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[Windows编程] Visual Studio密钥

Visual Studio Professional 2015简体中文版(专业版) Visual Studio Enterprise 2015简体中文版(企业版)
Visual Studio Professional 2015 Simplified Chinese Version (Pro version) Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Simplified Chinese Version (Enterprise Edition) (2017-06-13, Visual Basic, 2708KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] keshihuatiqu

Online data visualization system for remote management of natural products, in order to better improve the quality of drugs, traditional Chinese medicine production enterprises for critical process monitoring system configuration (2014-04-29, Visual Basic, 333KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] sql-cloth

sql cloth是一款关于企业数据库管理的文件及相关的vb源代码,方便大家学习的同时也可以亲自实践一下
sql cloth is a file on the enterprise database management and related vb source code, to facilitate learning, while also personally practice what (2014-03-25, Visual Basic, 164KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] kucunguanli

A complete inventory management system, including a database, use SQL2000+VB6.0 development, there are user login, permissions, etc. fully functional. (2013-11-05, Visual Basic, 1233KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] jinxiaocun

The system includes data management, purchasing management, sales management, inventory management, and statistical analysis module. It can be accounted for the storage of business inventory master inventory of goods in a timely and accurate manner, and dynamically reflect inventory changes in capital, provide a basis for corporate decision-making data. (2013-03-21, Visual Basic, 224KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] netloginnew

Do not log in for 2000 or 2003 domain user and password file access, solve user problems with the file permissions to access the (2011-06-23, Visual Basic, 6089KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 161_1326796_f8daa380ae1ccf7

适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb
适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb (2011-03-18, Visual Basic, 449KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] wincc_data

At present, enterprises using wincc automate many, this program can remove the data from wincc database and then apply them. (2010-05-25, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] dingshi-wuhong

大家好: 感谢您使用我制作的软件,在使用过程中有什么问题和建议请发邮件给我,我的邮箱wuhong791031@yahoo.cn,希望大家多多支持我! 我的QQ是1003235886,如果联系我请注明软件咨询。 欢迎您访问我们的网站:http://www.4141.com/#02 可以快速设置定时开机关机和锁定计算机等功能。本软件小巧精悍。
Hello, everybody: Thank you for using the software I made in the use of the process have any questions and suggestions please email to me, my e-mail wuhong791031@yahoo.cn, I hope Members can support me! My QQ is 1003235886, if contact me Please specify software consulting. You are welcome to visit our website: http://www.4141.com/# 02 can be quickly set up Timer-Power-off and lock the computer functions. This software is small and lean. (2010-03-23, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] HZKGBK

VB write a character, full-width characters dot-matrix extraction software, support Chinese characters, full-width characters dot-matrix font extraction. Code demonstrates generation 240* 128 and 128* 64 lattice matrix. The source code from the ourdev.cn. MCU learning a little help of friends, so I Fangshang Lai, and have problems can contact the original author: CoolFishWalking@163.com, here to thank the authors. (2009-12-10, Visual Basic, 448KB, 下载85次)


[Windows编程] vb

A practical program for small businesses, dedicated to managing a system of wages, interested friends can see, and give points, thank you. (2009-10-28, Visual Basic, 523KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] VBerpexample

ERP enterprise resource management system VB source code, the program relatively large, download a little patience, He He (2009-09-01, Visual Basic, 5133KB, 下载191次)


[Windows编程] ASP.NET

ASP.NET sample collection procedures for the development of CD-ROM source code examples, VS2005 and SQL2000 on the development of Small Business Management Web site (2009-08-07, Visual Basic, 23382KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] logisticstransportionsystem

中小型企业物流运输管理系统是基于Visual Basic语言设计的一套物流运输管理软件,以Microsoft公司开发的SQL Server软件作为数据库,其功能强大,可以很好的支持企业数据的存储和维护,利于用户的管理。
SMEs logistics transport management system is a set of logistics transportation management software which is based on Visual Basic language. The database of the system is the SQL Server which is developed by Microsoft. SQL Server is a powerful software, which is very good support for enterprise data storage and maintenance, and is convenient to use management. (2009-06-22, Visual Basic, 1187KB, 下载35次)


[Windows编程] QiyerenshiCode

企业人事管理系统完美版源代码 这是一套完整的企业人事管理系统完美版软件源代码,主要功能包括系统设置、员工档案、考勤管理、工作评价、员工调动、工资管理等几大模块,程序使用了vsFlex8.ocx、VsNetMenu.ocx、WinXPCEngine.ocx三个第三方的界面控件,其中VsNetMenu.ocx 5.0要求注册
Personnel management system perfect version of the source code This is a complete set of enterprise personnel management system perfect version of the software source code, the main functions, including system settings, staff files, attendance management, job evaluation, staff mobility, wage management of several major modules, procedures used vsFlex8.ocx, VsNetMenu.ocx, WinXPCEngine.ocx three third-party interface controls, which require VsNetMenu.ocx 5.0 Registration (2008-09-02, Visual Basic, 1003KB, 下载31次)


[Windows编程] VirtualDrive

(转)纯使用API实现的虚拟磁盘功能,可虚拟任意文件夹。Visual Basic 6.0企业版+XP系统测试通过
(To) use the API to achieve pure virtual disk function, can be arbitrary virtual folder. Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition+ XP system testing through (2008-07-17, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载39次)


[Windows编程] warehouse

Scan Warehouse management system, has been successfully applied to a number of small manufacturers and supermarket stores. (2007-08-02, Visual Basic, 552KB, 下载28次)


[Windows编程] vbqiyegongziguanli

呵呵,这个东东相信大家在网上找了很久了吧 还是可以的,VB做的,企业工资管理系统了
Oh, we believe that the Eastern online for a long time by now it's still VB done, enterprise management system of wages (2006-04-15, Visual Basic, 160KB, 下载50次)


[Windows编程] cangkuguanli

SMEs in the use of the inventory management information system, the product can be up to the arsenal of conducting surveys and inquiries (2006-03-06, Visual Basic, 1319KB, 下载23次)


[Windows编程] 找零系统

一个简单的找零系统的案例,自己看吧哈哈仓库管理系统简介 仓储在企业的整个供应链中起着至关重要的作用,如果不能保证正确的进货和库存控制及发货,将会导致管理费用的增加,服务质量难以得到保证,从而影响企业的竞争力。传统简单、静态的仓储管理已无法保证企业各种资源的高效利用。如今的仓库作业和库存控制作业已十分复杂化多样化,仅靠人工记忆和手工录入,不但费时费力,而且容易出错,给企业带来巨大损失。使用条码管理系统,对仓
a simple Change System case, ion battery Haha Warehouse Management System in enterprise storage throughout the supply chain plays a critical role, if not guarantee the right purchase and inventory control and shipping, will lead to an increase in management fees, the quality of service can not be guaranteed, affect the competitiveness of enterprises. Traditional simple, static storage management has been unable to ensure that enterprises of various resources used efficiently. Today's warehouse operations and inventory control operations have been very complicated to diversify, relying on the artificial memory and manual input, not only time-consuming, but easy to make mistakes, to cause huge losses for businesses. The use of bar code management system for warehouse (2005-12-12, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载18次)
