setting, support the short code, pictures show, mobile devices compatible, can do news magazine websites, blogs can also be used to do, of course, can be used in the making of corporate websites (2014-12-09, Visual C++, 2203KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] gbbs3.2.4

GBBS micro-miniaturization forum Forum are inherited forum instant, freedom, posts and other functions, and can be used as news, information dissemination, Photo Gallery, question answering system use, and easy to manage, easy to operate, easy to set up, easy to revision, brought that to use, ideal for small and medium sized businesses and webmasters to use. (2014-10-21, Visual C++, 2377KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cdfans

The login template page, a corporate website background management system is a background user login interface, and a back-end system is not the same template, download Please note Oh! The template effect as screenshots showing blue style, very fresh and simple, like to hope that those who need it. (2013-04-16, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] higridcms1.0

Hi network HiGridCMS in a state-owned enterprise engaged in contract management and economic data analysis work in his spare time to develop a Web application management system to improve efficiency and share resources and stable performance, after two consecutive years running (2012-12-08, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ZhiCom_v5.7.0

Chi Core enterprise Web site management system has a powerful system functions, and support the fan switch back and forth, with the model of the articles/news, pictures/products, resources, downloads, recruitment, ordering system, Q & A/Message, links, advertising systems, customPoll and many other functional model. (2012-05-02, Visual C++, 1670KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] bbs

C#+SQLBBS简单论坛,(1)将实例目录“App_Data”文件夹下扩展名为“.MDF”和“.LDF”的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000安装路径下的“MSSQL”/“Data”目录下。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)在弹出的“附加数据库”对话框中选择刚拷贝过去的数据库文件(.MDF文件),单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
C#+SQL BBS (1)将实例目录“App_Data”文件夹下扩展名为“.MDF”和“.LDF”的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000安装路径下的“MSSQL”/“Data”目录下。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)在弹出的“附加数据库”对话框中选择刚拷贝过去的数据库文件(.MDF文件),单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。 (2010-05-31, Visual C++, 534KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] netmisweb_net

1.优化了部分程序; 2.第一次使用请先进行安装,否则将不能使用; 安装地址:Http://你的域名/setup.aspx,安装好可删除setup.aspx 3.目前本系统暂不支持在二级目录下使用; 4.本程序是DIV+CSS制作,只要修改CSS就可变成自己喜欢的风格 5.本程序暂不公开源码,欢迎大家反馈BUG,无BUG时再公开源码 如有问题请去作者网站交流,或联系作者:QQ31836194,作者主页:http://www.mis8.cn 请大家多多支持;
1. Optimizes some of the procedures 2. Used for the first time you install it, otherwise will not be able to use installation Address: Http:// your domain/setup.aspx, installed may delete setup.aspx3. At present, the system not support in the secondary directory to use 4. This procedure is DIV+ CSS production, as long as the CSS can be modified into your favorite style 5. This procedure not open source, everyone welcome feedback BUG, no BUG when open source Code If you have any questions, please go to the authors site exchanges, or contact the author: QQ31836194, author of Home: http://www.mis8.cn please everybody a lot of support (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 877KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] JFCms

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 程序名称:渐飞网站管理系统V4.0专业版(20061212) 下载地址:http://down.jfcms.net/soft.aspx?id=43 官方网址:http://www.jfcms.net ---------------------------------------------- 程序简介:   渐飞网站管理系统V4.0专业版永久免费,和渐飞网站管理系统V4.0专业版(商业版)功能完全相同,仅数据库系统不同,企业版为MSSQLServer,专业版为MSACCESS。   渐飞网站管理系统系列产品,是由渐飞网络(云南省曲靖市现代科技有限公司)自主研发,并拥有自主知识产权的用于互联网网站发布管理的产品。经过多年的潜心研究、开发,并在此过程中听取用户的建议意见,不断改进,优化。现在在互联网众多网站管理系统中已经有了相当高的知名度,广受各企业、单位、个人站长等的好评。 渐飞网站管理系统安装安求: 服务器硬件要求: ? 最低要求:PIII 500 256M内存 10M硬盘空间 ? 推荐配置:P4|XEON 1G 512M内存或更高配置 支持操作系统: ? Windows 2000 Server ? Windows 2000 Advanced Server ? Windows Server 2003 Standard ? Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 1190KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] sunabc1

代码名称: 新阳光主页生成系统 添加日期: 2001-1-13 所属分类: ASP代码>主页管理 总下载次数: 1516 文件大小: 33KB 适用环境: WINNT 评定级别: 上传者: roland 下载地址: 按此下载 代码效果演示: 暂无 详细介绍: 增加了企业主页生成系统的功能
code name : New Generation System Home sunshine added : 2001-1-13 respective categories : ASP code (2007-06-02, Visual C++, 32KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 西蒙布线标书

西蒙布线标书 在国内,既便是在一些新设计的建筑物内,往往仍沿用过去的那些布线技术,致使各种系统的布线无法兼容,难以适应新技术的发展,且管线拥挤不堪,而配线上的投资往往是重复的。这种情况,还会随着公司、企业、政府部门的扩大、设备的更新、人员的变动、办公环境的变更,而变得越来越糟。任何的增添、变动,都可能会引起全局的变动,不但影响员工的工作效率,对公司、企业、政府部门的运营也产生不良的影响。尤其是随着ISDN(综合业务数字网)的出现、应用、推广,原来使用的布线系统将无法满足要求。
Maman line tenders in China, not only is the design of the new buildings, often followed those of the past cabling technology, resulting in a variety of cabling systems not compatible, it difficult to adapt to the development of new technologies, and pipelines overcrowded, and the wiring on the investment is often repetitive. This situation, but also with companies, enterprises, government departments expanded, updated equipment, personnel changes in the office environment changes, which become increasingly worse. Any additions, changes may lead to changes in the overall situation, not only affects the efficiency of companies, enterprises, government departments are operating have an adverse effect. In particular, with the ISDN (integrated services digital network) the emergence of applica (2005-11-23, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载14次)
