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[大数据] ZuperCRM

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool is a software application designed to help businesses manage interactions and relationships with their customers. It typically provides a centralized platform for storing and organizing customer data, such as contact information, communication history, purchase history, and preferences. (2024-04-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Python-project-Producet_Management

Our Python Product Management System is a robust solution designed to streamline product management tasks within businesses or organizations. This project harnesses the power of Python programming language and integrates seamlessly with WAMP Server specifically configured for MySQL, providing a reliable platform for efficient data management. (2024-04-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] TwitterAccountUnlocker

Presenting the Classic Twitter Account Unlocker Are you eager to launch your Twitter venture Your search ends here! Our cutting-edge Twitter Account Unlocker,written in Golang, is the ultimate answer. (2024-04-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] EDA-Indian-Startup-Funding

We embark on a journey of discovery as we leverage our data analysis expertise to uncover the untapped potential within the Indian startup ecosystem. This project is designed to not only decode the numbers but to distill insights that will guide our team towards a successful foray into this dynamic market. (2024-02-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Renova

The computing application for Renova. Knowing when to replace equipment (welding arms, trucks, forklifts, generators, etc.) due to high labor and maintenance costs is crucial for any business. The Renova software optimizes replacement timing, reducing costs associated with parts, specialized labor, and downtime. (2024-02-17, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] sales-report

Power BI是一个统一、可扩展的自助服务和企业商业智能(BI)平台。连接并可视化任何数据,然后轻松地将可视化集成到您每天使用的程序中。组织可以在几秒钟内收集数据进行分析,并通过内置的人工智能功能揭示新的见解。
Power BI is a unified and scalable self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI) platform. Connect to and visualize any data, then effortlessly integrate the visualizations into the programs you use every day. Organizations can bring together data to analyze in seconds and reveal new insights with built-in AI capabilities. (2024-01-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] dms

我们给著名高校开发了一套大数据管理系统 data management system (dms), 特别适合政府 研究机构 高校 企业用来数据发布 数据公示 数据分享 对外提供数据服务api, 我们还集成了在线编程的功能,支持python R stata等主流大数据分析软件...,
We have developed a set of big data management system (dms) for famous universities, which is especially suitable for government research institutions, universities and enterprises to provide data service apis for data publishing, data publicity, data sharing, and external data service. We also integrate online programming functions to support mainstream big data analysis software such as python R stata, (2022-08-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] AgriculturalMall

采优园是一个提供售卖生鲜农产品的分布式生鲜电商平台,对农产品进行供应链保鲜销售,系统会收集社区消费者的下单信 息,采优园大数据分析系统定时对销售数据和消费者的反馈进行数据分析与反馈,方便农产品供应商可以改进种植方案,形 成一个闭环反馈,响应“三农”政策,助力农业经济发展;项...,
Caiyou Garden is a distributed e-commerce platform for selling fresh agricultural products. It carries out supply chain fresh-keeping sales of agricultural products. The system collects information about community consumers orders. The big data analysis system of Caiyou Garden regularly analyzes and feeds back sales data and consumer feedback, so that agricultural product suppliers can improve planting plans, form a closed-loop feedback, respond to the "three rural" policy, and help agricultural economic development; Items, (2023-09-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Predict-payment-ML-XGBoost

“付费选座服务”是国内传统航空公司又一辅助服务试水。根据航信的统计数 据,从国内某大型航空公司去年推出的选座产品来看,基本每个航班完成了 70% 以上的销售任务,航空公司为此获得了良好的收益。如何识别选座意愿,则具有重要现实意义!
"Paid seat selection service" is another auxiliary service of domestic traditional airlines. According to the statistics of TravelSky, from the seat selection product launched by a large domestic airline last year, almost every flight has completed more than 70% of the sales task, and the airline has gained good profits for this. How to identify the willingness of seat selection is of great practical significance! (2022-07-01, Jupyter Notebook, 3332KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] TelecomCustomerService

Communication operators will generate a large amount of communication data every moment, such as call records, SMS records, MMS records, third-party service charges, and many other information. With such a huge amount of data, in addition to satisfying users real-time query and display, it is also necessary to regularly analyze and process the existing data offline. For example, daily bills, monthly bills, quarterly bills (2022-12-16, JavaScript, 11801KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] DataGenius

DataGenius 是一款基于 mybaits 框架的智能数据库框架,能够兼容多种数据库,提供高效快速的增删改查基本代码生成功能,能够满足大部分业务场景的需求。DataGenius 具有智能化、易用化、高效化的特点,能够显著提高企业...
DataGenius is an intelligent database framework based on the mybaits framework, which is compatible with multiple databases, provides efficient and rapid generation of basic code for addition, deletion, modification and query, and can meet the needs of most business scenarios. DataGenius has the characteristics of intelligence, ease of use, and efficiency, which can significantly improve the (2023-06-04, Java, 111KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] koalas-rpc

Enterprise production level 10 billion day PV high availability and expandable RPC framework. Theoretically, the number of concurrent servers is close to the server bandwidth. The client uses the thrift protocol. The server supports the TThreadedSelectorServer semi synchronous and semi asynchronous thread model of netty and thrift, supports dynamic capacity expansion, and supports online and offline services (2022-06-27, Java, 182KB, 下载0次)
