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[SQL Server] Desktop

SQL database, enterprise system management topics, for table structure operations, add, delete, modify, query various statements (2018-10-07, SQL, 35KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] 企业人事信息管理系统

用 C#程序设计语言及开发环境实现简单的企业人事信息管理系统,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000,完成开发环境和后台数据库的连接,系统功能包含基本信息的查询、录入、修改、以及删除。
The personnel information management system simple enterprise C# programming language and development environment, background database using SQL Server 2000 development environment, the connection is completed and the backstage database system, including basic information query, input, modify, and delete. (2017-08-11, SQL, 1917KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] shiyan3

熟悉运用SQL Server企业管理器和查询分析器进行视图的创建、删除和修改
Familiar with using SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to create a view, delete, and modify (2014-01-15, SQL, 92KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] AA001_free_v2.0

支持登陆查询功能,稍微复杂,有一定难度 适合企业运用
Support landing query functions, a little more complicated, there is a certain degree of difficulty suitable for business use (2013-06-20, SQL, 1782KB, 下载1次)


[Oracle数据库] PLSQLDev7.0

plSQL language book is one of the enterprise information database used language, American Oracle ORACLE (2012-09-01, SQL, 3468KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] Invoicing-management-system

An enterprise inventory management system source code, a detailed description of the code needed by the Invoicing (2012-08-18, SQL, 4454KB, 下载5次)


[酒店行业] SQLPServerP2008

SQL SERVER 2008从入门到精通-酒店管理系统与企业网站,数据库及源代码
SQL SERVER 2008 from the entry to the master- the hotel management system and corporate website, database and source code (2012-07-07, SQL, 11987KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] XinshouQiyeXinxi

An enterprise management system password 51.aspx only learn how to use can not be used for other purposes (2012-05-11, SQL, 2252KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] renshiguanli

企业人事管理系统 包括登陆界面 系统主界面 具有添加删除 修改等功能 包括数据库
The enterprise personnel management system, including the landing interfaceMain interface of system with added features such as delete modify database (2012-05-05, SQL, 2629KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] HumanResourcesManagementSystem

Based on C++- corporate human resources management system. MFC-based dialog procedures. (2011-11-18, SQL, 5134KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] 003

企业信息管理,ASP.NET 2.0 + SQL Server网络应用系统开发案例精解
Enterprise information management, ASP.NET 2.0+ SQL Server Web Application Development Solutions Case Fine (2011-03-04, SQL, 705KB, 下载14次)


[OA办公系统] Officeautomationsystem

An office automation programs designed to against the current needs of the enterprise becomes more automated a number of (2010-12-12, SQL, 391KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 07052405

This is a simple business personnel management system, used in experimental development, we hope to be useful (2010-12-11, SQL, 1332KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] website1

基于WEB 的综合应用解决方案, 真正的 B/S 模式, 使用asp开发, 不需任何安装, 只需一个浏览器, 企业领导, 业务人员, 操作人员可以在不同时间, 地点, 并且可动态, 及时反映企业业务的方方面面
WEB-based integrated application solutions to the real B/S mode, the use of asp development, without any installation, just a browser, business leaders, business persons, the operator can at different times, places, and can be dynamic and timely reflect all aspects of enterprise business (2010-12-03, SQL, 1167KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] Database_enterprise_resource_management_system_sou

数据库企业资源管理系统源码及说明Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions
Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions (2010-08-05, SQL, 3625KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] canyin.rar

计算机管理系统可以提高餐饮企业的管理水平,节省大量人力、物力和财力,使经营管理更加科学有序、经营物流清晰,经营状况详实、准确。 餐饮管理系统代码
canyinguanlixitongdaima (2010-01-04, SQL, 2KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] ftpsearchdbase

BISM "菁搜"FTP搜索引擎数据库 帮助文档: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx 此为BISM软件开发小组发布的"菁搜"FTP搜索引擎的第一个版本.有很多功能还没有完成,请大家见谅!(此软件将作为开源项目) 帮肋文档在help文件里面. (开源信息和相关帮助信息)http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware 有相关问题可以联系我们: BISM软件工作组 E-MAIL:Bismsotware@163.com 余文锋 E-MAIL:wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn 陈鸿雏 E-MAIL:canzer@126.com.cn 吴侃侃 E-MAIL:suzerain2005@163.com
BISM " Ching found" FTP search engine database to help document: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx this BISM software development teams for the release of " Ching found" FTP search engine the first version. There are many features is not yet complete, please forgive me! (this software will serve as the open-source project) to help in the help file documentation ribbed inside. (to help open source information and related information) http://blog.csdn. net/BismSoftware there are related issues can contact us: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: Bismsotware@163.com余文锋E-MAIL: wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn Chen child E-MAIL: canzer@126.com.cn Wu Kan-Kan E-MAIL: suzerain2005@163.com (2009-06-08, SQL, 33804KB, 下载288次)


[百货/超市行业] sellsystem_Data

it can make you master the infomation is easlily (2009-05-05, SQL, 120KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] InformixSQL

infomix SQL 教程,在银行、大型企业开发的读者可以下载。资料很珍贵的说
infomix SQL Tutorial, in banks, large-scale enterprise development reader can be downloaded. Very valuable information that (2008-12-14, SQL, 2110KB, 下载20次)


[WEB开发] dxyq

ASP+SQL 大型仪器整站系统源码 本系统为《大型仪器共用平台》,与《中国科普城》《龙青网》《哈尔滨广告网》属于同一类产品,内有仪器、专家、研究所等管理系统,且并不完善,可根据自己的需要加以修改,很方便,随便使用,有好的建议,请告知,谢谢
ASP+ SQL major source station system equipment throughout the system as a (2007-08-03, SQL, 6098KB, 下载12次)
