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[WEB开发] tw-sso

单点登录sso spring-session springboot redis 企业级组织架构 RBAC权限设计,
Single sign on SSO spring session spring boot Redis enterprise organizational structure RBAC permission design, (2019-03-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] apache-tomcat-9.0.8-windows-x64

一个服务器系统,能够结合服务端语言用于java web企业开发
For java web enterprise development (2018-05-22, Java, 11199KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] semcms_php

一套开源外贸企业网站管理系统,主要用于外贸企业,兼容IE、Firefox 、google、360 等主流浏览器。 SemCms【asp版】使用vbscript语言编写,结合iis运行。 SemCms【php版】使用php语言编写,结合apache,在window,或linux系统下运行。 SemCms采用国际通用utf-8编码编写。
A set of open source foreign trade enterprise website management system, mainly for foreign trade enterprises, compatible with IE, Firefox, Google, 360 and other mainstream browsers. SemCms (asp version) using VBScript language, combined with IIS run. SemCms (PHP version) using PHP language, combined with Apache, window, or Linux system running. SemCms uses international general UTF-8 coding. (2017-04-14, Java, 7512KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jiadian

该模板属于企业通用类、家用电器、家用小家电类企业都可使用, 这款模板使用范围极广,不仅仅局限于一类型的企业,你只需要把图片和产品内容 换成你的,颜色都可以修改,改完让你耳目一新的感觉! 自带最新的手机移动端,同一个后台,数据即时同步,简单适用! 家用小家电电器类网站织梦模板带手机移动端PC移动端利于SEO优化
The template belongs to the general category of enterprises, household appliances, household appliances can be used, This template is a very wide range of applications, not just limited to a type of enterprise, you only need to picture and product content For you, the color can be modified to change to make you feel fresh! With the latest mobile phone terminal, the same background, real-time data synchronization, simple application! Small household electrical appliances website. Template with mobile phone terminal PC mobile terminal to SEO optimization (2017-04-13, Java, 16620KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qCompany_Red_v201

Construction design and operation management of the electronic commerce website mainly for large and medium-sized enterprises, has a very flexible product architecture, strong expansibility and scalability, and can be widely suitable for the construction of news portal, enterprise knowledge portal, newspaper/magazine reading, audio and video information, audio and video online play, law consultants, government affairs, enterprise office information network service management platform, to maximize meet customer demand present and future applications. (2017-03-04, Java, 7913KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wxgsblue

1、企业简介功能,自由添加、修改、删除企业简介及联系方式等功能; 2、新闻发布功能,自由添加、修改、删除企业新闻、行业动态等功能; 3、产品分类及产品发布功能,全新开发产品数据批量修改接口,自由添加、修改、删除企业产品分类及产品功能; 4、图片展示功能,自由添加、修改、删除企业产品、案例展示及公司荣誉图片等功能; 5、访客留言功能,自由修改、删除企业客户前台留言审核回复功能; 6、在线客服系统,自由添加、修改、删除QQ、MSN、Skype及旺旺等在线沟通方式; 7、友情链接,自由添加、修改、删除企业友情链接功能; 8、导航栏管理,自由添加、修改、删除导航栏目及子导航栏目; 9、栏目管理,自由添加、修改、删除产品分类、新闻分类等任意栏目及子栏目; 10、SEO设置,前台每个页面均可在后台进行自定义title,keywords,description等SEO优化功能; 11、具备传统企业网站基本、高级用户交互功能(公司介绍、新闻、产品、案例、下载、营销网络、客户留言、人才、订单、会员、站内搜索等);
1, the enterprise profile function, free to add, modify, delete the company profile and contact information and other functions 2, news release function, free to add, modify, delete corporate news, industry trends and other functions 3, product classification and product release function, the new development of product data batch modify the interface, free to add, modify, delete product classification and product features 4, picture display function, free to add, modify, delete enterprise products, case display and company honor pictures and other functions 5, the visitor message function, free to modify, delete the enterprise customer front page comment reply function 6, online customer service system, free to add, modify, delete QQ, MSN, Skype and Wangwang online communication methods 7, links, free to add, modify, delete links 8, the management of the navigation bar, free to add, modify, delete navigation columns and sub navigation columns 9, column management, free (2017-02-01, Java, 2846KB, 下载4次)



1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 4. 下载资源:发布供网站浏览者和客户下载的资料等,如使用手册、销售合同、软件等,无限级分类。 5. 人力资源:发布招聘信息,人才策略,浏览者可在线递交简历。 6. 其他信息:相当于无限扩展栏,并可进行无限分类,可以用于发布网站主栏目未归类的信息,如解决方案、成功案例、购买流程等。
1 enterprise information: publish all kinds of information about the enterprise, such as enterprise profile, organization, marketing network, enterprise honor, contact information, and can add new columns. 2 news trends: the release of corporate news and industry information, the background to the front of the true realization of the infinite level classification display, and random control display series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information release. 3 products: release enterprise products, display and search products according to product categories, and products can be selected directly under the orders inquiry, unlimited classification, greatly increasing the flexibility of information. 4 download resources: publish information for web surfers and customers, such as manuals, sales contracts, software, etc.. 5 human resources: release recruitment information, talent strategy, visitors can submit online resume. 6 other information: equivalent to the infinite expansi (2017-01-31, Java, 3757KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] suiyuejianzhan

后台/admin 帐号:seosuiyue 管理密码:seosuiyue 认证码:admin 岁月企业建站系统是由岁月工作室二次研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。 我们认为“简单就是美”,因此一直以来,岁月工作室在开发过程中无处不充分考虑用户的使用习惯,尽最大可能降低用户的使用门槛,让用户关注于内容维护本身,而不需 要投入过多的时间来学习系统的使用技巧,在细节处下大工夫。
Background /admin Account: seosuiyue Management password: seosuiyue Authentication code: admin Years enterprise website system is developed by the studio two times. We are committed to the construction of small and medium enterprises website. According to the needs of the existing enterprises. The development of suitable for the enterprise module, so that enterprises can easily build their own web site, powerful background, convenient management. Code easy to understand, suitable for the two development. We think that simple is beautiful , it has always been the studio years in the development process without considering the user s habits, as much as possible to reduce the user threshold, allowing users to focus on content maintenance itself, without the need to invest too much time to learn the skills to use the system, in the details at big time. (2017-01-19, Java, 9309KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] sdcms_sdwz

SDCMS enterprise edition contains articles, maps, single commodity, single page, recruitment, download, chain, timing release, mobile phone, custom fields, custom form module, system built-in comment, message, mood, search, tag, 7 years of business experience in website building meticulously for you, is a good choice for you the rapid establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises of marketing type website. (2016-08-31, Java, 2076KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Weatherggjk

This project is a simple weather access to a small example of the source code, using the php.weather.sina.com.cn weather data interface and Baidu map provides positioning services. Will automatically locate the current city before and after the three days of weather data, the code has comments. (2016-05-30, Java, 2237KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] vv365dj

中国互动娱乐网劲爆DJ舞曲 v1.0 管理登陆地址:login.asp 用户名和密码都是:vv365.net
China interactive entertainment network Madden DJ dance v1.0 Manage login address: login.asp The username and password are: vv365.net (2016-03-14, Java, 211KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] picsys

仿mmpic.scol.com.cn图片站程序提供下载。嘿嘿 制作时间仓促(半天),难免有不足。主要特点是:无限子类分级。sql数据库+asp...数据结构来自本人制作的另一套系统(电影站),所以数据库库名也懒得改了
Imitation mmpic.scol.com.cn picture station program available for download. Hey Production time is so short (half a day), it is inevitable deficiencies. The main features are: unlimited sub-class classification. sql+ asp ... data structure the person making another system (movie station), so do not bother library name changed (2016-03-01, Java, 52KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] new

Design and implementation of SSI framework of SME website news release system based on (2015-07-25, Java, 1052KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] yxqywzxnb_v1.0.1

Yi Xun standardized enterprise website management system is designed for fast and easy website building small and medium enterprises development of a convenient CMS management system. We passed on the domestic site features thousands of small and medium enterprises concentrate on the development of a corporate website in the Internet applications the most common and most frequently used functions management module. Xun system easy to operate, easy to install, easy to manage and many other advantages, even if you do not have a website deployment experience can also be easy to use. (2015-04-01, Java, 2095KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] enterpriseWeb

Source enterprise portal, upload and download management software, message boards, architecture, to others (2013-12-19, Java, 4486KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] dongwanghoutai

The background management framework, complete tab bar for enterprise web site background reference (2013-04-30, Java, 21KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] zhishool

A good site, very good! Recommendations now take a look at a business site! (2012-09-04, Java, 2257KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] dongke4.0

动科企业网站管理系统(DKCMS)适用于中小型企业网站建设,本系统简单实用,无冗余功能,无功能限制。 动科企业网站管理系统(DKCMS) 4.0 更新内容 一、编码更改为utf_8,适合多语言。 二、编辑器更换成。 三、全新布局的模版 四、无效冗余代码清理。
Operations Division Website Management System (DKCMS) applies to small and medium-sized enterprise website construction, this system is simple and practical, non-redundant function and no functional limitations. Operations Division Website Management System (DKCMS) 4.0 updates, coding change utf_8 suitable for multi-language. Second, the editor replacement. New layout template, void of redundant code cleanup. (2012-05-31, Java, 1066KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] company

Basic business website, including foreground and background page for curriculum design (2012-05-23, Java, 2569KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] JS

This is a JS corporate recruitment site effects, which are CSS styles and so on. (2009-10-22, Java, 2236KB, 下载7次)
