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[数据库编程] IK-diary2.5

TinyShow2011ME2.1 (hereinafter referred to as TinyShow2011) is positive for SMEs designed a lightweight CMS software, TinyShow2011 secondary cache using URL rewriting technique and technology, and integrated SQLite and MySQL , completely free of charge and at the same time TinyShow2011 open Source. (2016-05-11, ASP, 194KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] BogoCRM

可将通过博购企业信息搜索软件搜索得来的企业信息批量的导入到数据库中 员工可以根据自己的情况,选择跟进的客户。 员工可对跟进的客户做好记录,对客户进行分类管理。 批量的导入员工信息,对员工信息进行修改,锁定等操作,亦是您管理员工的一个好帮手。
Bo can be imported through the purchase of enterprise information search software to get search enterprise information into the volume Employees can according to their own situation, choose to follow up customers. Employees can do to follow up customer records, customer category management. Batch Import employee information, employee information changes, locking and other operations, is also managing your employees a good helper. (2016-04-25, ASP, 2568KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] androidSHANGCHENG

This is what I do to help a company with a large mall projects Andrews source. Including client, server and MySQL . The only source for learning, that we should not waste. (2015-11-01, C++ Builder, 705KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] Orby-23D

P This component source code is developed ERP enterprise software, query convenience when calling, writing, and can be used for SQL and other data, the user can modify the source code as needed, if there are tens of thousands of rows of data transferred to the query, but also As long as two seconds to show, double row, you can return the value of each column is the enterprise in the development of entry documents and queries the best choice (2015-07-31, Visual Basic, 196KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] chuangjianshujukuhebiao

数据库实验1,怎样创建数据库和表 使用“企业管理器”或者用CREATE语句创建一个“教务管理”数据库。数据库的模式如教科书78页例3.1 需要增加的约束:“学号”必须是4位数字字符 “成绩”在[0,100]之间
Database Experiment 1, how to create s and tables (2014-11-13, SQL, 12KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] databasesql

The database is the core of enterprise information, the application level of a direct impact on the enterprise management level. Selected a high-performance database product does not mean that there is a good database application system, database system design is unreasonable, will not only increase the difficulty of the client and server side programming and maintenance, but also affect the system, the actual operation properties. The topic to explain the database of various performance optimization techniques, in order to avoid disk I/O bottlenecks, reducing CPU utilization and reduce competition for resources. I hope the readers useful. (2012-07-06, SQL, 30559KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] visdata

VisData 是使用 Visual Basic 6.0 创建的应用程序。其已编译的 VisData 版本能作为从“外界程序”菜单可访问的加入成分来使用。在专业版和企业版中,VisData 的源代码可在示例目录中找到。
VB program example visdata is designed by Visual Basic 6.0 (2011-12-30, Visual Basic, 120KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] 200912512119541

由于SQL数据库的企业管理器对于一般操作员来说有点复杂,这个小工具可以解决操作复杂的问题. 如果服务器自动搜索不到,可手动输入服务器的名称或IP 用到的控件有Ehlib、Raize、DevExpress,TMS, 网上都有下载
Because the Enterprise Manager SQL database for the average operator is a bit complicated, this gadget can solve complex operational problems. If the server can not automatically search, you can manually enter the server name or IP used control has Ehlib, Raize, DevExpress, TMS, the Internet has download (2011-05-11, Delphi, 991KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] QQTBEPManagementSystem

Qq a small enterprise management system, very easy to use, but some precautions must be considered, such as use of this software to set the local computer' s database-driven, that is, setting ODBC (2011-05-08, Visual C++, 5487KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] Sybaseqyjglycksc

Sybase is a large database systems, with much, but it is exclusive in some sectors. This is the Sybase enterprise-class management manual, there is some help for beginners (2010-10-15, Others, 1823KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] 444

企业对其财务的进出进行详细的管理,对进出帐务的情况进行详细记录,应实现以下功能: (1).帐务信息录入:将帐务的数据资料以及其对应的详细信息录入数据库中。 (2).查询功能:实现按帐务账单的编号、时间等指标进行详细情况的查询。 (3).修改功能:当某个或者某些帐务资料变动时,能对其进行修改。 (4).删除功能:对出错的帐务数据资料进行删除。
Enterprises access to its detailed financial management, access to detailed accounts of the case records, should be to achieve the following functions: (1). Accounts information entry: The Accounts data, as well as its corresponding database entry for more information. (2). The inquiry: the realization of the bill by the number of accounts, indicators and time details of the inquiry. (3). Modify functions: when a certain account information or changes that can be modified. (4). Delete functions: Accounts of error for the deletion of data. (2009-06-18, Visual C++, 3315KB, 下载13次)


[数据库编程] Attendance_Management_System

Running application, you first need to set the database connection through ODBC to create the document DSN (detailed methodology refer Chapter II personnel management information system " on the database" ), here set up a user name and password are sa. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 132KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] laoziguanlixitong

Labor management systems, to very good co-ordination of enterprise management labor and wage management system, vb+ Access development. Good data to develop a simple example. (2008-12-21, Visual Basic, 289KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] StorageManage_Data

(1)将DataBase文件夹中的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击“ ”按钮,选择所要附加数据库的.mdf文件,单击“确定”按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
err (2008-12-01, Visual C++, 6740KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] 07

图书管理系统 目前,图书市场日益激烈的竞争迫使图书企业希望采用一种新的管理方式来加快图书流通信息的反馈速度 ,而计算机信息技术的发展为图书管理注入了新的生机。 本图书管理系统实现了以下功能: 实现图书的入库与入库退货管理。 实现图书的库存盘点管理。 实现图书的定价、调价管理。 实现图书的销售、销售退货管理。 实现图书的入库查询、入库退货查询、图书销售查询等信息查询
Library management system At present, the book market with increasing competition forcing companies want to book a new management to speed up the circulation speed of information feedback, and computer information technology for library management has injected new vitality. The library management system to achieve the following functions: the realization of book storage and warehousing Return Management. The achievement of the book inventory management. The realization of book pricing, price management. The realization of book sales, sales return management. The realization of book storage inquiries, warehousing return query, inquiry, such as book sales information (2008-11-27, Visual C++, 3165KB, 下载480次)


[数据库编程] 13396_ddooo

相关搜索: vb 进销存管理系统下载 vb 进销存 药vb VB进销存源码 vb源码下载进销存 vb企业进销存源码 VB 医药. 输入关键字,在本站35万海量源码库中尽情搜索:
Related Searches: vb Invoicing Management System download vb Invoicing Invoicing drug vb VB source code download vb source code vb Invoicing Invoicing source VB pharmaceutical enterprises. Enter a keyword in the Site 350000 Massive source Be Code Library Search: (2008-05-16, Others, 402KB, 下载14次)


[数据库编程] MemoDBS

Through VC++ 6.0 connectivity database, the realization of a Memorandum of Understanding applies to small and medium enterprises, the module contains a user registry, the memorandum set the type of information input and specific information collection (2007-10-31, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载22次)


[数据库编程] 2006040202501221119

VB prepared by the Wage management information systems, the use of ACCESS database. Basic mistakes (2007-01-19, Visual Basic, 56KB, 下载75次)


[数据库编程] tiaoxingmakaifa

摘要:采用Foxpro2.5T3数据库开发平台开发了一种计算机机房和网吧收费管理系统,该系 统的帐户信h,基」几条形码识别身份,也可以直接键入用户帐户的数码,所需的用户信h,完全山 计算机集中管理。该系统是一种重l从对上机计费、值班人员工作日志与收费情况进行详细记 录,J{含有信任委托技术在内的机房网吧管理收费系统,系统成木低廉、运行速度快、代码紧 凑、功能健全、开发平台简单。
Abstract : using Foxpro2.5T3 database development platform for the development of a computer room and Internet cafes charging management system, The system of accounts letter h- "a few bar code identity, users can directly enter the digital account, the letter h users completely Hill computer centralized management. This is a re-l from the right on the plane billing, log on duty personnel and the toll of detailed records, J (trust entrusted with the technical room Internet cafe management system, the system log into low, running speed, code compact, functional, simple development platform. (2006-12-19, Others, 52KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] wangmeng.cn_cjx

Invoicing Management System (VF) This is done with VF cargo management system, is my big two of curriculum design, Because of limited capacity, please exhibitions (2006-06-27, VFP, 298KB, 下载29次)
