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按分类查找All 电子书籍(170) 

[电子书籍] Easy_C++.易学C++.潘嘉杰.[zh-cn]

Highly recommended C + + introductory materials! Chinese, written by Shanghai university teachers, very suitable for beginners! (2020-07-31, C/C++, 1947KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Undisturbed-REST-Guide-to-Design-API

Believe it or not, building an API is the easy part. What is far more challenging is to put together a design that will stand the test of time, while also meeting your developers' needs. (2018-10-21, Others, 16240KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Python数据分析与挖掘实战PDF扫描版

The book is a collaborative work of 10 years in the field of data mining and senior lecturers. The whole book takes practice and practicality as the purpose, takes into consideration both depth and breadth, and practices and theories simultaneously. (2018-04-12, Python, 48306KB, 下载39次)


[电子书籍] 110kV企业变电站短路电流计算及继电保护整定计算

The ATP program is currently the world's electromagnetic transient analysis program (EMTP) a version of the most widely used ATP-EMTP program.
The ATP program is currently the world's electromagnetic transient analysis program (EMTP) a version of the most widely used ATP-EMTP program. (2017-10-30, WINDOWS, 159KB, 下载14次)


[电子书籍] ContinuingYourEducation

Oracle企业管理器10g网格控制 Oracle数据库10g:真正应用集群 Oracle数据库10g:实现流 Oracle数据库10g:数据海巡署
Oracle University Web site Oracle University Knowledge Center Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Oracle Database 10g: Real Application Clusters Oracle Database 10g: Implement Streams Oracle Database 10g: Data Guard Administration (2010-02-03, PPT, 95KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] cpp_primer4_cn

初学者的天堂 易学易用的实用工具易学易用的实用工具易学易用的实用工具
A paradise for beginners to learn to use practical tools for easy-to-use utility to learn to use practical tools for (2010-01-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] the_art_of_cheat

《欺骗的艺术》将会展示政府、企业和我们每一个人,在社会工程师的入侵面前是多么 的脆弱和易受攻击。在这个重视信息安全的时代,我们在技术上投入大量的资金来保护我们 的计算机网络和数据,而这本书会指出,骗取内部人员的信任和绕过所有技术上的保护是多 么的轻而易举。无论你是在政府还是在企业,这本书都如同一个清晰、明确的路标,它将帮 助你弄清社会工程师的手段,并且挫败他们的阴谋。
The Art of Deception shows how vulnerable we all are- government, business, and each of us personally- to the intrusions of the social engineer (2009-11-16, Others, 973KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] ext-2.3.0

ext source package, available for everyone to study and research, and application of (2009-09-03, Java, 7744KB, 下载285次)


[电子书籍] MDLProgramming_cn

由于MDL语言以C编程语言为基础,所以我们来看一下C语言编程的基本方法以及MDL如何使用这些方 法的。本章并不想教你如何用C语言编程,现在有很多关于这方面的书。我们假定读者已经具有C语言的 编程能力,因此只涉及一些MDL所需要的C的功能。下面我们就来讨论MDL编程基本方法。
由于MDL语言以C编程语言为基础,所以我们来看一下C语言编程的基本方法以及MDL如何使用这些方 法的。本章并不想教你如何用C语言编程,现在有很多关于这方面的书。我们假定读者已经具有C语言的 编程能力,因此只涉及一些MDL所需要的C的功能。下面我们就来讨论MDL编程基本方法。 (2009-08-27, matlab, 1022KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] Duwamish7Structure

Duwamish 7.0是vs.net中微软提供的一个企业级的示例,最近在学设计方面的东西,所以有时间边看边学这个示例。做了一些笔记,和大家一起讨论。
Duwamish 7.0 is a vs.net Entertainment level instance. (2009-06-13, C#, 11KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] RTP_RFC3984_H264_over_RTP_CN

H264 RTP格式 学习H264流传输的好文档。中文版(RFC3984)
Learn H264 format H264 RTP streaming a good document. Chinese version (RFC3984) (2009-03-08, C/C++, 44KB, 下载409次)


[电子书籍] 2001

)需要下载地图,几年前的游戏,地图服务器已经关停,网上有此游戏的破解 ... k.pconline.com.cn/question/575523.html - 14k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 TXT、JAR和UMD电子书制作、编辑及转换教程-手机-诺基亚-天极网TXT、JAR和UMD电子书制作、编辑及转换教程,手机技巧, 手机, 中国最权威手机资源内容网站, 面向众多手机用户, 手机科技资讯时尚, 集手机最新资讯, 手机娱乐, 手机技巧, ... mobile.yesky.com/mobileskill/389/3040889.shtml - 55k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 有没有在手机上编辑TXT文档的jar软件?_百度知道如题,我以前也安装过几个,可是用JAR编辑的文本文档不能用电脑编辑,在电脑上打开以后全部是方框。在电脑上编辑的文本文档也不能用JAR编辑。。。 我希望有个通用的。 ... zhidao.baidu.com/question/44694697.html - 17k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 aMiniEditor 一个java微型编辑器程序(需为*.jar) Windows Develop ...相关搜索: java 编辑器jar java 编辑器 MiniEditor(记事本) jar jar编辑器 aMiniEditor. 输入关键字,在本站50万海量源码库中尽情搜索:
err (2009-01-13, VHDL, 33KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] 1e00656d-4c53-4fa2-a480-ed4a26983582

J2EE 和 UML 开发 Java 企业级应用程序(普通下载)
J2EE and UML to develop enterprise-class Java applications (general download) (2008-09-18, Java, 7751KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] DMX

DMX灯光控制系统一 电脑灯DMX512协议信号DMX是Digital Multipiex 的缩写。ESTA是美国娱乐服务与技术协会.
DMX lighting control system of one computer DMX signal lights DMX512 protocol is an acronym for Digital Multipiex. ESTA is the American entertainment services and technology association. (2008-07-10, WORD, 61KB, 下载74次)


[电子书籍] Pyle_-_Business.Modeling.and.Data.Mining

Enterprise data mining and modeling, a popular book, very valuable, worth reading (2008-06-11, Visual C++, 11426KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] 40-20060808_SHIJIE500_02

The world 500 strong enterprises under interview booklets, on the list has already been uploaded, Western Friend a good look at, you will definitely benefit (2008-05-05, Others, 178KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] 39-20060808_SHIJIE500_01

This is the world 500 strong enterprises interview techniques and answer some questions, hoping to find work soon brought fortunate Friend (2008-05-05, Others, 183KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] s3c4510_cn

a Porting elaborate on the Chinese pdf books, from the instruction set to have driven development (2006-08-07, Windows_Unix, 3315KB, 下载243次)


[电子书籍] TradeManageCode

将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容完成配置后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。 在企业进销存的登录界面,输入用户名:mr 密码:mrsoft 单击【登录】按钮,进入如图1。2所示的企业进销存管理系统的主界面。企业进销存管理系统主要包括:基础信息管理、库存管理、商品销售、查询统计、往来管理和系统设置六大管理模块。
system will copy the original program of the local computer, remove the read-only folder attributes, according to the "installation configuration specification" as complete configuration, will be on the local machine running the site. Invoicing enterprises in the login screen, enter a user name : mr Password : Login mrsoft-- [click button enter a figure. 2 Invoicing enterprises, as shown in the main system management interface. Invoicing enterprise management system include : basic information management, inventory management, sales, inquiries statistics, between management and system management module installed six. (2006-08-04, Java, 1939KB, 下载146次)


[电子书籍] down.21e.cn_h12062

C language library Daquan electronic book, rich in content, comprehensive and very useful. (2005-11-21, C/C++, 51KB, 下载39次)
