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按分类查找All VC书籍(105) 
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[VC书籍] ball

本书从实际应用入手,由浅入深、循序渐进地讲述Windows程序内部运 行机制、MFC框架、文本、菜单、对话框、文件操作、网络编程、进程间通 信、ActiveX控件、动态链接库、HOOK编程等多个主题。 本书适合于VC++6.0的初学者和使用VC++从事开发的程序员,对于具有 一定VC++编程经验的读者,也具有很好的参考价值。
Starting from the practical application of the book, Deep within the program step by step about the Windows operating system, MFC frame, text, menus, dialog boxes, file operations, network programming, interprocess communication, ActiveX controls, dynamic link library, HOOK programming multiple themes. This book is suitable for beginners to VC++6.0 and using VC++ programmers in the development for some VC++ programming with experience in the reader, also has a very good reference value. (2011-04-07, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] The_Design_And_Evolution_Of_CPP_CN

D&E是一本关于C++语言设计原理、设计决策和设计哲学的专著。它清晰地回答了C++为什么会成为今天这个样子而没有变成另外一种语言。作为C++语言的创建者,Bjarne淋漓尽致地 展示了他独到而深刻的见解。除了广受赞誉的语言特性外,Bjarne没有回避那些引起争议的甚至被拒绝的C++特性,他一一给出了逻辑严密、令人信服的解释。内容涵盖C++的史前 时代、带类的C、C++的设计规则、标准化、库、内存管理、多重继承、模板等,对包括异常机制、运行时类型信息和名字空间在内的重要的新特性都分别进行了深入探讨。每一名 C++程序员都应该可以从Bjarne的阐释中加深对手中这门语言的认识。
This book focuses on the principles, process, and decisions made during the development of the C++ programming language. As the "inventor" of the language, Stroustrup presents his unique insight into the decisions which resulted in the features of C++--the universally praised, the controversial, and even some of the rejected ones. The book provides a solid introduction to OOP and C++ for beginners. (2010-11-17, Visual C++, 14883KB, 下载14次)


[VC书籍] wlyx

电子书营销是一个鲜为人知的秘密武器,本书将为你揭开它的神秘面纱,并帮助你迅速掌握这种强大、高效、简单的武器。 这是第一本关于电子书营销的书籍,本书系统介绍了网络营销相关的知识,并对各种网络营销方式的优劣进行横向比较,重点分析了电子书营销的特点和前景,附以详细的操作方法以及大量实用的工具,为大家提供了又一种选择。这是一本很实用的电子书,适合企业营销人员、个人站长、网店主和博主们阅读。 本书以搜集精选的资料为主体,电子书营销部分多为原创。有的读者看完后可能会觉得这本书很简单,没有深度。没错,这就是我们想要达到的效果,我们希望大部分读者都能很轻松地阅读和理解本书,并在看完后很快就可以模仿并亲自动手操作。实用性、强调可操作性和阅读延展性是本书的特点,这就是一本让你看来你也会制作的电子书。让更多人的掌握电子书营销的技巧,并使电子书营销为大家带来更多帮助,就是我们的最终愿望。 传统纸版图书在印刷出来的那一刻便宣告了它生机的停止,而网络版图书却能不断保持更新,在与读者的互动下,它将焕发出更大的活力。本书也将是一本“活着”的书,长期保持更新。
E-book marketing is a little-known secret weapon, this book will open you the mystery of it, and help you quickly master the powerful, efficient, simple weapons. This is the first book on e-books marketing books, this book introduced a network system of marketing-related knowledge, and a variety of network marketing the merits of horizontal comparison, the focus of an analysis of the characteristics of e-books and the prospect of marketing, supported by detailed method of operation, as well as a large number of practical tools, and has provided an option. This is a very useful e-books, suitable for corporate marketing personnel, the individual station, the main Bo Shop owners and their reading. Featured book to gather information for the main body part of e-book sales for the original. Some readers may feel that after reading this book is very simple, there is no depth. Yes, this is what we want to achieve results, we hope that the majority of readers can easily read and (2009-04-10, Visual C++, 2132KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] C_chengxuyuan

C programmers interview book download (pdf version), no way, I find a lot of this electronic version of this book, this is what I see most clearly the. Very well written! With many enterprises, the company s face questions. In need of a friend can download to see! (2009-01-02, Visual C++, 4222KB, 下载4018次)


[VC书籍] ProgrammingWindowsCN

Windows 程序设计 chm 中文 书本主旨: 本书是地球上最有名、最受推崇、最多人使用的程式设计用书。   内容简介: 「到Petzold的书中找找」仍然是解决Windows程式开发各种疑难杂症时的灵丹妙药。在第五版的《Windows程式开发设计指南》中,作者身违背受敬重的Windows Pioneer Award(Windows开路先锋奖)得主,依据最新版本Windows作业系统,以可靠的取材资料校定这一本经典之作一再一次深入探索了Win32程式设计介面的根本重心。   本书特色: 基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 对Unicode的介绍 图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与metafile 系统核心与印表机 声音与音乐 动态连结程式库 多工与多执行绪 多重文件介面 网际网路与企业内网路程式设计 使用对象 ALL (2008-05-03, Visual C++, 2913KB, 下载20次)
