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[企业管理] jdy

sdk for jdy.com, 精斗云开放平台(JOP)是基于精斗云 财 务 融合业 务 的开放平台。精斗云开放平台向合作伙伴和用户提供 财 务 、进销存、电商、订货、零售、商品等数据服 务 ,协助企业打通业 务 和 财 务 的数据连接的通道,助力企业发展。 精...
Sdk for jdy.com, the JD Cloud Open Platform (JOP) is an open platform based on the financial integration business of JD Cloud. The open platform of Jingdou Cloud provides partners and users with data services such as finance, purchase, sales and inventory, e-commerce, ordering, retail, and commodities, and assists enterprises in opening up the data connection channel between business and finance to help enterprises develop. Fine (2020-06-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] LuoBu-Accounting-Software

通用财务系统软件(原名:恩格会计软件、罗布会计软件)免费开源的企业财务会计软件,采用php+mysql环境。B S架构。
The general financial system software (formerly known as Engel Accounting Software and Rob Accounting Software) is a free and open source enterprise financial accounting software, which uses php+mysql environment. B S architecture. (2023-04-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Sales-Commission-Aspect-of-an-ERP-System

In spring 2021, I took enterprise resource planning as a course at my university. My instructor asked every student of the class to build a web app that should function like an aspect of a large and complex ERP system. (2021-07-05, PHP, 101KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] invisAD-setup

invis服务器是基于openSUSE Linux的小型和微型企业的基于Active Directory的服务器。他们提供...
invis servers are Active Directory based servers for small and micro- enterprises based on openSUSE Linux. They offer comprehensive services in terms of office automation, network organization and data management - from DHCP to ERP. They are characterized by their ease of use and administration. The project aims to micro and small businesses, (2023-05-30, PHP, 8515KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] invis-setup

invis服务器是基于openSUSE Linux的小型和微型企业的服务器。他们提供全面的服务...
invis servers are servers for small and micro-enterprises based on openSUSE Linux. They offer comprehensive services in terms of office automation, network organization and data management - from DHCP to ERP. They are characterized by their ease of use and administration. The project aims to micro and small businesses, with the opportunity, (2015-08-01, PHP, 8914KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ERP_SaaS

Created Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project to develop a college website as Software as a Service (SaaS) using in PHP, JS, Local Server, and MySQL. Because it was an ERP product, the common database worked for the website and iOS+Android application as well. (2018-09-23, PHP, 80082KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] lavux

Lavux - Enterprise Component Library for make large scale application base on Laravel & Vue (2023-06-05, PHP, 970KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Build-your-CRM-with-a-Powerful-Open-Source-code

CRM is self hosted Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, the CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time. (2021-08-22, PHP, 42262KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Powerful-Open-Source-CRM

CRM is self hosted Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time. (2022-02-07, PHP, 41789KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] berlicrm

From Berlin to Germany and Europe - an open source CRM Solution mainly for small and medium-sized businesses: Visit [h…](https: www.berlicrm.de ) (2023-04-21, PHP, 53765KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] finctionalpninterOthernet

输入生肖属性如:虎可以查询: 1,含生肖名称的成语及成语拼读方法 2,该成语出处 3,成语解释 用php实现,简便易用
Input Chinese zodiac attributes such as: 1, Chinese zodiac name of idioms and idioms spelling method 2, the idiom provenance 3, idiom interpretation using php, easy to use (2018-12-19, PHP, 1535KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] XJUDO

PhpShop is a distributed e-business module based on php. The core module provides independent database, user authentication and so on. (2018-12-19, PHP, 251KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] 震撼视觉效果企业网站模板 discuz3.2模板

Shock visual effects enterprise discuz templates, stunning visual effects, absolutely not lose FLASH site! It's great in both visual and special effects. The pages included are quite perfect and fully meet the needs of an enterprise group website. This set of templates is particularly suited to the real estate category of the site, the prices of such sites are very high, gold content is relatively high, it can be seen that this set of templates is quite valuable Oh. Templates are fully open source, green templates, no domain restrictions! So we do not have to worry about the application center can not install the prompt, not to break the discuz system, you can install directly to upload! And can be used on multiple sites! Unrestricted use! (2017-09-06, PHP, 11540KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] phpokcjcj_v1.0

Large companies or large teams, they have enough manpower to deal with, but a large number of small and medium enterprises is unlikely to put too much on this one. (2016-12-13, PHP, 35KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] dcr_utf_v1.1.5

Scarecrow enterprise management system based on php+ sqlite and php+ mysql two versions, php+ sqlite features and asp+ access almost, the advantage is conducive to backup, and now most of the site space to support php+ sqlite. (2016-10-28, PHP, 1028KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] OESOP_v1.0_utf8

No matter the size of the enterprise informationization, have experienced similar development processes: according to the basic management of human financial and material needs, has introduced OA, financial management, the basic ERP IT management system, as for production or business systems in their respective fields show information to greatly improve the production efficiency. (2016-03-25, PHP, 4639KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] php

MIP2005行政办公管理系统》是一款完全按中国中小型企业事业单位办公习惯及办公事物管理需要设计的现代化行政办公事务管理的系统,适用于所有企业事业单位及个人办公管理的需要。软件符合中国人及中国企业办公管理需要的使用办公管理功能,软件主要包括以下八个方面: 1、人事管理:人事档案,员工生日提醒,劳 [sql.rar] - 实现PHP与SQL的连接,数据库的连接和查询,删除,以及插入等操作
MIP2005 administrative office management system " is a completely according to Chinese small and medium enterprises and institutions work habits and office management needs to design something modern administrative office transaction management system, applicable to all enterprises, institutions and individual office management needs. Software complies with the Chinese people and the Chinese business office management requires the use of office management functions, the software includes the following eight areas: 1, personnel management: personnel files, employee birthday reminders, labor [sql.rar]- PHP and SQL to achieve connection database connection and query, delete, and insert operations such as (2013-06-08, PHP, 9KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] WOC_Operations_Center_1.0

WOC是yjzzj.com基于zend framework1.6框架所开发的一款开源简易网站运营管理系统。它允许进行网站管理、主机管理、域名管理、数据库管理、邮箱管理以及用户管理、角色管理、权限管理等一系列功能,适合中小企业进行网站运营管理。目前版本为1.0,新版本正在开发中,同时欢迎大家参与到开发中来!
WOC is yjzzj.com zend framework1.6 framework based on the development of a simple open source management system for Web site operators. It allows for site management, host management, domain management, database management, mail management, and user management, role management, rights management and a series of functions, operation and management for SMEs Web site. The current version is 1.0, the new version is under development, while welcome to participate in the development! (2011-03-28, PHP, 2975KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] micecms

miceCMS is an adopted policy to seek their self-developed software MiceFrame frame (to meet the needs of enterprise-level Website developed Jianzhan framework) to build the Web content management system, (2010-03-15, PHP, 1192KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] DedeEIMS_1.1_B090827

Dede Enterprise Information Management System (简称DedeEIMS)是织梦科技为中 小型企业专门开发的一套建站系统,产品继承了织梦内容管理系统简单、易用的特点 ,并且加入了如:多国语言、在线客服、招聘、产品订单等功能。 程序的内容创建获取及管理、安全灵活的程序架构,简单易懂的模板标签机制,方便 快捷的频道管理以及无限极拓展分类的需求,标准静态化更适合搜索引擎优化(SEO) ,让你能够轻松打造出专业的企业网站,帮你在互联网拓展公司业务,提升企业的核 心竞争力。
Dede Enterprise Information Management System (abbreviated as DedeEIMS) is weaving a dream technology specifically developed for small and medium enterprises a set of Station system, the product inherits Pursuing a dream content management system is simple, user-friendly features, and added such as: multi-language, on-line customer service, recruitment, product orders and other functions. Procedures for content creation and management, secure and flexible procedural framework, easy to understand template tag mechanism to facilitate efficient channel management, and classification of infinite expansion of demand for most, the standard more suitable for static-oriented search engine optimization (SEO), so that you can Easily build a professional business website to help you develop their business on the Internet to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. (2009-09-14, PHP, 2755KB, 下载119次)
