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[其他] AppointmentManagementSystem

The Appointment Management System is a comprehensive web application built using ASP .NET Core MVC, designed to streamline the process of scheduling and managing appointments for businesses or organisations. With a user-friendly interface and robust functionality, it offers a seamless experience for both administrators and customers. (2024-04-22, C#, 0KB, 下载1次)


[其他] AppointmentManagementSystem

The Appointment Management System is a comprehensive web application built using ASP .NET Core MVC, designed to streamline the process of scheduling and managing appointments for businesses or organizations. With a user-friendly interface and robust functionality, it offers a seamless experience for both administrators and customers. (2024-04-18, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] C-

【CATARC】- 代码里面都是国家级的项目的源码(主要是工信部装备司的项目),重要部分已更改地址,存放C#相关的帮助类、源码、文档,都是C#桌面程序,采用的devExpress插件,界面风格是win10和win7的,大部分是chart、datagrid、framework...
[CATARC] - The code contains the source code of national projects (mainly the projects of the Equipment Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), and the important parts have changed their addresses to store C # related help classes, source code, and documents, all of which are C # desktop programs. The devExpress plug-in is adopted, and its interface style is win10 and win7, most of which are chart, datagrid, framework (2018-02-08, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] eas

AgileEAS.NET SOA中间件平台(简称EAS.NET平台)是以“ 敏 捷 并行 开 发 方法”为其过程指导思想、基于Microsoft .Net构件技术和模型驱动架构的企业级快速 开 发 平台,AgileEAS.NET SOA中间件平台使的构...
AgileEAS.NET SOA middleware platform (referred to as EAS.NET platform) is an enterprise level rapid development platform based on Microsoft. Net component technology and model driven architecture, with "agile parallel development method" as its process guiding ideology (2022-06-22, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ASP.NET009车辆档案管理

本文采用基于Web的Asp.net技术,并与sql server 2000数据库相结合,研发了一套车辆档案管理系统。该系统扩展性好,易于维护。简化了车辆档案设计流程,去除了冗余信息。汽车销售企业可以通过本系统完成整个销售及售后所有档案的信息化管理,轻松的完成添加,查询及维护等工作。 因此将发挥计算机的庞大的存储空间,高性能的处理能力,高度可靠的数据安全,清晰的可视化数据等这些优势让企业对车辆档案进行管理,实现了计算机资源的合理利用,真正实现了减少劳动力提高劳动质量的目的。
This paper uses web based Asp.net Combined with SQL Server 2000 database, a vehicle file management system is developed. The system has good expansibility and easy maintenance. The design process of vehicle archives is simplified and redundant information is removed. Automobile sales enterprises can complete the information management of the whole sales and after-sales files through this system, and easily complete the work of adding, querying and maintaining. (2020-12-09, C#, 2454KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ASP.NET002企业投资价值分析系统

本系统设计题目为:企业投资价值分析系统; 系统开发所用原始的财务数据来自于“分析家”软件和“大智慧”软件;使用部分材料由徐静珍老师提供; 技术上,系统采用单机版结构,前台开发工具使用Visual C#.NET,后台数据库使用SQL Server进行管理; 项目开发时间从2004年3月到2004年6月,系统功能要求能够完成对上市公司的各评价指标的计算,为用户的股票投资提供参考。
The title of the system design is: enterprise investment value analysis system; The original financial data used in the system development come from "analyst" software and "great wisdom" software, and some materials used are provided by Xu Jingzhen; (2020-12-09, C#, 2343KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 番茄工作法图解

第一次有了番茄工作法(The Pomodoro Technique)﹡的想法是在上世纪 80 年代?,第一次成功来自那段失落的时期,由于大学第一年的考试落败,使我心情低落。那段时 间里学习效率低下,更多的是迷茫。每天我带着悲伤的心情去学校,上课,学习,然后 重新审视自己后,我清楚地发现,我把大部分时间花在了娱乐和消遣上,做事和学习总是三 心二意,这是我迷失的根源。
The first idea to have the Pomodoro Technology was in the 1980s. I was still in my freshman year. The first success came from the period of loss. I was depressed because of the failure of my first year's exam. At that time Intermittent learning is inefficient, more confused. Every day I go to school with sadness, attend classes, study, and then go home. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just wasting my time. The exam date is coming, and I'm looking at it. It can't be improved in such a short time. One day when I was studying in the classroom, I found that my classmates looked at me with a strange look in their eyes, even myself. I also despise myself. How did I come here in recent months? How did I interact with my classmates? How did I learn? After reviewing myself, I clearly found that I spent most of my time on entertainment and recreation. There were always three ways to do things and study. This is the source of my loss. (2019-07-30, C#, 521KB, 下载0次)


[其他] RoadFlow2.1

RoadFlow是一款集成工作流引擎的ASP.NET CORE MVC快速开发框架,由从事多年工作流开发与实施的技术团队开发。该工作流平台是根据多年对企事业单位工作流应用经验总结而成,是一款符合于国情的工作流平台,特别适合于国内无标准,复杂多变的工作审批流转。拥有全浏览器兼容的可视化流程设计器、表单设计器、灵活精细的权限管理等先进设计理念,是您开发OA、CRM、HR、ERP等大型系统的最佳基础平台。RoadFlow自发布以来,已得到上百家企业认可并应用,其中不乏上市公司,大型国企。是一款稳定高效的工作流平台
RoadFlow is an ASP.NET CORE MVC rapid development framework of integrated workflow engine, developed by a technical team engaged in workflow development and implementation for many years.The workflow platform is based on many years of experience in the application of workflow in enterprises and institutions, is a workflow platform in line with the national conditions, especially suitable for the domestic non-standard, complex and variable work approval flow.With a full browser compatible visual process designer, form designer, flexible and sophisticated rights management and other advanced design concepts, it is the best basic platform for you to develop OA, CRM, HR, ERP and other large systems.RoadFlow has been recognized and applied by hundreds of enterprises since its release, including listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.Is a stable and efficient workflow platform (2019-05-16, C#, 26252KB, 下载5次)


[其他] ArcSoftFace

In order to help small and medium-sized enterprises break the technical barriers, Hongsoft ArcFace Offline Face Recognition SDK provides free SDK functions such as face detection, face comparison, face tracking, gender detection, age recognition and key points. (2019-01-07, C#, 40870KB, 下载28次)


[其他] C#房产中介管理系统源码

Real estate intermediary management system is a powerful and versatile real estate management software, the software interface design is simple, beautiful, and its humanized software process makes it easy for ordinary users to master software operation methods without training and easy to use. Businessman real estate management software is widely used in enterprises, the company's real estate management, customer file management, is a powerful tool for your enterprise real estate management. The software supports importing various data from external EXCEL tables, and can be easily exported to Excel, Word and other data formats; the report forms support custom printing. (2018-08-04, C#, 4708KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 饼型图表

c#开发实例——饼型图表 实例563 利用饼型图分析公司男女比率 实例564 利用饼型图分析产品市场占有率 实例565 利用多饼型图分析企业人力资源情况 实例566 在饼型图的外围显示说明文字 实例567 制作一个可以旋转的饼型图
C# development example -- pie chart Example 563 using a pie chart to analyze the ratio of men and women to the company Example 564 using pie chart to analyze product market share Example 565 using multiple pie charts to analyze enterprise human resources Example 566 display the text on the periphery of the pie chart Example 567 make a revolving pie chart (2018-04-26, C#, 34582KB, 下载1次)


[其他] alishop_a5

The basic development of e-commerce platform is realized. The functions include the enterprise electronic commerce platform is a virtual network space established on the Internet network and the management environment to ensure the smooth operation of business; it is an important place to coordinate and integrate information flow, cargo logistics, capital flow in order, association and efficient flow. Enterprises and businesses can make full use of the network infrastructure, payment platform, security platform, management platform and other shared resources provided by the e-commerce platform to carry out their own business activities effectively and locally. (2018-03-30, C#, 42280KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 活字格破解补丁Patch

活字格破解补丁Q~Q525'755'708, 活字格服务管理端是一款采用简单的类excel的设计界面。让操作更加容易上手,很快的就能制作出出一个Web信息管理系统,有需要的赶快下载吧! 活字格是一款企业 Web 应用生成器,使用了类 Excel 的设计界面,只要你会 Excel,通过简单的拖拽操作,就能快速制作出一个 Web 信息管理系统。无需专业软件知识,没有任何技术门槛,轻松实现各行业的数据信息管理,降低你的管理成本,提升你的工作效率。
Q~Q525'755'708, the movable type service manager, is a design interface that uses a simple class excel. Let the operation more easily, quickly made out of a Web information management system, there is a nee (2018-02-05, C#, 2624KB, 下载46次)


[其他] 微厦网校运营系统 v1.0

Micro Xiamen campus operations system is a B/S structure of the online learning system based on mobile phone terminal, computer terminal, support, can be used in Android, apple, WeChat, convenient students use fragmentation time for learning can be widely used whenever and wherever possible, training institutions, Career Academy, institutions, organizations and so on. (2017-08-04, C#, 31106KB, 下载23次)


[其他] ebookreader-6128

本软件实现了自动将站点小说采集成txt格式的功能,目前软件功能如下: 1.自动根据目录全部采集整部小说 2.可扩充可修改的设计,系统采用xml配置文件作为系统采集的配置脚本,通过自定义正则表达式可理论针对任何非ajax小说站点采集.同时任何人都可以根据对方站点的系统修改重新修改xml配置文件. 3,可设定采集站点编码格式,是否采用GZip压缩,系统目前能支持所有编码格式以及GZip压缩站点.(通过配置xml文件) 4.比前一版本更加有好的界面,采集进度一目了然,随时可以停止系统工作. 系统发布说明: 1.请在网络比较好的时候使用本程序,否则可能出现网络连接错误提示. 2.如果系统提示"匹配xxx失败"的信息,请检查阅读服务器是否出现故障,比如某些站点请求页面出现错误也会出现该提示.如果能确保服务器没有问题,则是匹配脚本的问题,请按照正则表达式修改相应xml配置文件. 3.本系统仅为程序研究使用,任何人不得使用在商业用途,否则由此引发的法律问题本人概不负责. 4.URL输入框中请务必输入选中站点的小说目录页面所在地址,否则系统一定会报错. 5.如果您发现程序bug,请向作者提交,技术支持站点http://blog.leven.com.cn/.
up there (2009-10-21, C#, 177KB, 下载103次)


[其他] ArcEngineDataConnection

ArcEngine数据连接 ArcEngine 可以接受多种数据源。在开发过程中我们使用了如下几种数据源 1.企业数据库2.个人数据库3.Shapefile文件4.AutoCAD dwg文件5.影像图文件 6.数据库中的影像数据集。
ArcEngine data connection ArcEngine can accept a variety of data sources. In the development process, we used several data sources are as follows 1. Enterprise database 2. 3.Shapefile personal database file 4.AutoCAD dwg file 5. 6 image files. Database image data sets. (2008-07-12, C#, 2KB, 下载122次)
