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[电子书籍] Loundrunner

LoadRunner 是一种预测系统行为和性能的负载测试工具。通过以模拟上千万用户实施并发负载及实时性能监测的方式来确认和查找问题,LoadRunner 能够对整个企业架构进行测试
LoadRunner is a load testing tool to predict system behavior and performance. By simulating tens of millions of users to implement concurrent load and real-time performance monitoring to identify and find problems, LoadRunner can test the entire enterprise architecture (2021-03-10, MultiPlatform, 2662KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] c++编程思想2

C and C + + are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. C + + is an extension of C language, and the potential of both languages is immeasurable, which is why enterprises of any size can use them, because it has scalability and portability. With the continuous development of language, the number of people learning it is increasing. If you want to learn C and C + +, it is a good choice to start from a book. (2020-03-25, C/C++, 649KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] c++编程思想

C and C + + are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. C + + is an extension of C language, and the potential of both languages is immeasurable, which is why enterprises of any size can use them, because it has scalability and portability. With the continuous development of language, the number of people learning it is increasing. If you want to learn C and C + +, it is a good choice to start from a book. (2020-03-25, C/C++, 514KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Windows程序设计(第6版)

Windows程序设计参考文档本书特色: 基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 对 Unicode 的介绍 图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与 metafile 系统核心与印表机 声音与音乐 动态连结程式库 多工与多执行绪 多重文件介面 网际网路与企业内网路程式设计
Windows Programming Reference Document (2019-06-21, C/C++, 7277KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 详解 通信原理 第七版

Communication principle + Seventh Edition + learning counseling and guidance section + Lina + Cao fan letter + after-school exercise answer (2018-03-21, WINDOWS, 38734KB, 下载138次)


[电子书籍] lshort-cn

很好的letex中文教程:L ATEX[1] 是一种排版系统,它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类文档。这个系统同样适用于生成从简单的信件到完整书籍的所有其他种 类的文档。L ATEX 使用TEX[2]作为它的格式化引擎。
Good Letex Chinese tutorial: L ATEX[1] is an typesetting system that is ideal for creating high quality print technology and math documents. The system also applies to all other kinds of documents from simple letters to complete books. L ATEX uses TEX[2] as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes the use of L ATEX2, which should be sufficient for most applications of L ATEX. (2017-07-22, PDF, 626KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] Interviewquestionbank

希望这些百年来前辈们精心总结的面试题目 能够对即将出参加工作的学姐学弟有所帮助 1. 最大的长处和弱点分别是什么?这些长处和弱点对你在企业的业绩会有什么样的影响?   分析:这个问题的最大陷阱在于,第一个问题实际上是两个问题,而且还要加上一个后续问题。这两个问题的陷阱并不在于你是否能认真地看待自己的长处,也不在于你是否能正确认识自己的弱点。记住,你的回答不仅是向面试人说明你的优势和劣势,也能在总体上表现你的价值观和对自身价值的看法。
Interview question bank (2010-07-09, DOS, 136KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] springChinese

Spring是java平台上的一个开源应用框架。 Spring框架本身并没有强制实行任何特别的编程模式。在Java社区里,Spring作为EJB模型之外的另外一个选择甚至是替代品而广为流行。从设计上看,Spring给予了Java程序员许多的自由度,但同时对业界常见的问题也提供了良好的文档和易于使用的方法。 Spring框架的核心功能在任何Java应用中都是适用的。在基于Java企业平台上的web应用中,大量的拓展和改进得以形成。为此,Spring获得了广泛的欢迎,并被许多公司认可为具有战略意义的重要框架。
only for reference (2010-03-03, Java, 1045KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] DatabaseRecovery

执行完整的或不完整的用户管理的回收 确定不完全恢复的情况下是必要的 执行完整的或不完整的回收使用RMAN 执行不完全恢复的时间为依据,营养问题,日志序列,恢复点,或取消方法 恢复一个自动备份控制文件 使用企业管理的执行恢复 恢复只读表空间
Perform complete or incomplete user-managed recovery Identify situations where incomplete recovery is necessary Perform complete or incomplete recovery by using RMAN Perform incomplete recovery based on time, SCN, log sequence, restore points, or the cancel method Recover an automatically backed up control file Use Enterprise Manage to perform recovery Recover read-only tablespaces (2010-02-03, PPT, 136KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] deinterlacing

本人收集的去隔行资料。包含目前最新的技术一共6篇,篇篇经典。 基于形态学滤波和小角度边缘搜索的运动自适应去隔行.pdf 基于FPGA优化运动检测去隔行算法的设计.pdf 基于运动补偿的视频自适应去隔行算法.pdf 时空权重和边缘自适应去隔行.pdf 自适应加权滤波的去隔行算法及其FPGA实现.pdf wp-01117-hd-video-deinterlacing_CN.pdf
some good reference ablout deinterlacing (2010-01-23, Video, 3754KB, 下载168次)


[电子书籍] cpp_primer4_cn

本书全面介绍了 C++ 语言。作为一本入门书(Primer),它以教程的形式对 C++ 语言进行清晰的讲解,并辅以丰富的示例和各种学习辅助手段。与大多数入门教程不同,本书对 C++ 语言本身进行了详尽的描述,并特别着重介绍了目前通行的、行之有效的程序设计技巧。
This book a comprehensive introduction to C++ language. As a primer (Primer), its course in the form of C++ language for a clear explanation, supported by a wealth of examples and a variety of learning aids. Getting Started Guide and the most different from the book on C++ language itself to carry out a detailed description, with particular focus on the present passage and effective programming skills. (2009-08-03, Visual C++, 1727KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] masterBugFree2

BugFree 是借鉴微软的研发流程和Bug 管理理念,使用PHP+MySQL 独立写出的一个Bug 管理系统。 简单实用、免费并且开放源代码(遵循GNU GPL)。 如何有效地管理软件产品中的Bug,是每一家软件企业必须面临的问题。遗憾的是很多软件企业还是 停留在作坊式的研发模式中,其研发流程、研发工具、人员管理不尽人意,无法有效地保证质量、控制进 度,并使产品可持续发展。 BugFree 就是为了解决上述问题而开发的。
BugFree is from Microsoft' s R & D management processes and Bug, the use of PHP+ MySQL to write a Bug independent management system. Simple, practical, free and open source code (follow the GNU GPL). How the effective management of software products in the Bug, every software enterprises have to face a problem. Unfortunately, many software companies still remain in the workshop-style R & D mode, the R & D processes, development tools, personnel management unsatisfactory and can not effectively ensure the quality, and control the progress of sustainable development and products. BugFree to address these problems is developed. (2009-06-14, Windows_Unix, 3704KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] jiyuqiangbeijzaoshengxiadeyuyduand

硕士论文,基于强背景噪声下的语言端点检测算法及实现。本文总结了现有的典型语音端点检测算法,深入分析了各算法的基本原理,比较 其优缺点,并给出了仿真结果。在此基础上,分析了现有语音信号的结构特点和特征参 数,提出了在较强背景噪声环境下的两种语音端点检测新算法。分别是基于多子带墒的 语音端点检测算法和基于Gaussian一右~a模型的语音端点检测算法。并给出了仿真 结果。从仿真结果可以看出在常见的噪声环境下,算法鲁棒性较好,在较低的信噪比下 仍能比较准确地检测到语音信号的端点。
speech paper,help you study (2009-04-28, PDF, 3433KB, 下载42次)


[电子书籍] Lucene.In.Action.PDF

Lucene in Action为使用最好的Java开源搜索引擎的用户提供所有细节、最好的实践、警告、技巧。本书假设读者熟悉基本的Java编程。Lucene本身是个Java档案(JAR)文件并能集成到简单的命令行程序和大型企业级应用程序中。
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher (2009-04-14, Java, 255KB, 下载40次)


[电子书籍] ARM

随着人民生活水平和生活方式的转变,餐饮业具有巨大的投资市场,被称为中国的黄 金产业。无线电子点菜的目的就是利用先进的2.4GRF无线通信技术、嵌入式移动数据库 技术、以及触摸屏等技术,为餐饮业走向全面数字化提供了完整的解决方案。该点菜机操 作简便,可以实时显示餐桌状况 还实现了自动结账、避免人为错误和跑单现象,进而提 高了服务品质。它为餐饮行业带来崭新的管理理念与服务手段,能够提高餐馆档次,同时 优化业务流程,提高效率、精简人手,为客户提供更好的服务,实现企业价值最大化同时 又使成本最低化,是餐饮行业向信息化发展的一个重要标志。
hello jar (2009-03-09, Java, 3875KB, 下载44次)


[电子书籍] GSM

基于 GSM 的远程家庭监控及报警系统的设计 】 该防盗报警器由热释电红外探头、 GSM模块和单片机最小系统组成。 热释电红外探头采集到防盗信 息 , 经单片机发给 GSM 模块 , 再由 GSM 模块发送给指定手机用户, 显示远程的报警情况。
GSM-based remote home monitoring and alarm system design] the burglar alarm from the pyroelectric infrared sensor, GSM module and the smallest single-chip system. Pyroelectric infrared probe collected security information, issued by the single-chip GSM module, GSM module and then sent to designated mobile phone users, showing the situation of a remote alarm. (2009-01-29, C/C++, 231KB, 下载481次)


[电子书籍] AddisonWesley-C++Gotchas

《C++ 陷阱》内容简介 转自:http://infopower.com.cn/showdetail.php?isbn=7-5083-1494-8 C++ 是一门高效率但是复杂的编程语言,因为它的复杂性,使得程序员有机会去面对形形色色的各种设计和编程错误。如何去规避这些陷井,编写出更具重用性和易维护的C++代码,正是本书的目标所在。作者Stephen C. Dewhurst结合了将近二十年的C++开发经验,罗列了最常见的99个小问题,并详细阐述这些问题的解决之道,让读者在不知觉之间掌握C++的高级编程技巧,充分领悟C++的细微之处。阅读本书,必会对实际工作带来巨大的帮助。
C++ Trap carried Description: http://infopower.com.cn/showdetail.php?isbn=7-5083-1494-8 C++ Are an efficient but complex programming language because of its complexity, programmers have the opportunity to make the face of all sorts of various design and programming errors. How to circumvent these pitfalls, the preparation of a more reusability and easy maintenance of the C++ Code, it is the objective of this book. Author Stephen C. Dewhurst combines nearly two decades of C++ Development experience, listed the 99 most common minor problems, and elaborate on these issues a solution so that the reader can not grasp consciousness between C++ high-level programming skills, to fully comprehend C++ s subtle. Read this book, this will surely bring great practical help. (2008-08-27, C/C++, 703KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] J2EEclassChinese

电子书籍,不错滴 今天,越来越多的开发人员都想编写分布式的,事务型的企业及应用程序,以及平衡速度、安全及服务器方可靠度的技术。如果你已经在这个领域工作,你应该知道在当今的快速变换及需求的电子商务及信息技术的世界里,企业应用程序需要设计、编译、产生低价位的、高速的、占用少量资源的程序。 为了缩减开发成本,快速跟踪企业应用的设计和开发,J2EE技术提供了基于组件的设计方法,开发、集成、部署应用程序。J2EE平台提供了多层分布式应用模式,使具有重用的能力,并集成了基于XML的数据交换——一个统一的安全模式及灵活的事务控制。
electronic books, good drop today, more and more developers want to prepare distributed, Service-oriented enterprises and application procedures, and to balance speed, security and reliability of the server side technology. If you already work in this field, you should know that in today's rapidly changing and the demand for e-commerce and information technology world, enterprise applications need to design, compile and produce the low-cost, high-speed, taking up a small amount of resources procedures. To reduce development costs, fast tracking enterprise application design and development, J2EE technology provides a component-based design, development, integration and deployment of applications. J2EE platform offers a multi-tier distributed application model, with the ability to reuse (2006-07-05, MultiPlatform, 3747KB, 下载51次)


[电子书籍] chengxuyuanxiulianzhidao

"programmers meditation technique" of a series of independent parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, make straight for the code to remain flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse the structure, using many of the rich entertainment anecdotal, thoughtful and interesting example of the analogy, a comprehensive explanation of the software development of many different aspects of best practice and a major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, software project managers, the book are suitable for your reading. (2006-05-22, Others, 1355KB, 下载81次)


[电子书籍] ZLDQ

After more than three years of dedication to collect and collate the CHM version of a comprehensive information Daquan, the content will cover software technology (DELPHI, NET, Java aspects), Project Management (project documentation, demand, risk, testing, support tools), the enterprise management (ERP aspects), the most valuable is also very technical Hsu slides. (2005-06-24, Windows_Unix, 46369KB, 下载3003次)
