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按分类查找All SQL Server(248) 

[SQL Server] GestaoEstoque

Aplica o WEB com ASP.NET MVC利用了SQL Server作为企业的一个重要组成部分。
Aplica o WEB com ASP.NET MVC utilizando SQL Server para fazer a gest o de estoque de empresas. (2023-04-06, HTML, 1590KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Desktop

SQL database, enterprise system management topics, for table structure operations, add, delete, modify, query various statements (2018-10-07, SQL, 35KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQL2kChangePasswod

SQL2k智能改密 无需登陆MSSQL的企业管理器,直接通过程序修改所需改动帐户的密码,简单实用。
Auto to Change MSSQL-User Log Password and has not be Log MSSQL-Manager. (2016-12-14, Visual Basic, 17KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] shiyan3

熟悉运用SQL Server企业管理器和查询分析器进行视图的创建、删除和修改
Familiar with using SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to create a view, delete, and modify (2014-01-15, SQL, 92KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] Hr

Internal HR management software, with VB+ SQL to do, do spend a lot of bad advice, welcome to download! ! (2011-01-05, Visual Basic, 2889KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] Database_enterprise_resource_management_system_sou

数据库企业资源管理系统源码及说明Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions
Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions (2010-08-05, SQL, 3625KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] crm

这是一个很好的源码建站系统啊 可以满足一般的大企业都可以满足
This is a good source Station system to meet the general ah big businesses to meet the (2009-12-10, C#, 3262KB, 下载98次)


[SQL Server] library

基于java的图书管理系统,使用SQL 2000企业管理器附加图书管理系统数据库。
The java-based library management system, using SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager add-library management system database. (2009-11-01, Java, 1571KB, 下载18次)


[SQL Server] ftpsearchdbase

BISM "菁搜"FTP搜索引擎数据库 帮助文档: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx 此为BISM软件开发小组发布的"菁搜"FTP搜索引擎的第一个版本.有很多功能还没有完成,请大家见谅!(此软件将作为开源项目) 帮肋文档在help文件里面. (开源信息和相关帮助信息)http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware 有相关问题可以联系我们: BISM软件工作组 E-MAIL:Bismsotware@163.com 余文锋 E-MAIL:wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn 陈鸿雏 E-MAIL:canzer@126.com.cn 吴侃侃 E-MAIL:suzerain2005@163.com
BISM " Ching found" FTP search engine database to help document: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx this BISM software development teams for the release of " Ching found" FTP search engine the first version. There are many features is not yet complete, please forgive me! (this software will serve as the open-source project) to help in the help file documentation ribbed inside. (to help open source information and related information) http://blog.csdn. net/BismSoftware there are related issues can contact us: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: Bismsotware@163.com余文锋E-MAIL: wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn Chen child E-MAIL: canzer@126.com.cn Wu Kan-Kan E-MAIL: suzerain2005@163.com (2009-06-08, SQL, 33804KB, 下载288次)


[SQL Server] BlueHill

A complete management system which contains various aspects of the enterprise subsystem even have access to the company s registration (2009-05-20, SQL, 2869KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] qyrsglVBSQL2000

To do their own finishing system, personnel management curriculum design, VB+ SQL2000, there are procedures, thesis, we take reference with it, a lot of finishing a collection of information (the directory also comes with) (2009-05-10, Visual Basic, 6040KB, 下载121次)


[SQL Server] VBchengxu

On the VB modules, including ticket ordering, vehicle maintenance, personnel management, industrial enterprises, etc. Invoicing module. (2008-12-08, Visual Basic, 2078KB, 下载11次)


[SQL Server] sqlinit

To write a dynamic SQL data access procedures, a bit like a part of Enterprise Manager functionality (2008-09-06, Delphi, 599KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] Desktop

小型企业人事管理系统,包括数据库设计。软件环境简体中文Microsoft Windows Server 2003(SP1)/Microsoft Office 2003(SP2)/ Microsoft SQL Server 2005/Microsoft Visual Studio 2005。
err (2008-06-17, Visual Basic, 1586KB, 下载26次)


[SQL Server] chap11qiyekehufuwuxitong

这是企业客户服务系统 老师给的光盘里带的 看着不错,跟大家一起分享
This is a corporate customer service system to the CD-ROM the teacher looked at the里带good to share with you (2008-04-29, SQL, 499KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] zhigonganquanguanlixitong

Using VB and SQL programming staff safety management system to facilitate the leadership of the management of enterprises. (2007-12-13, Visual Basic, 180KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] SQL

两个基于SQL设计的系统,一个是 企业员工资料管理系统,一个是轿车销售管理系统
two SQL-based design system, an enterprise information management system for staff, Car sales is a management system (2007-07-01, SQL, 495KB, 下载15次)


[SQL Server] gzgl_vb_good

a salary management system, the functional integrity, a clear interface, enabling enterprises for the wage administration. (2006-03-12, Visual Basic, 419KB, 下载62次)


[SQL Server] permis

With the popularity of computer application, enterprise computer management modern time has come. take information management enterprises in the new economic era, an inevitable trend, as well as enterprise managers with the urgent needs. IT for the development of enterprises with opportunities, it also brings a challenge. How to improve the company's internal management mechanisms, fair, objective, comprehensive, fast to document and assess the employee information, to achieve a people-oriented business strategy, improve personnel management efficiency, so the personnel managers have more energy to deal with human resources, research and development work is based development company, the exploration of the future, ahead of the industry's key. However, in today's busy business c (2006-01-10, Visual Basic, 154KB, 下载39次)


[SQL Server] data005

常用链接 我的链接 软件下载 站点链接 PB程序设计 网上课堂 ...课程学 习资料 ◇ 04级课程设计通讯录源程序下载 ◇ 04计算机(1)班...doc) ◇ PB 期末复习思考题 ◇ 数据库SQL练习1 数据库SQL练习2 ◇ ... its.nbtvu.net.cn/xhyu/ 16K 2005-6-20 - 百度快照
commonly used to link my site to link to download software to link PB program design courses online classroom learning materials ... Over 04 courses designed to download the source directory computer processed 04 (1) classes ... doc) Exercises Over PB Thinking SQL database that daily practice an SQL database daily practice ... its.nbtvu.net.cn 2/xhyu/16K 2005-6-20- Baidu snapshot (2005-07-07, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载8次)
