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按分类查找All 单片机开发(199) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(199) 

[单片机开发] eeprom

Blue cup development version, guosen sky EEPPORM procedures, storage boot times, use STC15 adapter plate, J12 jumper cap choice for MM (2016-02-23, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] DS18B20

Blue cup development version, guosen sky clock procedures, the clock immutable, use STC15 adapter plate, J12 jumper cap choice for MM (2016-02-23, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] wince-Programming-3th

视窗3应用程序编程为掌上电脑,掌上电脑,和嵌入式设备的编程。 主题包括: 企业计算包括COM、DCOM、使用ADOCE访问数据库,和微软的消息队列 通信,包括网络访问HTTP,TCP/IP,插座,串口通信,并与ActiveSync 3桌面同步 建立和运行应用程序在视觉+ +使用微软基金会 嵌入式Visual C++ 3和Pocket PC SDK光盘 超越用户界面到硬盘核心编程 全面联网和企业计算 从掌上电脑全球通信 所有新功能的视窗3 高级技术的严重窗口程序员
Windows CE 3.0 Application Programming presents programming for Pocket PC, handheld PC, and embedded devices. Topics include: Enterprise computing including COM, DCOM, access using ADOCE, and Microsoft Message Queue Communications, including Internet Web access with HTTP, TCP/IP, sockets, serial communications, and desktop synchronization with ActiveSync 3.0 Build and run applications in Visual C++ using Microsoft Foundation Classes CD-ROM with eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 and Pocket PC SDK Beyond the user interface to hard-core programming Full-scale networking and enterprise computing Global communications Pocket PCs All the new features of Windows CE 3.0 Advanced techniques for serious Windows CE programmers (2015-12-28, Visual C++, 1387KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] sd_cn

C-based SD card reader module, the timing for the SD card reader and SD card reader C language introduced in detail. (2014-06-08, Visual C++, 306KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] E-poet

A small program called e-poets, can generate a poetry automatically. It is funny and we could touch the creativity of its developer. (2014-05-25, Visual C++, 197KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] Debugger

Odometer widely used in various types of locomotives, factories and mines motor cars and used cars, motorcycles (2013-04-22, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] LIN1.2_cn

LIN1.2中文标准LIN Local Interconnect Network 是低成本的汽车网络 它是现有多种汽车网络在功能上的补充
The LIN1.2 Chinese standard LIN Local Interconnect Network is the low-cost automotive networks it is a supplement of the existing variety of automotive network functionality (2012-09-05, Visual C++, 813KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] eTerm443

中航信ETERM放大器,C++ 支持350,443端口,分享一下,一起学习
CNAC letter ETERM amplifiers, C++ 350,443-port, share, learn together (2012-07-02, Visual C++, 1813KB, 下载176次)


[单片机开发] PCSoft

单色Led字符屏PC程序 有十几种显示模式,可选择高速或低速移动; 可输入64行文字,并以选定的顺序和模式显示; 共可输入2800多个字符或1400多个汉字。
PC Program for Monocrome Led Character Screen (2012-01-24, Visual C++, 106KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] SN8-C-Studio-Users-Manual_CN

很好的松翰单片机 C编译器 学习资料,很难得。希望对大家有用。
Good Sonix MCU C compiler learning materials, hard to come by. Want to be useful. (2011-08-31, Visual C++, 2570KB, 下载63次)


[单片机开发] HID-Bootloader---PC-Software_CN

PIC USB单片机上位机USB引导编程程序,中文界面
PIC USB Microcontroller PC USB boot programming procedures, the Chinese interface (2011-07-28, Visual C++, 6220KB, 下载45次)


[单片机开发] PIC18F242-252-442-452_cn

1602lcd display based on single chip microcomputer 1602lcd 1602lcd display of the display based on single chip microcontroller-based display 1602lcd (2011-05-27, Visual C++, 2757KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] SDI_MouseDrawer

范例006 最简单的鼠标绘图程序-SDI范例程序。C++老师给的范例,保证质量。
Example 006 The simplest example of the mouse drawing program-SDI program. C++ teacher gave an example of quality assurance. (2010-01-17, Visual C++, 12764KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] Fano_finsh

Fenaux Fenaux coding to achieve coding input+7 source symbols, the probability distribution as follows: (where source symbols with the A+ B,, G indicated) A_0.2++ B_0.19++ C_0.18++ D_0.17++ E_0.15++ F_0.10++ G_0.01 and then enter the program to get results (detailed documentation, it is worth it) (2009-12-19, Visual C++, 3172KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] AD_TLC549

This is the description of AD, you can come see you this statement refer to the procedure, do not believe you will understand. (2009-08-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] ATmega48_88_168_cn

AVR' s study, I will only learn of the C51, but I feel this more useful, this is also looking at online, (2009-03-13, Visual C++, 5662KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] RTX51_CN

keil软件的RTX实时操作系统的使用教程,是目前最好的中文教程.入门教程 (2007-09-17, Visual C++, 199KB, 下载285次)


[单片机开发] 123

In this paper, the selected source symbol from the keyboard of 94 characters in a random sample, resulting in 50,000 the number of random symbols, including the upper and lower case letters and some basic characters. These random numbers for the sake of convenience I excerpt a few random online English abstracts as 50,000 the number of randomly generated symbols as a means of statistical probability of these characters, the statistics of probability, a natural source of entropy is also obtained, but this article only statistics source symbol probability. (2007-07-12, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] fano_cd

Pires coding c language, limited to eight symbol source, simple procedures for reference purposes only (2007-01-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载14次)


[单片机开发] P_Exponent

have exponential distribution of the random sequence, using the C language. Can be used for communication system- the source of the letter. (2006-11-07, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载56次)
