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[企业管理] BodhiB2B

Bodhi s pursuit: rapid development, project realization, basic suite of enterprise digital transformation. Open source B2B BodhiEC based on CI framework. The project 0-1 is implemented quickly and can be developed into ERP, OA, CRM, ToC and other enterprise systems. Three e-commerce modes: (1) the platform unifies the release and management of goods, and suppliers only provide quotations and supplies; (2) Suppliers freely publish goods, and the platform settles with suppliers by purchasing; (3) The platform orders are generated in the form of contracts. The buyer s accounts receivable and payables specified in the contract are called up, and the platform charges the supplier s service fees. (2024-04-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] psi

PSI服装零售是一个集采购、销售、库存、成本核算、核心业 务 、账 务 协同应用功能于一体的服装类进销存小程序。分为小程序psi,接口wxpsi两部分。PSI服装零售小程序以销售企业的核心业 务 :采购-销售-库存- 财 务 为切入点,着手打造移动便捷...
PSI clothing retail is a small program for clothing purchase, sales, inventory, cost accounting, core business, and accounting collaborative application. It is divided into two parts: small program psi and interface wxpsi. PSI clothing retail applet takes the core business of sales enterprises: purchase - sales - inventory - finance as the starting point, and starts to create mobile convenience (2021-09-03, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBest

EBest is a new brand of domestic e-commerce systems and service solutions, providing traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-14, PHP, 130KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of domestic e-commerce system and service solutions. It provides traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-20, PHP, 132KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall_Html5

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-12-05, PHP, 2606KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] php进销存系统源码完全免费(不要分)

产品概述 “ViooMa进销存”是一套集进、销、存和简单财务管理于一体的WEB进销存管理软件,深受广大中小企业欢迎,该软件采用独特的算法和操作理念设计,简单易用,就算是不懂电脑的人也能很容易上手。 ViooMa进销存系统-进销存与往来帐务实现一体化,大量重复烦琐的工作均由web进销存系统自动完成,操作过程简化,大大降低使用人员的工作量。只需简单地录入进货、销售、收款、付款等单据,而系统就自动帮您统计、分析、分类、汇总各类单据信息生成相应的报表。此外,还可随时查询和分析进货、销售、库存、应收、应付、成本、利润等信息,以及随时与每一位供应商和客户进行清晰、快速地往来对帐,让您能及时、清晰地掌握公司每天的经营状况。 产品特点 功能简洁实用,操作简便 多个功能浓缩或聚集在一起,让您不用“团团转”,更加不会眼花缭乱,做到一目了然。 易学易用,就算没有特别计算机知识的人,在极短的时间内便可掌握并熟悉整个系统的操作 和流程,麻雀虽小,却五脏俱全,此软件适用于一般商贸业务管理活动。 强大数据存储能力与反映速度
Product overview "Viooma purchase, sale and stock" is a set of Web purchase, sale, stock and simple financial management management software, which is popular by the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises. The software is designed with unique algorithm and operation concept, simple and easy to use, even for people who do not understand computers. Viooma purchase, sale and stock system - the integration of purchase, sale and stock and current account. A large number of repetitive and cumbersome work is automatically completed by the web purchase, sale and stock system. The operation process is simplified, greatly reducing the workload of users. Simply enter the purchase, sales, collection, payment and other documents, and the system will automatically help you to count, analyze, classify and summarize all kinds of document information to generate corresponding reports. In addition, you can also query and analyze the purchase, sales, inventory, (2020-01-06, PHP, 365KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] 品优影视建站系统1.3.6完整包

The latest version of 1.3.6 (2018-04-02, PHP, 9326KB, 下载43次)


[企业管理] esm

ESM enterprise customer relationship management system, is based on the open Linux kernel and Apache based on Php+ Mysql intelligent B/S interactive service system. 0ESM mobile system by the mobile end using javascript, html5, ajax, json and other technologies. (2016-11-14, PHP, 693KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] bysys

企业内部订单、客户管理系统: 1、客户(代理商)管理,可增加、编辑、删除相关客户(代理商),设置代理级别,指定为其服务的客户经理(见功能5)。 2、产品资料管理,管理产品相关资料,图片(可多图)。
Customer (agent) management, can increase, edit, delete the relevant customers (agents), set the agent level, designated as the service of the account manager (see function 5). 2, product data management, management of product-related information, pictures (can be more). (2016-10-23, PHP, 602KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] DouPHP_admin

Blue enterprise CMS admin templates, a full set of templates, including background page, system settings, customize the navigation bar, home slide advertising, single page management, product classification, product list, the classification, the list, data backup, version of the phone, setting template, website administrator, operation records etc. 25 background template page. (2016-06-07, PHP, 1339KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] rzxtbgxt_v3.2

However, the co-management system consists of customer management (crm), daily office (oa), cash accounting (cash), sharing the team (team) and applications of GNSS (ips) five modules, mainly for small and medium enterprises internal management team. And the market compared to other products, and then focus more on the synergy to provide integrated, streamlined solution. (2016-02-17, PHP, 3779KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] QgESS3.0

web进销存2010商务版-进销存管理系统 Web进销存商务版针对大部分中小企业及个人进行开发,基本上都能满足相关要求,进销存分系统设置,采购入库,销售管理,库存管理,客户管理,统计报表,应付应收等模块构成,有效的对你的业务进行合理管理,大大提高了你的工作效率,让公司管理及销售更上一层楼。 WEB进销存管理系统功能介绍 系统设置-系统变量及进销存管理系统基本参数设定及权限设置,数据备份/还原,各类基本属性设置等。 入库管理-方便快捷的入库操作(支持条码扫描仪输入) 销售管理-人性化的销售管理及POS销售模块,让你销售效率更高。 库存管理-让你及时了解仓库里产品情况 客户管理-方便与客户进行实时沟通 统计报表管理-提供各种报表及打印 财务管理-简单的财务管理功能让你清楚企业的相关业绩 系统日志-为管理员提供一目了然的操作日志,方便快捷 帮助支持-集成专用技术资料,助你解决相关问题 其它管理-供应商管理,仓库管理,职工管理,计量单位管理等
Web enters sells saves the 2010 business edition- purchase-sell-stock management system For most Web invoicing commercial version of small and medium-sized enterprises and individual development, basically can satisfy the requirements of the relevant standards invoicing system Settings, procurement, sales management, inventory management, inventory management, customer accounts payable statistics, etc, the effective module composition of your business management, reasonable greatly improves the efficiency of work, let your company management and marketing. WEB purchase-sell-stock management system function is introduced System Settings- system variables and the purchase-sell-stock management system and basic parameters set permissions Settings, and data backup/reduction of basic properties, etc. Inventory management- convenient storage operation support barcode scanner input) ( Sales management- humanized sales management (2010-09-25, PHP, 330KB, 下载200次)


[企业管理] PHPcangkuguanli

php+ mysql warehouse management system. Can be set to inbound, outbound, customer management, equipment management. Small business inventory management source php rare. (2010-08-01, PHP, 55KB, 下载342次)


[企业管理] quanxian

基于Fleastart架构的网站RBAC访问控制框架设计与实现.本此毕业设计将基于角色访问控制(Role-Based Access Control,RBAC)作为研究课题,来实现一个企业内部管理系统中的权限管理部分。本文在RBAC2001建议标准的参考模型(下称NIST RBAC模型)的基础上,结合综合信息管理系统以及软件系统集成的要求和特点,将RBAC访问控制框架应用到一个已有的以MVC为架构建立而成的商务网站中去。
Architecture based on Fleastart RBAC access control framework for the website design and implementation. The role of this graduation project will be based access control (Role-Based Access Control, RBAC) as a research topic, to implement a management system within the enterprise rights management section. In this paper, the standard reference model RBAC2001 建议 (the Chen NIST RBAC model) the basis of Shang, Jie He Syndicated news Xin Xi Ji Tong and software systems management integration of the requirements and characteristics, the RBAC access control framework is applied to a structure already in to MVC is built here and which to go into business website. (2010-04-15, PHP, 1182KB, 下载41次)


[企业管理] Typo3_dummy_4.26

Typo3是开源内容管理系统(CMS)和内容管理框架(CMF)的领导性品牌之一,和CMSware一样是一个真正的高端企业级的产品;由于其不是面向低端用户的产品,因而在国内影响相当有限。 Typo3主要是面向中高级php水平的开发者,但这个发布包也适合一般不懂编程的用户使用。
Typo3 is the open source content management system (CMS) and content management framework (CMF), one of the leading brands and the same CMSware is a true high-end enterprise-class products not because of its low-end user-oriented products, which very limited impact at home. Typo3 is mainly for middle and senior level php developer, but it is also suitable for release packages do not understand programming in general users. (2009-07-20, PHP, 8820KB, 下载55次)


[企业管理] SugarCE-Patch-5.2.0f

SugarCRM是一个开源项目的CRM,php开发,后台数据库是mysql,基本是开源的。功能相当的丰富:My Portal、Calendar、Activities、Contacts、Accounts、Leads、Opportunities、Cases、Rss、Dashboard、Emails、BugTracker,Comercial版本还包括:Quotes、Products、Repors。   SugarCRM 是在SourceForge.net上最成功的开放源程序系统,其开放源程序的版本是目前为止最有名,也是最成功的免费的 CRM。   SugarCRM 具有很强的可操作性、灵活的适用性、完善的功能、独特的个性化设计和专业的技术安全保障,是辅助企业实现客户关系管理的理想之选。
SugarCRM is an open source project of the CRM, php development, the background database is mysql, open source is basically the. Considerable wealth of functions: My Portal, Calendar, Activities, Contacts, Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Cases, Rss, Dashboard, Emails, BugTracker, Comercial version also includes: Quotes, Products, Repors. SugarCRM is the most successful in the SourceForge.net open source system, its open source version is by far the most famous and most successful free CRM. SugarCRM has a strong operational and flexible applicability, and improve the function, the unique design of personalized and professional technical security guarantees, is to assist the enterprise customer relationship management to achieve the ideal. (2009-06-25, PHP, 2487KB, 下载30次)


[企业管理] PageAdmin

PageAdmin website management system, the system comes with the current website of the functional modules used entirely to meet the common enterprise, school or government type of website required. Download now, you will experience the entire system by the free distribution of unused functions. (2009-04-04, PHP, 3208KB, 下载16次)


[企业管理] typo3_src+dummy-4.1.5

Typo3, 开源里边最强大的,也是最接近商业化用途的网站内容管理框架(CMF)之一。基于PHP和MySQL数据库。这是一个非常复杂的内容框架程序,要熟练掌握应用它,是需要一定的时间的。在它的官方网站介绍中称,该程序是主要对开发者,专业级人士设计的,如果你是一个专业人士,要掌握它可能需要两周到一个月时间。如果你一个一般的建站的用户,可能需要两个月。 国际组织大概在2004年8/9月份,根据有关指标挑选了十款开源(免费)PHP内容管理系统软件,做了一个评比报告。其中包括Typo3, Drupal, Mambo, Postnuke等。按照各项预设指标,报告评比结果显示Typo3以7分多位居第一名(满分10分)。报告最后结论称Typo3是最接近商业程序的免费内容管理系统(框架)。Drupal列第二,Mambo列第三,PostNuke列第四,像PHPNuke, 由于过于死板,则没有在入选测试之列。 看一下国外用Typo3建成的站点(typo3.org网站上有列出),无论从设计还是到内容,其水平明显要比Mambo,Drupal等建成的站要高得多,专业得多,多是商业站点或企业站点,笔者认为Mambo之类只能作为个人网站的入门选择,想进一步建一个专业一点的网站,Typo3将是免费产品中的首选。 (2008-05-22, PHP, 8828KB, 下载89次)
