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按分类查找All 微服务(153) 

[微服务] PreciseConnecion

PreciseConnecion is a leading virtual assistant company dedicated to providing top-notch virtual assistance services to businesses of all sizes. (2024-04-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] spring-cloud-initializer

初创企业微服务化过程中,为了协作更顺畅,统一代码结构风格。尝试整理一套适合企业的应用架构。该工程为模板工程。依托于DDD 开源框架COLA 4.0应用架构。技术栈基于spring-cloud-alibaba、SpringBoot、Alibaba RocketMQ、mybatis-plus、Nacos、Feign等。
In the process of microservice of start-ups, in order to work more smoothly and unify the code structure style. Try to organize a set of application architecture suitable for enterprises. This project is a formwork project. Rely on the DDD open source framework COLA 4.0 application architecture. The technology stack is based on spring cloud alibaba, SpringBoot, Alibaba RocketMQ, mybatis plus, Nacos, Feign, etc. (2024-04-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] ServuSavvy

ServuSavvy is a leading virtual assistant company dedicated to providing top-notch virtual assistance services to businesses of all sizes. (2024-04-05, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] EmpowerID

使用域驱动设计、微服务、事件源、CQRS、Redis、Kafka、Identity Server、Postgress、SQL、Testing和Angular的实验性企业全堆栈应用程序。
Experimental Enterprise full-stack application using Domain-Driven Design, Microservices, Event Sourcing, CQRS, Redis, Kafka, Identity Server, Postgress, SQL, Testing, and Angular. (2024-03-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] zanobijs.github

用于使用TypeScript JavaScript构建小型、高效、可扩展和企业级服务器端微服务的Node.js迷你框架。
A Node.js mini-framework for building small, efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side microservices with TypeScript JavaScript. (2024-02-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Odoo-JSON-RPC-Connection

The library is designed to facilitate communication with an Odoo server, which is an open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. The communication is established using the JSON-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol. (2023-11-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] contact-and-newsletter

Serv o de encim o em新信e formulário de contato com无服务器框架e serv os da AWS
Servi o de inscri o em Newletter e formulário de contato com Serverless Framework e servi os da AWS (2023-10-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] github-final-project

Athena Micro Finance is a microfinance company that provides financial services to low-income individuals and small businesses., (2023-08-25, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] logdash

LogDash是企业级工具,用于维护和服务微服务的REST API调用的操作日志,
LogDash is enterprise level tool which maintains and serves action logs for REST API calls of your microservices, (2023-08-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] configuration-php

Configuration module for microservices written on PHP. Specially created for follow up corporate standards of application configuration. (2022-04-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] cumulocity-subtenant-management

Tool for managing subtenants from a c8y management or enterprise tenant (2022-11-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] got-auth-service

一种基于角色的专业授权(还支持资源和组)服务,具有用于企业应用程序的restful和graphql api。,
A professional role-based-authorization(also supports resource and group) service with restful and graphql api for enterprise applications., (2020-02-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] SpringBoot-Business-Blog

基于慕课网实战课程《基于Spring Boot技术栈 博客系统企业级前后端实战》升级的SpringBoot2.0博客
Upgraded SpringBoot2.0 blog based on Mockoo.com practical course "Enterprise level front and rear end practical combat of blog system based on Spring Boot technology stack" (2018-12-30, JavaScript, 3484KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] cxf-spring-boot-starter

由Spring Boot和Apache CXF提供支持企业和生产的SOAP Web服务
Enterprise & production ready SOAP webservices powered by Spring Boot & Apache CXF (2023-03-31, Java, 510KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] lemon-cloud

Lemon-cloud 是一款微服务商城系统,采用了最新版本的 Spring Cloud +Spring Cloud Alibaba +Mybatis- Plus +Redis 等核心技术,同时提供了基于Vue的管理后台。Lemon-c...
Lemon cloud is a microservice mall system, which uses the latest version of Spring Cloud+Spring Cloud Alibaba+Mybatis Plus+Redis and other core technologies, and provides a Vue based management background. Lemon-c (2023-03-12, JavaScript, 15564KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] agorakube

Agorakube is a Certified Kubernetes Distribution built on top of CNCF ecosystem that provides an enterprise grade solution following best practices to manage a conformant Kubernetes cluster for on-premise and public cloud providers. (2023-06-22, Jinja, 507KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] fsk-base

基于spring cloud 3.0.3和nacos的企业级应用程序框架旨在简化和标准化...
An enterprise-level application framework based on spring cloud 3.0.3 and nacos is designed to simplify and standardize the structure of applications, encapsulate some own properties, and form a framework with its own characteristics. (2023-02-13, Java, 165KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] avengereugmall

基于SpringCloud + Nacos + Mybatis Plus + renren代码生成器 + MySQL + Redis缓存+ RabbitMQ消息队列 + ES搜索引擎 + ELK + OSS自己搭建企业级**B2C**...
Based on SpringCloud+Nacos+Mybatis Plus+renren code generator+MySQL+Redis cache+RabbitMQ message queue+ES search engine+ELK+OSS, build your own enterprise level * * B2C * * (2020-12-01, JavaScript, 30580KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] fast-cloud-nacos

The fast cloud nacos project is committed to building a registration center based on nacos, combining enterprise development habits, and summarizing some basic implementation methods (2022-06-17, Java, 28091KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] monitor

Spring Boot Micro Service的Web目录。始终了解企业中可用的所有URL和依赖项。
Web directory for Spring Boot Micro Service. Always know all the URLs and the dependencies available in an Enterprise. (2019-01-31, Java, 4422KB, 下载0次)
