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按分类查找All Java书籍(171) 
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[Java书籍] Roomer

Roomer is an online Hotel Booking Web Application. It also consist the Roomer-Enterprise where one can upload his/her hotel rooms which can be booked by the customers. Session Handling is maintained properly hence multiple users can access the website by just creating an account and signing in. (2019-03-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] Think in Java_cn

This is a professional book that introduces Java core programming ideas. Through the study of this book, it can help to understand the basic concepts, basic syntax and advanced programming of Java. (2019-12-16, Java, 672KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] JAVA-Interview

JAVA企业面试题精选 包括Java基础,OOP,JAVA SE,数据库,JDBC,XML,Web基础,Servlet和JSP,Ajax和JQuery,Spring,MyBatis,Struts,Hibernate
JAVA face questions Featured companies include Java foundation, OOP, JAVA SE, , JDBC, XML, Web based, Servlet and JSP, Ajax and JQuery, Spring, MyBatis, Struts, Hibernate (2017-02-24, Java, 52398KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] study-j2ee

一本 J2EE企业级培训教程。对有一定java基础的程序员,急于进入J2EE开发领域是一个不错的选择。包含源码。
A J2EE enterprise-level training curricula. On the basis of a certain java programmers, eager to enter the field of J2EE development is a good choice. Includes source code. (2010-03-01, Java, 636KB, 下载18次)


[Java书籍] WebSphere_jdbc

企业年金受托服务提升项目安装维护手册.doc 连接池部分和类加载内存配置部分值得借鉴
Annuity fiduciary services to enhance project installation and maintenance manual. Doc connection pooling part of the memory configuration and class loading part of the worth learning from (2009-12-30, Java, 1229KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] java_qiyemenhu

To Jbuilder as a tool to Strusts as the core, through the project- enterprise portal implementation, in-depth and comprehensive description of the development of web applications using Strusts the basic knowledge and related skills, suitable for professionals. (2009-11-21, Java, 32532KB, 下载6次)


[Java书籍] J2EEStrutsSpringHibernate

J2EE 企业应用实战:Struts Spring Hibernate 整合开发J2EE Enterprise Application combat: Struts Spring Hibernate Integration Development
J2EE Enterprise Application combat: Struts Spring Hibernate Integration Development (2009-11-02, Java, 21241KB, 下载126次)


[Java书籍] JBoss_at_Work_A_Practical_Guide

Consisting of a number of well-known open source products, JBoss is more a family of interrelated services than a single monolithic application. But, as with any tool that s as feature-rich as JBoss, there are number of pitfalls and complexities, too. (2009-10-02, Java, 685KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] J2EE

J2EE(Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition)是SUN公司定义的一个开发分布式企业级应用的规范。它提供了一个多层次的分布式应用模型和一系列开发技术规范。
J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a SUN development company as defined in the application of distributed enterprise-class norms. It provides a multi-level distributed application development model and a series of technical specifications. (2009-07-23, Java, 74KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] Hsqldb_Docs_cn

Hsqldb is a miniature open-source database, it is entirely in java language to support the statement is absolutely part of SQL2000 to provide server services, this is the Chinese HSQL Help (2008-11-18, Java, 326KB, 下载12次)


[Java书籍] SOA_introduce

SOA enterprise training course, the tutorial on the SOA to do some basic introduction, suitable for junior developers to learn to master. (2008-11-03, Java, 1198KB, 下载119次)


[Java书籍] JDK_API_1_6_zh_CN

本文档是 Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0 的 API 规范。
This document is a Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0 of the API specification. (2008-08-15, Java, 35680KB, 下载24次)


[Java书籍] J2EE

This is a java language for the development of enterprise information systems development book, which involves a lot of technology more systematic use of object-oriented design philosophy. (2008-08-12, Java, 2632KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] ch01

作者:林信良(网络化名良葛格) 学历:台湾大学电机工程学系 经历:SUN教育训练中心讲师 著作:《JAVA 学习笔记》、《Spring 技术手册》,为SUN官方教材主要编写成员之一
Authors: Hsin-liang (network alias Liang葛格) Education: National Taiwan University Department of Electrical Engineering experience: SUN Education and Training Center Lecturer writings: (2008-07-31, Java, 1042KB, 下载6次)


[Java书籍] patterns_of_Enterprise_Application_Architecture

本书是面向对象大师Martin Fowler又一力作,正在构建企业级用应,希望增进对架构相关问题理解和沟通程序员,设计人员不可多得的资料
Object-oriented book is another masterpiece Guru Martin Fowler, is used to build enterprise-class should be, hope to enhance their understanding of the structure and communication issues related to programmers, designers invaluable information (2008-07-29, Java, 9324KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] Javashejimoshi

java design patterns and case tutorials, are completely determined by the technical director to write business for the idea of learning the core JAVA helpful (2008-04-28, Java, 932KB, 下载133次)


[Java书籍] SOA_info_cn

JAVA of SOA on the classic information, SOA professionals essential guides, including: SOA architecture and data standards, SOA professionals guide towards SOA and so on. (2008-01-10, Java, 2287KB, 下载211次)


[Java书籍] en_cn_code

英中繁简编程术语对照表.xls 英中繁简编程术语对照以下是侯捷个人陆续收集整理的有关於我所涉猎的领域的术语对照(英中繁简)。 欢迎所有朋友给我意见(任何意见)。java
programming terminology CRT. Xls British character which controls programming terminology is the following individuals have suggested collection on the finishing touches my terminology in the field of control (which the British character). Welcome to all the friends I have (any opinion). Java (2006-08-15, Java, 28KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] peopleManage

通过系统把几乎所有与人力资源相关的数据统一管理,形成了集成的信息源;使得人力资源管理人员得以摆脱繁重的日常工作,集中精力从战略的角度来考虑企业人力资源规划和政策。将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容附加完系统数据库、配置完成服务器后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。 人力资源管理系统的登录界面如图1.1所示,输入用户名:admin 密码:admin 单击【提交】按钮,进入如图1.2所示的人资源管理系统。
through almost all systems and human resources related to the unified management of data, forming an integrated source of information; making human resource managers get rid of the heavy day-to-day work, concentrate on from the strategic point of view to consider human resources planning and policy. The system will process the original copy to your computer, remove the read-only folder attributes, according to the "installation configuration specification" Additional content End System database server configuration completed, the computer can run on the local site. Human resources management system login screen shown in Figure 1.1, user name : admin Password : admin [click submit button-- entered, as shown in figure 1.2 people resources management system. (2006-08-04, Java, 23948KB, 下载113次)


[Java书籍] EJB 2.0企业级应用程序开发

This book is the introduction constructs EJB kind and the connection mechanism, the EJB design and the performance strategy, constructs the Web level and so on (2005-09-28, Java, 1921KB, 下载37次)
