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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(179) 

[教育系统应用] 教学管理系统

Enterprise and database teaching management system homework, create CDM and PDM to generate SQL files and create trigger stored procedures (2018-11-07, SQL, 908KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] SSH131102029

SSH2 integrated development framework, java EE enterprise applications, complete SSH2 integrated source. Registration and achieve a few small features sqlservice2012 (2016-07-25, Windows_Unix, 7448KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] The-general-huawei-C-language

This is a large enterprise huawei couple requirement for employees to write C, distinguished parsing the C language to write (2016-04-29, Visual C++, 68KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ti01

21世纪最具生命力的企业将是学习型组织,继续教育及职业技能的持续培训的需求呼声越来越高。如何让人们进行更多学习?接受更多好的培训?如何在企业员工中普及培训,提高培训率?如何 让教育培训有效、有趣?又如何让教育培训成本低? 网上学习、网上考试、网上培训等方式的网络在线学习平台即在线继续教育平台是网络时代解决企业员工教育培训、提高员工知识技能等最佳措施。
In twenty-first Century most of the vitality of the enterprise will be a learning type organization, continuous training continuing education and occupation skill requirements more and more high. How to make people to learn more? Accept more good training? How to popularize the training in the enterprise employees, improve the training rate? How to make effective education and training, interesting? How to make the education and training of low cost? Online learning, online test, online training mode network online learning platform that online continuing education platform is network times to solve the enterprise staff education and training, improve staff knowledge and skills that the best measures. (2014-11-25, Others, 133KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] cn

java If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. (2014-06-25, Java, 73KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] jspStudentManagementSystem

系统的名称是学生信息管理系统,简称SIMS(Student Information Management System)。本系统能够实现学生信息的管理、学生学籍的管理、学生奖罚的管理和学生课程的管理,除此之外还为用户提供了娱乐游戏和使用帮助两个模块。 系统设置三个用户角色,分别是管理员、教师和学生。管理员角色是本系统中权限最高的用户,可以对系统中的用户及信息等进行查询、打印、增加、修改和删除等,其中教师和学生所拥有的权限管理员都具备。教师角色在本系统中的权限介于管理员和学生之间,可以对系统中的部分信息等进行查询、打印、增加、修改和删除等,其中学生所拥有的权限教师都具备。学生角色在本系统中的权限时最低的,可以对系统中关于自己的信息进行查询打印、和管理,对课程信息进行查询和打印。 管理员角色的功能分为:用户帐号管理、用户信息管理、学生学籍管理、学生奖罚管理、学生课程管理、娱乐游戏和使用帮助。教师角色的功能分为:我的帐号管理、我的信息管理、学生信息管理、学生学籍查询、学生奖罚管理、学生课程管理、娱乐游戏和使用帮助。学生角色的功能分为:我的帐号管理、我的信息管理、我的学籍查询、我的奖罚查询、课程信息查询、娱乐游戏和使用帮助。
System is the name of the Student Information Management System, referred to as "SIMS (Student Information Management System). This system can realize the student information management, student status management, student management and student course management rewards and punishment, in addition also provides users with a game and use the help of two modules. System setup three user roles: administrator, teacher and student. Administrator role is the highest authority in the system users, for users and the information in the system such as query, print, such as add, modify, and delete, including teachers and students have all have permissions administrator. Privileges in the system of teachers role between administrators and students, and for part of the information in the system such as query, print, add, modify, and delete, etc, in which students have the privileges teachers possess. Student role permissions to the lowest in this system, can the system query about their informati (2013-06-25, JavaScript, 1215KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] JSPStudent-system

This system able to achieve student information' s management, student student status' s management, student reward and punishment' s management and student curriculum the management of, in addition Huan provides users with a entertainment games and Using Help two modules (2013-06-03, Java, 15590KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] photomanager

For managing photos, identity photos of school students or employees as long as the photo file name taken by name, by name easily find desired photos. (2013-01-05, Visual Basic, 27KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] SchoolWageManagementSystem

Just learning C++, great job, can calculate the management of wages of teachers, there is no receptionist, but the module division is very clear, debugging and running through, it is suitable for beginners to watch. (2010-10-08, Visual C++, 1351KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] 007

图书管理系统 目前,图书市场日益激烈的竞争迫使图书企业希望采用一种新的管理方式来加快图书流通信息的反馈速度
Library management system is currently the book market, increased competition forced the book business wishing to adopt a new management to speed up the flow of information feedback rate books (2010-06-03, JavaScript, 410KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] 20090701164302776

科研信息管理系统是基金机构,大学,研究机构,企业之间点对点的解决方案, 支持项目申请、项目管理和成果发布的整个流程。
Research Information Management System is the funding agencies, universities, research institutions, enterprises point to point solutions to support the project application, project management and the results published the entire process. (2010-05-27, ASP, 3400KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] xinxintushuguanlixitong

鑫鑫图书馆管理系统是一款专业的图书馆管理软件,其中包含读者信管理,图书管理,图书借还,系统查询,图书馆信息等模块。 具有非常方便的借书、还书等操作。 普通用户不需培训也能很快上手。适用于单位企业图书馆,学校图书馆,是针对图书租借机构的最新管理软件, 是您进行图书管理信息化的强大工具。
Xinxin library management system is a professional library management software, including reader letter management, library management, library circulation, system inquiry, library information and other modules. The library has a very convenient, but also books and other operations. Ordinary users can quickly get started without training. Enterprise Library for the unit, the school library, book loan institutions for the latest management software, is the Book you are a powerful tool for managing information. (2010-05-12, ASP, 1812KB, 下载16次)


[教育系统应用] luyou

Free to the net means that the 10 university city campus plan, the graph vertices that school to a building (you can choose a representative, a school building), the graph edges, said the road between schools and store information such as path length. Requires the ability to answer tour path and so on. (2010-01-09, Java, 679KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] vb1

These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of information management staff as well as enterprises scientific and standardized management, and an important condition for the rest of the world. (2009-05-17, Visual Basic, 975KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Job

University Students Job Employment Network (source), provide the latest, most complete and most accurate business information and student recruitment information. (2009-03-24, Java, 1765KB, 下载68次)


[教育系统应用] 2007vfp

VFP curriculum design, supply and marketing of goods of enterprises system, the procedures used for VFP5.0 (2008-07-13, VFP, 194KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] stu24

VC+Access学生信息管理系统源码 对初学者有很大帮助
VC+ Access laugh proliferation messaging信Moderate Daitou department conduct anti-qin Field tungsten krypton laugh bleed at the nose submerged exhaust stack助 (2008-04-08, Visual C++, 2316KB, 下载82次)


[教育系统应用] vffffff

few simple, VFP simple code, including : Book marketing system. teaching equipment management system. Enterprise storage management systems. Students performance management system; (2007-03-06, VFP, 2226KB, 下载25次)


[教育系统应用] ydhxt

大学田径运动会管理系统,企业级软件源代码。采用C++Builder + Sql Server开发。
University Games management systems, enterprise-class software source code. Using C Builder Sql Server. (2006-04-10, C++ Builder, 5399KB, 下载97次)


[教育系统应用] bookmanager

powerbuilder 环境下的图书管理系统,可以适用于中小企业的图书管理部门,数据库采用sybase的 ASA 。
PowerBuilder environment of library management system, SMEs can apply to the library management, database using the ASA sybase. (2005-03-09, Windows_Unix, 50KB, 下载13次)
