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按分类查找All Windows编程(170) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(170) 

[Windows编程] pauenthesey

Because Turbo codes can still obtain low bit error rate (BER) at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) near the limit of Shannon, Turbo codes have become a hot research field in coding theory in recent years. (2019-04-02, Visual Basic, 93KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] VBasic

如果电脑不兼容复杂的企业版本Vb, 可以用这个安装 当然其功能相对较少 只能满足一般需要
If the computer is not compatible with the complex enterprise version of Vb, you can use this installation, of course, its functions are relatively small and can only meet general needs. (2019-01-22, Visual Basic, 311KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] print

Write a VBA to print a variety of data, especially enterprise data in a variety of business and general basic information printed in a different way, such as templates or arrangement. (2014-06-23, Visual Basic, 227KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] mouseoverimage

VB realized based graphics with the mouse, the mouse up and down to the left to the right, respectively, viewing! In fact with the mouse to drag the picture is very similar functionality on the picture by moving the mouse left a letter, you can see the picture will be a corresponding move (2014-05-14, Visual Basic, 105KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] VB-code

VB code是一个关于服装销售的程序源代码,可提供给用户参考、运用,方便了解服装企业在运作过程中的网络平台模式
VB code is a program source code on clothing sales, available to the user for reference use, easy to understand and garment enterprises in the course of the operation mode of the network platform (2014-03-25, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] X-Scan-v3.3-cn

Security focus of domestic excellent scanning tools, using multithreaded way to specify the IP addresses to security vulnerability detection or single, support plug-in function, provides a graphical interface and command line two operating modes (2014-03-13, Visual Basic, 10509KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] Logistics-management-system2

The development of modern logistics management very quickly, how to make it better able to focus on the main business, logistics management system can help solve this problem. (2013-05-05, Visual Basic, 1593KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 20081122544235

This is a CS structure, there are basic functions of the communication program ICQ, although the functional basis for comparison, but there is no error in its top can develop their own internal communications system (2010-07-07, Visual Basic, 150KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] HousingManagement

系统是针对企业职工住房管理问题而开发的。用Visual Basic开发完成,由四大模块组成,分别是信息管理模块、信息查询模块、系统管理模块和帮助模块。
System for the management of enterprises and housing development. Developed using Visual Basic, from the four modules, namely, information management module, module information, system management module and the help module. (2009-06-14, Visual Basic, 4518KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] humanmanagement

人力资源管理系统 本文以企业管理信息系统建设中的人事信息管理子系统的开发为背景,论述了管理信息系统的概念、结构及系统开发的基本原理和方法,全文共分为序言、管理信息系统综述、开发方法、开发平台和工具、系统规划和分析、系统实现、系统运行及维护、系统评价、程序调试与故障处理、开发总结等六章。
human management (2009-05-25, Visual Basic, 785KB, 下载98次)


[Windows编程] AI_Winmine

此程序可用来解决windows扫雷(初级),先打开扫雷,使其在桌面顶层,然后点GetAddress即可。按Esc退出。花一天编的程序,可能会有些Bug,且准确率不太高,仅供娱乐! (注意:使用时Windows的窗体边框宽度必须设在25,具体可在 显示-〉外观里设置)
This procedure can be used to solve the windows de-mining (primary), first open the mine to the top of the desktop, and then point to GetAddress. Exit by Esc. Prepared to spend a day procedure, there may be some Bug, and the accuracy rate is not too high, only for entertainment! (Note: Use the form border when the width of Windows must be located at 25, specifically in the Display-> Appearance Lane) (2009-01-15, Visual Basic, 75KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] ha_pdf2word-v3.0

PDF loaded WORD procedures, not many knows the procedure, it is practical, very good, welcome to download ah (2008-11-05, Visual Basic, 4900KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] FlieJoiner

使用说明: 1、本软件为多个零碎的字符文件的合并提供了方便,它所整合的文件只要是字符类型即可 2、可以多种格式输入和输出 3、首先需要将要处理的文件名改为1.txt(或者1.doc或者1.m或者其他文件类型)......n.txt(或者n.doc或者n.m或者其他文件类型),n为文件总数。 4、然后按提示操作即可。 5、由于软件为2.0版,经过大量改进,讲运行速度提高了几百倍,无需用户等待,瞬间即可。 6、联系方式: 邮箱地址:yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn 联系电话:13541229189
Usage: 1, the software for a number of piecemeal character of the merger document, providing a convenient, integrated document it as long as they are characters you can type 2, can be a variety of formats for input and output 3, first of all need to have to deal with the file name changed for 1.txt (or 1.doc or 1.m or other file type )...... n.txt (or n.doc or nm, or other file type), n the total number for the document. 4, then prompts you. 5, due to software version 2.0, after a large number of improvements, say to run hundreds of times faster, without user waiting, the moment you can. 6, Contact: E-mail address: yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn Contact Tel: 13541229189 (2008-09-10, Visual Basic, 223KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] pb58466799096

 系统运行稳定,安全可靠。  界面设计美观,人机交互界面友好。  为顾客提供方便、快捷的药品信息查询  全面展示企业形象。  为顾客提供疑难病症查询的信息模块。  详细介绍药品厂家的信息模块。  药品信息通过分类,详细的展示给顾客。
err (2008-01-02, Visual Basic, 598KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] FileJoiner2.0

使用说明: 1、本软件为多个零碎的字符文件的合并提供了方便,它所整合的文件只要是字符类型即可 2、可以多种格式输入和输出 3、首先需要将要处理的文件名改为1.txt(或者1.doc或者1.m或者其他文件类型)......n.txt(或者n.doc或者n.m或者其他文件类型),n为文件总数。 4、然后按提示操作即可。 5、由于软件为2.0版,经过大量改进,讲运行速度提高了几百倍,无需用户等待,瞬间即可。 6、联系方式: 邮箱地址:yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn 联系电话:13541229189
Usage: 1, the software for a number of piecemeal character of the merger document, providing a convenient, integrated document it as long as they are characters you can type 2, can be a variety of formats for input and output 3, first of all need to have to deal with the file name changed for 1.txt (or 1.doc or 1.m or other file type )...... n.txt (or n.doc or nm, or other file type), n the total number for the document. 4, then prompts you. 5, due to software version 2.0, after a large number of improvements, say to run hundreds of times faster, without user waiting, the moment you can. 6, Contact: E-mail address: yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn Contact Tel: 13541229189 (2007-12-17, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] FilesJoiner1.0

使用说明: 1、本软件为多个零碎的字符文件的合并提供了方便,它所整合的文件只要是字符类型即可。 2、可以多种格式输入和输出。 3、首先需要将要处理的文件名改为1.txt(或者1.doc或者1.m或者其他文件类型)......n.txt(或者n.doc或者n.m或者其他文件类型),n为文件总数。 4、然后按提示操作即可。 5、由于软件为1.0版,故运行较慢,请多谅解。 6、联系方式: 邮箱地址:yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn 联系电话:13541229189
Usage: 1, this software for a number of piecemeal character of the merger document, providing a convenient, integrated document it as long as it is the type of characters you can. 2, you can import and export of a variety of formats. 3, first of all need to have to deal with the file name changed to 1.txt (or 1.doc or 1.m or other file types )...... n.txt (or n.doc or nm or other file types), n for the total number of documents. 4, then prompts you. 5, due to software version 1.0, it is running slower, please understanding. 6, Contact: E-mail address: yuannweimin_123@yahoo.com.cn Contact Tel: 13541229189 (2007-12-17, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] jxc2007

小型企业进销存源代码 一款小型企业进销存源代码,这代码不是很完整,但对于学习设计这类系统软件可以给我们学习的朋友提供一个思路,数据库采用Access,基于内部局域网,所以使用前先配置好数据库存放的机器IP地址。另外程序使用了三个第三方控件DBGRID32.OCX MovingChar.ocx as97Popup.ocx,存放在压缩包中的dll文件夹内,使用前先注册一下。
Small Business Invoicing source code for a Small Business Invoicing source code, this code is not very complete, but for learning software design of such systems can give us an idea of friends, database using Access, based on the internal LAN, so configured to use the database before storing the machine IP address. Another procedure used three third-party controls DBGRID32.OCX MovingChar.ocx as97Popup.ocx, stored in the compressed package of dll folder, use before you register. (2007-10-22, Visual Basic, 3521KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] 顏色獲取器_源代碼

為方便用photoshop時候寫的小工具 ,獲取鼠標任意點的顏色 ,并取得此顏色的RGB / CYMK /HEX 值 , 還有如何實現透明窗體,是做網頁取色的好工具 , 不過取星號密碼的功能我就沒有加入了,看過很多vb文章都不能取得開啟網頁時候的*號密碼(WIN2K) ,只能通過全局hook實現 ,哪位大哥知道 ,幫忙告知 !感激不禁..Email : pcbate.2@gbmgroup.com.cn
used photoshop to facilitate the time to write small tools, access to arbitrary point of the mouse color, this made and the color of RGB/CYMK/HEX value, and how to achieve transparent windows, do Homepage on the Internet is a good tool for color, but from asterisk password function, I would not have joined the have read many articles vb not have time for the opening of the website* Password (WIN2K) only through the realization of the overall situation hook, Which brother know that this help! gratitude can not help .. Email : pcbate.2 @ gbmgroup.com.cn (2006-01-13, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载23次)


[Windows编程] 企业库存管理系1

the system for auto sales, product and customer data. Can sales in this sector had better statistics and understanding of the timely sales of adjustment. (2005-05-02, Visual Basic, 739KB, 下载72次)


[Windows编程] 企业级的DLL全部源代码

这是用VB写的winsock 我们可以完全放弃微软的WINSOCK.OCX了.这便于我的写出的软件少依赖控件
This is written in VB winsock we can completely abandon the Microsoft WINSOCK.OCX. This will help me to write software less dependent on controls (2005-04-20, Visual Basic, 192KB, 下载89次)
