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[Windows编程] Automobile-rents-m-s

本系统具有仅管理员式的保密功能,实现了对汽车类型,保险类型,车辆基本特征信息的管理,对客户信息的录入,添加会员,选择会员类型,注销会员,以及浏览、添加、删除、修改出租与出租审核信息,续租与续租审核信息,归还与归还审核信息等功能。本系统使用Visual Basic 6.0中文企业版作为开发工具,后台数据库采用Microsoft Access 2010。
This system has the function of only the administrator type of confidential and realized on car type, type of insurance, the basic characteristics of vehicle information management, information to the customer s entry, add members, choose the membership type, cancellation of members, as well as browse, add, delete, modify, rent, and rent review information, renewal and renewal audit information, return to return the audit information, and other functions. This system USES Visual Basic 6.0 Chinese enterprise edition as a development tool, background using Microsoft Access 2010. (2016-09-29, Visual Basic, 7254KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] VBcapturesrc

Screenshot VB source code, the program can use the mouse to drag a constituency screenshot program is not the main form, the process can be compiled to run shots, you just need to press the left mouse button letter screenshot where you can draw a box , similar to QQ screenshot function. In fact a little correction, this program can make a perfect shot into the program. (2014-05-13, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] gongjiaochaxunxitong

提供精确、模糊等方式查询,并能对查询结果按不同条件排序;   支持路口查询,支持自动换乘查询,即使不输入中转地也能自动搜索出相应的出行方案;   可以自行添加、修改、删除记录;   提供公交运营企业的资料供网友查询;   软件具有拼音首字母查询、打印数据库、打印换乘查询结果、数据库备份恢复、批量删除记录以及去掉不重要的列等功能;   支持换肤,界面超酷;
To provide accurate, fuzzy query, and query results according to different conditions sorting support crossing query, to support the automatic transfer inquiry, even without the input of transit can automatically search the corresponding travel programme can add, modify, delete records provides bus operation information for user queries software with Pinyin the first letter of inquiry, printing, printing, transfer database query result database backup and recovery, bulk delete records and removed without significant column and other functions to support the skin, interface cool (2012-05-27, Visual Basic, 42KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] dingdan

当前国际社会和国内正处在信息化的高潮之中,信息管理是人类社会继工业化之后一次新的产业革命,将实现社会生产力的新飞跃,信息管理已经成为现代社会组织生存与发展以至整个国家、民族独立与富强的战略资源。积极、合理开发和科学、有效利用管理信息,对于社会发展具有重要意义 订单管理是每所公司或工厂必须面对的工作,特别这几年,我国加入WTO,随着国家政策的调整,给企业的订单管理,商品的进存销都带来了不少冲击。但一直以来用传统人手方式管理文件档案,这种管理方式存在许多缺点:效率低,保密性差,另外随着进货数量的增加,这必然增加了订单管理者的工作量和劳动强度。同时,将产生大量的文件和数据,这给订单信息的查找,更新和维护都带来了不少困难。据调查,目前我国还有相当一部分企业的订单还停留在纸介质的基础上,尤其小型工厂或企业对订单的管理更是落后。这样的管理机制已经不能适应时代发展的需求,其管理方法将浪费人力物力。随着科技的不断提高,计算机科学与技术日渐成熟,这种传统的手工管理模式必然被以计算机为物质基础的信息管理方式所取代。
The international community and domestic are at the climax of information among the information management is a human society, after following the industrialization of new products Industrial Revolution, will achieve a new leap in social productivity, information management has become the survival and development of modern society organizations and the whole country Family, national independence and prosperity of the strategic resource. Positive, rational and scientific development, effective use of management information, for social development Important Order Management is a company or factory each must face, particularly in recent years, China s accession to WTO, with the tone of national policy Whole, to the enterprise order management, product sales have brought into existence a lot of impact. But there has been the traditional manual management of the text Pieces of the file, this management approach, there are many drawbacks: low efficiency, poor security, the other (2011-03-25, Visual Basic, 1426KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] getMediaInfo

Dynamic link library using MediaInfo to get information, examples of multimedia files, you can get all the streaming media file format information, such as the ratio of long-media, video encoding, audio encoding, screen ratios for more information. Demonstrates how to call MediaInfo.dll main library. The information returned is currently information in English, finished processing the users want to read the information returned can be put into the array, their translation can be individually (2011-03-09, Visual Basic, 501KB, 下载40次)


[Windows编程] Program-DLL-with-VC

:通过用VC编写动态链接库DLL,并在VB中调用DLL的方式,借助计算机自带网卡和企业的 内部网络实现了测量数据的网络传输。给出了具体的设计思想和整个过程,介绍了VC下的网络编程 技术和DLL编程技术,给出了在VB下加载DLL的具体方法,对工业在线测量仪器实现网络化、信息化 具有很好的借鉴作用。
: VC prepared by using the dynamic link library DLL, and call the DLL in the VB approach, using computer network card comes with the enterprise' s internal networks and the measurement data network. Given the specific design ideas and the whole process, introduced the network programming under VC and DLL programming, under the given load the DLL in the VB specific methods of measurement instruments for industrial realization of online networking, information technology has a very good reference. (2011-03-08, Visual Basic, 159KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] beian

此程序是批量从工信部网站查询域名备案信息。 site.txt是要查询域名的列表. list.csv是查询结果列表。 fail.csv是没有备案资料的域名。 接入网站汇总表.xls是site.csv的表头. 使用方法: 将要查询的域名复制到site.txt文件。注意:一个域名就是一行。 程序查询的资料写入list.csv文件。没有备案域名将写入fail.csv
This program is batch from the website of Ministry of Industry and domain registration information. site.txt is to check the list of domain names. list.csv is the query results list. fail.csv is no information on the domain name record. Access site matrix. Xls is site.csv the table header. To use: To check the domain name copied to site.txt file. Note: A domain name is the line. Process the query data is written list.csv file. No record will be written fail.csv domain (2010-07-13, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] IconXP

用 Win32 SDK 实现与 MFC 类似的程序 (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 20.97 KB in total.)  MyMFC (0 folders, 14 files, 20.97 KB, 20.97 KB in total.) ListCtrl.h 1.24 KB ReadMe.txt 2.07 KB resource.h 1.01 KB small.ico 318 bytes StdAfx.cpp 290 bytes StdAfx.h 936 bytes ttt.cpp 743 bytes ttt.dsp 4.55 KB ttt.dsw 531 bytes ttt.h 317 bytes ttt.ico 1.05 KB ttt.rc 3.72 KB WinApp.h 1.24 KB Wnd.h 3.01 KB 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2010/7947.html
用 Win32 SDK 实现与 MFC 类似的程序 (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 20.97 KB in total.)  MyMFC (0 folders, 14 files, 20.97 KB, 20.97 KB in total.) ListCtrl.h 1.24 KB ReadMe.txt 2.07 KB resource.h 1.01 KB small.ico 318 bytes StdAfx.cpp 290 bytes StdAfx.h 936 bytes ttt.cpp 743 bytes ttt.dsp 4.55 KB ttt.dsw 531 bytes ttt.h 317 bytes ttt.ico 1.05 KB ttt.rc 3.72 KB WinApp.h 1.24 KB Wnd.h 3.01 KB 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2010/7947.html (2010-06-21, Visual Basic, 1167KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] netshopv2.0beta

网点后台,NetShop网店系统安装方法 注意: 安装包仅适用于您的站点没有安装过NetShop网店系统的情况下全新安装,如果您的站点曾经安装过NetShop网店系统,则不能使用本包进行安装、升级等操作,否则会清空现有产品使用的的数据库。 详细安装过程如下: 1.解压程序包内的所有文件,使用FTP工具将./upload目录中所有文件上传至服务器; 2.在浏览器中访问:http://您的网址/install/index.aspx; 3.请根据向导,填入必要的信息,开始安装; 特别注意的是,要根据安装向导的提示,正确设置各个目录的读写属性,并保证服务器相关的配置启用 4.安装完毕后为了保证数据安全,务必删除install目录; 如果您还有安装问题,请参考NetShop帮助文档或登录NetShop官网论坛:http://bbs.netshop.net.cn;
background of a netshop (2009-05-28, Visual Basic, 6650KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] czgl

称重管理系统是一套结合电子衡器日常操作习惯和企业计量管理要求专业开发的微机称重管理软件。本系统面向非专业操作人员编写,界面友好直观,操作流程完全等同于司磅人员的日常操作习惯,操作人员无需培训即可参照软件简单明了的人机交互界面投入实际应用,软件具备完善的数据安全检测恢复机制,对操作、管理人员没有任何特殊的素质要求。针对当前许多厂矿企业对衡的综合管理的要求,杜绝人为因素,确保计量管理的科学性与准确性 MS Access 数据库实现的中小型局域网的联机称重以及记录查询的管理   本软件通过对称重数据的自动采集、远距离车号自动认别、称重现场视频监控、红外线自动定位等功能实现电子工业汽车衡的智能称重管理,并且从企业产品的生产、销售、发运、原材料入库、财务结算、客户管理等信息进行综合处理,可以实现网络定单、远程审批认证、网络称量监控等功能。
Weight Management System is a combination of day-to-day operation of the electronic scales measuring habits and business management requirements of the computer weighing professional development management software. The system operator for the preparation of non-professional, friendly and intuitive interface, operation processes Secretary pounds exactly the same as the day-to-day operation of customary personnel, operators need training software can be simple and clear reference to the man-machine interface into practical applications, the software has the Detection of the restoration of data security mechanisms, operation, management does not require any special qualities. Many factories and mines for the current value of the integrated management of the request, put an end to human factors to ensure that the management of scientific measurement and the accuracy of MS Access database to achieve the small and medium-sized local area network, as well as records of online weight manageme (2009-05-02, Visual Basic, 5870KB, 下载283次)


[Windows编程] SMS

企业短信群发系统,在使用本程序前,需要硬件“短信猫”支持,操作短信猫时需要调用厂商附带的dllforvc.dll动态连接库。 (2)本系统管理员用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。(3)实例执行文件位置:TM\02\SMS\SMS\bin\Debug\SMS.exe(4)系统锁定解锁密码为:111
Enterprise messaging system mass, in the use of this process, the need for hardware " cat messages" to support the operation when SMS cat attached to the need for manufacturers dllforvc.dll call Dynamic Link Library. (2) the system administrator user name: Tsoft, password: 111. (3) examples of the implementation of File Location: TM \ 02 \ SMS \ SMS \ bin \ Debug \ SMS.exe (4) system to unlock the password for the lock: 111 (2009-04-21, Visual Basic, 1270KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] 0517VisualBasic_pup6

本书以Visual Basic 6.0中文版为语言背景,以程序结构为主线,将Visual Basic常用的控件分散到各章介绍,通过大量的实用例程,深入浅出地介绍了Visual Basic程序设计的基础知识和编程方法;内容全面,实例丰富,简明易懂,突出实用性。全书共分11章,其中最后两章为选学内容,主要是帮助读者提升软件设计的应用能力,读者可根据自己的学习兴趣和学习基础选学。
Book to the Chinese version of Visual Basic 6.0 for the linguistic background to the main line program structure will be Visual Basic common controls are distributed among the various chapters, introduced by a large number of utility routines to learn more on the Visual Basic programming basic knowledge and provision process approach the contents of a comprehensive, example-rich, easy to understand, highlight the practicality. Book is divided into 11 chapters, of which the last two chapters for the study is mainly to help readers enhance software design capabilities, readers may in accordance with their interest in learning and learning based on the study. (2008-12-04, Visual Basic, 6115KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 200762511452627

err (2008-12-01, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] paopaolegend2

  在新的一年里比奇城遭受了很多灾难,国王经过调查得知这都是宇宙中的一颗妖星陨落人间所带来的天灾,但要摧毁妖星并非易事,在危机关头,你将成为解救新年的英雄。依然是把传奇与QQ堂结合起来的玩法,杀怪升级打装备做任务,攻击的方式是想QQ堂一样扔泡泡炸。但提高了程序的速度,添加了动态景物,机关陷阱,怪物技能等新功能,还特意为不喜欢游戏初期辛苦练级的朋友们提供了一个过瘾的体验模式,希望大家喜欢。 操作方法 “W,S,A,D":上下左右 鼠标左键:双击与NPC对话,单击移动和穿戴装备 鼠标右肩:扔泡泡吃药和使用卷轴 F1-F5(或R键):切换要扔的泡泡类型 (提示:自己扔出的泡泡不会炸伤自己)
err (2008-06-21, Visual Basic, 11331KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] dltravelmis

Dalian City Tourism Resource Management System is a realistic demand a practical system. The design objective is to provide a friendly travel agent, direct exchange platform. This system is mainly divided into nine modules: geographical information management, resource management attractions, hotels resource management, resource management restaurants, entertainment, resource management, information management plane, the train information management, tourism management and line management system users. The system (2008-03-14, Visual Basic, 880KB, 下载139次)


[Windows编程] MagicMail

MagicMail发匿名信的程序源代码。 英文简介: MagicMail is an simple anonymous mailer. You can use it to send email without logging into an account. It uses the Winsock control in VB. So you need Mswinsck.ocx to be in your system directory. I have included the source code for it. It uses SMTP relaying to send the message to any e-mail address from any email address. I am also including lists of SMTP servers. If you manually edit the server list, each entry should be in the format "servername","port". (2008-02-18, Visual Basic, 39KB, 下载32次)


[Windows编程] jwgl

使用本案例必须首先安装sql server2000 然后在企业管理器---数据库---还原数据库中---选择新建数据库----然后新建数据库jiaowu 然后再新建数据库上单击右键----选择还原数据库-----还原本例中jiaowu数据库(jiaowu数据库在“数据库备份”文件夹里) 这里要注意一个问题:还原数据库选项中----移至物理文件名----你要把你的数据还原到sql所在目录下(比如说笔者目录是E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\Students_Data.MDF,如果读者sql目录是在c盘 则要根据具体情况要作相应调整,做到正确还原);
Use this case you must first install the sql server2000 and then Enterprise Manager- Database- Restore the database- select the new database and then New Database jiaowu new database and then right-click to choose to restore the database- also the original case jiaowu database (jiaowu database (2007-09-06, Visual Basic, 120KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] SMENU761

该文件是用来对窗体的打印   手表定理是指一个人有一只表时,可以知道现在是几点钟,而当他同时拥有两只表时却无法确定。两只表并不能告诉一个人更准确的时间,反而会让看表的人失去对准确时间的信心。你要做的就是选择其中较信赖的一只,尽力校准它,并以此作为你的标准,听从它的指引行事。记住尼采的话:“兄弟,如果你是幸运的,你只需有一种道德而不要贪多,这样,你过桥更容易些。” 如果每个人都“选择你所爱,爱你所选择”,无论成败都可以心安理得。然而,困扰很多人的是:他们被“两只表”弄得无所,心身交瘁,不知自己该信仰哪一个,还有人在环境、他人的压力下,违心选择了自己并不喜欢的道路,为此而郁郁终生,即使取得了受人瞩目的成就,也体会不到成功的快乐。      手表定理在企业经营管理方面给我们一种非常直观的启发,就是对同一个人或同一个组织的管理不能同时采用两种不同的方法,不能同时设置两个不同的目标。甚至每一个人不能由两个人来同时指挥,否则将使这个企业或这个人无所适从。手表定理所指的另一层含义在于每个人都不能同时挑选两种不同的价值观,否则,你的行为将陷于混乱。
the document was used to print the forms watches theorem refers to a person with a table, they can know it is a few minutes and when he has failed to Table 2 to determine. Table 2 does not tell a more accurate time, we would give people a look at the exact right time to lose confidence. You ought to do is to choose the more reliable one, and make every effort to calibrate it, and take it as your standard, and obey its guidelines. Remember Nietzsche's words : "Brothers, if you are lucky, you only have a moral and not corrupt, so that you mention easier." If everyone is "choose your love, love your choice," regardless of the success or failure can be at ease. However, perplexed many people are : they are the "Table 2" they would get nothing, psychosomatic pa (2005-06-08, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] LocSee

本软件为Loc1.0版。 目的: 主要对私人文档的浏览工具,其私人文档只能用该软件才能正确浏览。 使用: 请将该软件的LocSee文件夹以及内部文件拷贝到A:磁盘根目录下, 切勿更改路径,否则后果自负。 软件使用前,请先运行LocReg.exe对程序进行注册。 MyDoc.exe为主程序,他可以将文本文件转化为Loc文档(即加密文档) 注册后,点击Loc文档将直接调入该程序。 作用: 如果将该程序拷贝到其他磁盘运行,该程序将不仅不能正常运行,而且 会自动销毁。同时会删除当前目录下的所有Loc文档。 本软件暂时免费,仅供学习讨论,若要更加完善,加强加密保护,请与本人 联系。 联系电话:0745-2383298 Email:langel197881@yahoo.com.cn 个人网站: langel.ruin.cn
Loc1.0 the software version. Purpose : Major private document browser toolbar, private documents can only use the software to ensure the proper browser. Use : Please software LocSee this folder and copy of the internal document A : disk root directory, the path not to change, otherwise bear the consequences themselves. The use of the software before running post LocReg.exe right registration procedures. MyDoc.exe mainly procedures, he can be transformed into text files for Loc documents (that is, encrypted files) After registration, click Loc document will be directly transferred to the program. Role : If this program copied to other disk operation, the program will not only normal operation, and will be automatically destroyed. While the current directory to delete all files Loc. The soft (2005-04-26, Visual Basic, 70KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] 物资管理系统

原来做课程设计时候编写的物资管理系统.用vb做的,可以数据库进行增删改查询,分等级权限等操作.代码共享,可以作为学习vb的数据库开发的 参考,在使用中有问题可以给我写信
original design courses do when preparing the materials management system. Vb do with the database can be changed to delete inquiries and graded operational competence. Code sharing and learning vb as the reference database development, the use of any problem can write to me (2004-12-09, Visual Basic, 86KB, 下载52次)
