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[教育系统应用] AmanCODEWEB

#AmanCodeWeb存储库欢迎使用AmanCodeWeb存储库!此存储库包含Aman code Sphere网站的源代码和资产。##概述Aman Code Sphere是一个致力于为个人和企业提供创新编码解决方案和教育的平台。该存储库用作网站的基础
# AmanCodeWeb Repository Welcome to the AmanCodeWeb repository! This repository contains the source code and assets for the Aman Code Sphere website. ## Overview Aman Code Sphere is a platform dedicated to providing innovative coding solutions and education to individuals and businesses alike. This repository serves as the foundation for website (2024-04-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] asprain_1.3

Asprain is suitable for primary and secondary schools, secondary school, technical school, vocational school campus forum, forum for the exchange of teachers and students, some of the teaching and research departments, companies building internal forum, IT technology enthusiasts building technology exchange forum free forum program. It has two versions, namely asp+ Access version and asp+ sqlServer version, function exactly the same station can use different versions according to their needs. (2016-05-16, ASP, 3602KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] pxgl

培训学校管理系统适合于目前的一般培训学校,比如英语、计算机、少儿培训中心等小型培训机构。本系统原本是针对计算机培训所设计。 培训学校管理系统的大体功能为: 一、 学员信息管理: 1. 学员信息管理(会员形式) 2. 操作员流水记录 二、 学员报名管理 1. 学员报名处理学员信
Training school management system is suitable for the current general training schools, such as English, computer, children s training center and other small training institutions. The system was originally designed for computer training. The general function of the training school management system is: Student information management: 1 student information management (member form) 2 operator water records Two, student registration management 1 students to sign up for the students (2016-04-16, PHP, 175KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] ISchool1.3

程序定位于学校或企业单位进行非严格要求的随机抽题考试,系统采用考试项目数据库独立方式,虽采用了ACCESS数据库,但能支持长期的考试要求,至少能支撑2000次以上5000人规模的在线考试任务。 标准授权版在免费版基础上增加了部分功能,支持判断题、单选题、多选题、填空题、简答题、操作题六种题型,填空题可选自动评分或手动评分,支持班级化考生管理,支持分教师发布考试,今后会更新更多的考试功能。
ISchool random question exam system 1.3 (2015-11-15, ASP, 370KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] examination-system

ISchool random position examination system in school or business units to non random question test strict requirements, system test project using a independent way, although the use of the ACCESS , but the examination requirements to support long-term, at least you can support more than 2000 times the size of 5000 people (non simultaneous examination) of the online exam tasks. (2014-12-02, ASP, 275KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] xuejiguanlixitong

学籍管理系统 系统是在VC++6.0和SQL Server 2000下开发的. 数据库在Database目录下,在SQLSERVER的查询分析器中执行即可生成数据库. 源程序在Src目录中. 因为程序极为经典,所以本人在此转载~ 一、编程环境: windows2000 +visual stdio c++ .net,Ado + SQL2000 二、SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库,导入数据文件 三、导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据 访问本地数据库服务器,密码是自己设置的那个,操作schooldata数据库的用户名和密码相同。 主要用ADO访问数据库,和几个显示数据的控件Treectrl,listctrl,datagrid等程序中有几个BUG还没解决, 四、实现功能: 操作:在选择查询条件:选择一个,tree控件里显示相关信息 可以在tree控件里单击来显示每个ITEM,每个ITEM相关信息显示在LIST控件内 双击LIST控件显示具体信息 也可以在窗口里单击右键或操作菜单具体操作 五、主要功能: 查询,添加,删除,显示“学院,各系,班级,学生,教师,社团,课程”等信息-err
主要功能: 查询,添加,删除,显示“学院,各系,班级,学生,教师,社团,课程” (2013-07-10, C++, 1888KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] booksale

Library management system can easily book all aspects of the sales process, help speed up books like corporate liquidity, help enterprises to reduce the cost, even if they are more conducive to master a variety of sales and inventory information, but now most of the system design are not take into account future needs, designing the interface is not flexible enough, so that the current environment after the change are not well adapt to the new environment, resulting in a short lifetime software, in order to achieve the software life extension, you must design software, the whole process of filling into a dynamic anticipatory design, as long as this in the future conditions changed, the software only partially able to make some adjustments to adapt to the new environment. (2013-06-26, C++ Builder, 218KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] vb

这是一个完整的vb在线考试系统 包括管理员和学生两个角色 包含老师出卷 阅卷 学生在线考试等模块
搜索 图片 地图 新闻 云端硬盘 日历 翻译 相册 更多 ▼ 翻译源语言: 中文 目标语言: 英语 英语中文德语检测语言 中文(简体)英语日语 This is a complete vb online examination system, including administrators and student teachers of the volume contains two roles scoring students online exam modules Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察 关闭即时翻译关于 Google 翻译移动隐私权政策帮助发送反馈 (2013-05-22, Visual Basic, 4826KB, 下载35次)


[教育系统应用] hohiexamtest-111231

在线考试系统是目前市场上最畅销的远程网络考试系统,适合政府、 医疗及企业的各种形式在线考试、竞赛、练习等应用,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。该系统采用新一代纯B/S架构,用于INTERNET和局域网在线考试,可以承载大规模在线考试的需求,而且对服务器的配置要求非常低,客户端不用任何设置。通过强大的后台设置功能,用户可以根据自身需要设定考试功能,几乎能满足企业、政府机构、教育单位的所有需求
The online examination system is currently on the market' s best-selling remote network test system suitable for examinations, competitions, exercises of various forms of government, medical and business applications, the full realization of the examinations of network-based, paperless automation. The system uses a new generation of pure B/S structure for the online examination of the INTERNET and LAN, and can host large-scale online exam requirements and server configuration requirements are very low, clients do not have any settings. Strong background settings according to their own need to set the exam, almost able to meet all the needs of enterprises, government agencies, educational institutions (2012-06-15, ASP, 11181KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] tushu

鑫鑫图书馆管理系统是一款专业的图书馆管理软件,其中包含读者信管理,图书管理,图书借还,系统查询,图书馆信息等模块。 具有非常方便的借书、还书等操作。 普通用户不需培训也能很快上手。适用于单位企业图书馆,学校图书馆,是针对图书租借机构的最新管理软件, 是您进行图书管理信息化的强大工具。 界面美观华丽,功能强大,上手简单。 计算机化管理,使库存不再是糊涂帐。 强大的报表功能,让您随时了解图书馆的各种情况。 独创关联数据模式,让所有查询都简单方便。 为图书馆管理量身定制,使繁锁的业务管理变得方便明晰,有效提高工作效率。 功能强大,使业务全程实现信息化管理。
The Xinxin Library Management System is a professional library management software, which contains readers letter management, library management, library circulation system query, library information, and other modules. Very convenient library, books and other operations. The ordinary users do not need training can get started quickly. Applicable to the unit Enterprise Library, school libraries, the latest management software for book rental agencies, You a powerful tool for library management information. The interface is beautiful and gorgeous, powerful, simple to get started. Computerized management, inventory is no longer a mess. Powerful reporting feature that allows you to keep abreast of the various situations of the Library. Original associated data model, so that all queries are simple and convenient. Tailor-made for library management, cumbersome business management to facilitate clarity, improve work efficiency. Powerful of their business, the entire information m (2012-05-16, ASP, 3046KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] accessPvb

In this case the database configuration can take" students elective system." chapter of the database configuration, i.e. firstly through enterprise manager to create a new database Library, then SQL statement in the SQL statement to set up a data table, create table method. The fifth chapter of this book relevant section and a" student" chapter of the database configuration section. (2012-04-05, Visual Basic, 9255KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] ISchool_Exam_v3.5.4

ISchool random question test system business unit located in the school or the stringent requirements of non-random question test, the system uses a database independent way to test the project, although the use of the ACCESS database, but the examination requirements to support long-term, at least able to support more than 2000 times 5000 size (non-simultaneous examination) of the online exam tasks. (2010-12-27, Visual C++, 540KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] 200510251622154

《精选集》 第三章学生信息管理系统 第四章企业人事信息管理系统 第五章车辆管理信息系统 第六章物资管理信息系统 第七章宾馆管理信息系统 第八章图书馆管理信息系统 第九章贸易公司管理信息系统 第十章航空公司管理信息系统
" Beatles" Chapter III Chapter IV Student Information Management System Personnel Information Management System for enterprise Vehicle Management Information System Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII of Materials Management Information System Hotel Management System Library Management Information System Chapter VIII Chapter IX Trading Company Management Information System Management Information System Chapter Airlines (2010-07-30, Visual Basic, 354KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] ischoolexam

The program targeted at school or business units of the stringent requirements of non-random question test, system test project using a database independent manner, although the use of the ACCESS database, but will support long-term examination requirements, at least you can support more than 2000 times the scale of 5000 Online Examination task. (2010-05-19, ASP, 299KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] book

图书采购子系统:当购入一批新书时,库存管理员进行图书入库登记,对购入图书根据已有的图书信息进行登记(包括进货数量、进货价格、供应商等),如没有购入图书的信息,则增加图书信息; 图书销售子系统:商品销售人员根据图书的条形码或图书编号对图书进行销售。 库存管理子系统:可对图书库存进行盘点;通过设置库存警报线对库存不足的图书报警提示。 图书需求子系统:对客户有需求,并且库存中没有的图书进行登记,以满足客户的需求,提高企业形象。业务活动
图书采购子系统:当购入一批新书时,库存管理员进行图书入库登记,对购入图书根据已有的图书信息进行登记(包括进货数量、进货价格、供应商等),如没有购入图书的信息,则增加图书信息; 图书销售子系统:商品销售人员根据图书的条形码或图书编号对图书进行销售。 库存管理子系统:可对图书库存进行盘点;通过设置库存警报线对库存不足的图书报警提示。 图书需求子系统:对客户有需求,并且库存中没有的图书进行登记,以满足客户的需求,提高企业形象。业务活动 (2009-12-14, Visual Basic, 99KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] SQL2005_s

DELPHI7.0+SQL2005环境下开发 2008年8月假期所写,12天的开发周期,(但没有完成。呵呵) 无第三方控件,程序全部详解 程序目的主要是写对来访问宿舍与货品进出宿舍的管理(已经完成) 程序还差最后几个查询模块没有写。本来是想写完参加大二的文化节的,不过感觉水平还是太低,放弃了,把源码给需要的人参考。 程序模块规划得很差,大家不要见笑啦。呵呵 此程序是本人的第一个操作数据库的例子。高手就略过了,主要对新手有点用处。 BLOG:www.guester.cn BY:蜗牛 EMAIL:sys.cpp@163.com
DELPHI7.0+ SQL2005 environment to develop in August 2008 written by holidays, 12 days of the development cycle, (but is not yet complete. Ha ha) no third party controls, detailed procedures for the purpose of all proceedings is to write to to access of goods into and out houses Quarters Management (completed) program is still several inquiries the last module had not been written. Finished his sophomore year wanted to take part in cultural festivals, but still feel the level is too low, giving up the source code to those who need a reference. Program modules planning poorly, we should not a laughing stock of you. Ha ha this program is my first operation of the database examples. Master on the skip, the main usefulness of the new bit. BLOG: www.guester.cn BY: snail EMAIL: sys.cpp @ 163.com (2009-02-07, Delphi, 2627KB, 下载32次)


[教育系统应用] setup

图书管理系统 为以上软件都属于第三方软件,因为版权问题我们网站不方便提供免费下载,请您根据软件名称到网络上专门的软件下载网站去下载,为此给您带来的不便,请理解。谢谢!感谢关注电子工业出版社出版的图书,欢迎经常登录华信教育资源网。
Library management system software for the above-mentioned are all third-party software, because copyright issues of our site is not convenient to provide a free download, please name your software to the network in accordance with the special software download site to download, for the inconvenience caused to you, please understand . Thanks! Thank you for your attention Publishing House of Electronics Industry of the books, welcome to log on regularly, Watson IEARN. (2008-01-04, PowerBuilder, 605KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] aybook.cn_shujukdsasj

本文介绍了一个基于Client/Server模式的高校图书管理系统的设计与实现。运用Visual Basic.Net结合Microsoft SQL Server 2000开发的登录模块主要用于验证用户身份,进行有效的操作。从主界面模块在验证后进入每个子模块进行各个子系统的具体功能操作。在整个系统设计中充分利用了模块化的设计思想和开发方法。
In this paper, based on Client/Server model of University Library Management System Design and Implementation. Visual Basic.Net combining the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to develop login module is mainly used to authenticate a user to carry out effective operations. From the main interface modules entered in the verification of each sub-module specific functions to each subsystem to operate. Throughout the system design takes advantage of modular design concepts and development methods. (2007-12-10, SQL, 403KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] StudentInfoManageStudio_DOS_DEVC++

在年级成绩管理系统中,希望处理各班信息及各班每个学生的学习情况信 息,其中班级信息包括班号和名称,学生学习情况信息包括学号,姓名,班号等, 及已学课程的课程号及成绩,并能使管理人员通过界面完成对班级、学生信息的 录入及对数据的查找和浏览。
in grade performance management system, to handle class information and class each student learning of the information, which classes of information, including names and classes, students learning of the information including the number, name, class, and so on. and have courses in school, and the results, and will enable managers to accomplish through classes, Student information and input the data search and browsing. (2007-06-10, Visual C++, 132KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] 学生管理系统V1.0版

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 该程序由2001计算机信息管理系应田丰开发 本程序学历文凭考试相关流程编写,无任何抄袭代码和盗版之嫌,大家可下载随意修改 苦儿声明: 本程序是老苦自己辛苦写成的,希望大家能给个面子保留著作权信息,:) 这个是第一个版本,有些地方没有考虑到,请大家在试用后给些意见,我好继续编写改进版 苦儿QQ:3431788 7551860 MSN:kuer_cn@msn.com Email:simonying@163.com 电话:0571-63413694 移动电话:13083973989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 对了,输入时的验证大家自己改一下吧,反正都是JS写的,网上多的是,这个版本赶时间的,所以我 美工也是随便做了一下,一些验证之类的还没有加上,等全部成形了我会再上传一个完全版,:) 浙江新世纪经贸专修学院学生管理系统V1.0版 开发说明书 本程序基于本学院实际学生管理运作情况编写,完全自主开发,仅限浙江新世纪经贸专修学院内部使用,如有使用需求,请先征得作者同意。 目 录 第一章:系统说明 第二章:程序功能 第三章:程序流程图
--------------------------------------------- the program by 2001 the computer information management system should Tianfeng development of the procedures related to academic diploma examinations the preparation process, no copying code and suspected piracy, we can download free revision followed a statement : This procedure is old suffer hard written, I hope, we can give face-to retain the copyright information :) This is the first version, in some places not considered, we tested to these views, I am prepared to continue to improve the version of crazy QQ : 3431788 7551860 MSN : kuer_cn@msn.com Email : simonying@163.com Beach has-63413694 Mobile : 13083973989------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rig (2005-03-21, ASP, 173KB, 下载81次)
