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[其他] LastMail

LastMail is the world s first passive post-mortem message system. It lets you send a good-bye to your friends and contacts, and pass on your (digital) belongings. (2017-06-21, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] InvestProProject

InvestPro Startup是一个多功能网站,帮助企业家创业,建立商业模式,并为......筹集资金...,
InvestPro Startup is an All-In-One website to help entrepreneurs to start their business, make business models as well as raise funds for their startups and make them aware about market trends. Entrepreneurs can register their new or existing business on platform whereas Investors can invest in the business they are interested in. (2023-05-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] XunRuiCMS-V4.3.13-2021-01-24

Xunrui open source station CMS system, is a very good construction enterprise website system (2021-01-25, PHP, 11091KB, 下载0次)


[其他] osFileManager_mtp3m6

php脚本语言实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,简单全面供给各类学习参考
PHP scripting language, this is a written in PHP scripting language website, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but not convenient, backup and restore, simple comprehensive supply of various types of reference study (2020-10-27, PHP, 75KB, 下载1次)


[其他] osFileManager_djhd36

利用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,学习研究参考均可
Using PHP, this is a website written in PHP scripting language, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but it is not convenient for backup and restore, and study the reference (2020-10-26, PHP, 74KB, 下载1次)


[其他] osFileManager_0fn06e

通过php编码实现的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,作为开发的各种例子程序代码
Through the PHP code, this is a website written in PHP scripting language, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but not convenient, backup and restore, as the development of a variety of examples of program code (2020-10-23, PHP, 75KB, 下载1次)


[其他] osFileManager_8k4vf2

采用php的源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,简单全面供给各类学习参考
Using the PHP source code, this is a written in PHP scripting language website, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but not convenient, backup and restore, simple comprehensive supply of various types of reference study (2020-10-22, PHP, 75KB, 下载2次)


[其他] osFileManager_eivxax

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,可以作为初学者例子代码
Scripting language server-side PHP implementation, this is a written in PHP scripting language website, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but not convenient, backup and restore, the code examples can be used as a beginner (2020-10-21, PHP, 75KB, 下载1次)


[其他] osFileManager_aibj90

采用php的源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参考的例子程序供学习参看
Using the PHP source code, this is a written in PHP scripting language website, scarecrow enterprise stand v1.1.0 UTF8, scarecrow station management system based on PHP + sqlite two versions with PHP + mysql, PHP + sqlite characteristic is similar to asp + access, advantage is conducive to the backup, now mostly website space support PHP + sqlite, PHP + mysql characteristic is to deal with a large amount of data, but it is not convenient for backup and restore, and reference for learning to see examples of procedures (2020-10-19, PHP, 74KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 锦程资源网整站数据打包

Resource Forum exchange collection, whole station data, can be downloaded for payment, used for exchange and use (2019-12-15, PHP, 1630KB, 下载3次)


[其他] pbootcms

PbootCMS是全新内核且永久开源免费的PHP企业网站开发建设管理系统,是一套高效、简洁、 强悍的可免费商用的PHP CMS源码!
PHP enterprise exhibition website open source! (2019-08-05, PHP, 9609KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 智能企业建站系统

Intelligent Enterprise Station Building System, which enables users to quickly set up their own company website in a short time. Station-building system is easy to learn and understand. Users only need to go online, do not need to learn programming and any language, as long as they can use the system platform, as long as they can type, they can directly complete all the work of station-building online. (2019-07-23, PHP, 11138KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 44

优雅炫彩侧边响应式企业展示通用织梦模板(自适应) dedecms织梦网站模板下载
Elegant colorful side responsive corporate display universal dream template (adaptive) dedecms dream dream website template download (2019-06-09, PHP, 13844KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 04.微信企业付款微信提现源码

.修改Base.php中的配置常量信息 2.将证书和秘钥文件放置在cert目录中,注意文件名和代码中一致 3.需要openid 请自行修改 4.如需企业付款到银行卡还需要获取公钥,然后也防止在cert目录或者其他目录然后 按照程序目录和文件名调用
Modify configuration constants in Base.php 2. Place the certificate and key files in the cert directory, noting that the file names and codes are consistent 3. If you need openid, please modify it yourself. 4. If the enterprise wants to pay for the bank card, it also needs to obtain the public key, and then prevent calling in the cert directory or other directory according to the program directory and file name. (2018-12-29, PHP, 4KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 财税记账

Weaving dream fiscal and tax accounting templates, other industries can also be used, the style of the atmosphere, suitable for enterprises. (2018-06-28, PHP, 12830KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 种植养殖类网站源码

The source code for the cultivation of a dream web site (2018-06-03, PHP, 11093KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 小程序电商商城前台+后台

WeChat mall program source code can be called directly in the background (2018-01-27, PHP, 44187KB, 下载70次)


[其他] applecms

苹果cms精信采集包和整合包资源超全 应有尽有
Apple CMS acquisition package and package of grey resources over the whole of everything (2017-10-27, PHP, 5KB, 下载8次)


[其他] chanzhiEPS

An open source free enterprise portal system, specifically for enterprise marketing design! It has built-in articles, products, forums, comments, members, blogs, manuals and other functions, the background operation is simple and convenient, the foreground interface is beautiful and generous. And for the search engine has done a lot of optimization work. (2017-10-19, PHP, 7232KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 08yingyuan

WP theme skin, full version of the full decryption, comes with 10 parsing, upload configuration, you can use (2017-09-30, PHP, 712KB, 下载1次)
