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[WEB开发] 合同管理系统新版

web合同信息管理系统 实现公司企业合同信息的管理、查询、记录、合同分析等等功能
Web contract information management system (2020-05-26, Java, 16572KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] ding-isv-app-master

钉钉isv App开发程序demo,用于dingding的企业定制开发使用
Demo, an ISV app development program, is used in the customization development of dinging (2020-02-19, Java, 184KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] oa 2

oa的静态页面很好的OA网站静态页面,欢迎大家下载使用 结合当今市场的需求,为了满足用户的需要。办公自动化系统应实现的功能如下。 ? 企业的日常管理,应包括企业的会议管理和公告管理。用户可以通过这一模块查看企业发布的会议、公告,并设置了添加新公告和会议的功能。
OA static page is very good OA web site static page, welcome to download and use the needs of today's market, in order to meet the needs of users. The functions of the office automation system are as follows. The daily management of the enterprise should include the meeting management and the announcement management of the enterprise. (2017-12-06, Java, 4642KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] rcw

招聘求职人才网 php功能齐全,分为人才求职,企业招聘和管理员三个部分
job-hunting system (2017-03-29, Java, 29200KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] thgl

To provide professional website construction program for individual enterprises, the program is based on ASP+ACCESS environment development. (2017-03-05, Java, 4769KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] h5qiye

一套非常优秀的H5自适应高端企业网站源码,这套源码有很多优秀的功能,也是很多企业网站所不具备的。今天免费分享出这套源码也是希望能够帮助更多想要搭建高端企业网站的用户。下边详细说一下这个网站的一些细节功能,方便大家更好的了解程序。 程序使用asp+access搭建,运行环境要求windows+IIS,而且IIS必须是完整的IIS才能正常运行,不能使用简易IIS,所以建议那些不会在本地搭建完整IIS的用户,还是直接上传到windows虚拟主机或者服务器上调试吧。
A very good H5 adaptive high-end enterprise website source code, the source code has many excellent features, but also many companies do not have the site. Today, free to share this source is also hoping to help more users want to build high-end enterprise website. The details of the site in detail some of the features to facilitate a better understanding of the procedures. The program is built on asp+access, windows+IIS and IIS operating environment requirements, must be complete IIS to normal operation, not easy to use IIS, so that users who will not build a complete IIS locally, or directly uploaded to the virtual host or server debugging windows. (2017-03-04, Java, 4976KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] jrcmsxt

Is the best system for small and medium enterprises to build, so that traditional enterprises quickly make money on the internet. Giant CMS system is simple and easy to operate, direct the source upload space, the background can control the front desk, independent operation, everyone can build. (2017-01-19, Java, 3646KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qdlqywzym

免费、简单、易用的企业网站建设系统,让企业轻松搭建电脑网站+手机网站,采用分割布局设计和存储分段技术,实现一个后台同步管理手机、平板、PC网站,使网站管理更方便。 基于互联网的品牌行销策略,网站版面个性化设计; 适合中小型企业,突出宣传企业及产品,提升品牌形象; PC+手机WAP双平台 启动力CMS拥有同步搭建企业PC电脑站和手机WAP站功能,实现一个后台管理两个网站,HTML+CSS设计,更轻便,具有繁简切换功能,使得网站管理更便捷,为您节约时间,节省建站成本。
Enterprise website construction system free, simple and easy to use, allow enterprises to easily build a computer website+ mobile phone website, by dividing the layout design and storage segment technology, the realization of a mobile phone, tablet, background synchronization management PC website, the website management more convenient. Brand marketing strategy based on the Internet, website layout personalized design suitable for small and medium enterprises, highlighting the promotion of enterprises and products, enhance brand image PC+ mobile WAP dual platform CMS has started to build enterprise PC synchronous computer station and mobile phone WAP function, the realization of a background management of two websites, HTML+CSS design, more portable, with simplified switching function, make the website management more convenient, saving you time, save the construction cost. (2017-01-19, Java, 3667KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] nfsj

一、企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目,可设二级分类。 二、新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数。 三、产品展示:无限级分类,可调整产品类别和产品信息的显示顺序,可将产品同时设在二个类别下,可搜索产品,可多选产品直接下订单询盘。
First, the enterprise information: publish all kinds of information about the enterprise, such as enterprise profiles, organizational structure, contact, and can add new columns, can be set up two classification. Two, news trends: the release of corporate news and industry information, the background to the front of the true realization of the classification of the level of display, and control display series. Three, products: unlimited classification, in order to adjust product categories and product information display, the product can be simultaneously arranged on the two categories, search products, products can be selected directly under the orders inquiry. (2017-01-15, Java, 5126KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wangzhanyuanmachengxu

Jinhua style of a company blue business website ASP source program @ www.ymg.cc (2016-08-31, Java, 3079KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ebuy2016

Online Store, trading online and offline! Combat simulation demonstration projects of large enterprises (2016-06-16, Java, 5700KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] byjgzh

Promised to provided by ksoap2 automatically crawl on the bank s website www.boc.cn silver price conversion source open app after the renminbi dollar exchange rate, and provide a day pass between silver and London Silver, gold and silver price conversion, the project is very simple default compilation version 4.0.3. GBK encoding. (2016-06-13, Java, 3462KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] job

Only individuals can function publish their resumes, companies can post jobs, along with a search function ~ (2016-03-02, Java, 19KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xsite_v1.1.8.4

xSite企业自助建站软件是一部专业为搜索引擎营销(网站优化/SEO)而设计,操作极简单,网站极稳定、故障自动修复、在线升级维护、建站速度极快、专为大众上网营销而设计的完全免费开源企业建站系统! xSite企业自助建站软件100 保证你的网站被百度、GOOGLE、SOSO收录。
xSite business self-help software is a professional search engine marketing (SEO/SEO) and design, operation very simple, very stable site, fault repair, online upgrade and maintenance, establishment fast, specially designed for the public Internet Marketing completely free and open source enterprise station system! xSite business self-help software 100 guarantee that your site is Baidu, GOOGLE, SOSO included. (2015-05-03, Java, 10333KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] company

Magenta corporate propaganda website, it is full of code, as well as the database code (2014-09-04, Java, 3045KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] lovego

Through the electronic commerce system of construction, we should realize the enterprise product information on the Internet (2013-01-08, Java, 13894KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] BEES_v3.0_R_20121212

An enterprise-class Web site fast construction of the source code. The interface is simple and rich. (2012-12-18, Java, 3889KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] mingsms

Source web-based messaging system to achieve messaging, billing, management, suitable for use by SMEs (2011-10-08, Java, 3357KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] design_of_website

design of a website (2009-11-05, Java, 82KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] Job

大学生就业求职网 学生发布信息 企业发布信息等
Graduate Employment求职网student release of information companies such as dissemination of information (2007-12-01, Java, 1765KB, 下载71次)
