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[Leetcode/题库] mainjing

Jin, San, Yin and Si are looking for jobs, and Zhengzhou Internet interview experience can be shared. You can pay attention to the public account: 1024 to the tenth power of the second, there are digital horsepower uu errands, etc. If you need to join the group to get contributions, you can also contact the letter: xx-123521 (2024-02-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Advent_of_Code_WKK

此存储库包含我针对“代码的到来”挑战的个人解决方案。代码的降临是一个年度系列的编程难题,涵盖各种主题,旨在挑战和娱乐世界各地的程序员。有关活动的更多信息,请访问:https:adventofcode.com 2023关于
This repository contains my personal solutions for the Advent of Code challenges. Advent of Code is an annual series of programming puzzles that cover a variety of topics, intended to challenge and entertain coders around the world. Read more about the event here: https: adventofcode.com 2023 about (2023-12-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] studentinfo

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的学生信息管理(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、学生、教师 管理员:管理员进入主页面,主要功能包括对系统首页、个人中心、学生管理、教师管理、公告通知管理、课程类型管理、课程信息管理、选课信息管理、课程成绩管理、毕业信...
Student information management based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, student, teacher administrator: administrator enters the main page, whose main functions include system home page, personal center, student management, teacher management, notice management, course type management, course information management, course selection information management, course score management, graduation letter (2023-11-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] aquadb

The use module of Oracle database in Python environment mainly encapsulates the configuration method, query method and addition/deletion/modification method in order to adapt to the database configuration problem of enterprises., (2023-08-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Chatgpt-Prompts

"ChatGPT-Prompts 仓库是一个聚集了各种用于 GPT 模型的提示(Prompts)的地方。这里包含了用于激发 GPT 进行各种任务、生成内容、回答问题等的提示集合。无论您是在探索 GPT 的创意用法,还是需要灵感来构建对话或生成文本,这个仓库都为您提供了多样化...,
"ChatGPT Prompts warehouse is a place where various prompts for GPT models are gathered. It contains a collection of prompts used to motivate GPT to carry out various tasks, generate content, answer questions, etc. Whether you are exploring the creative use of GPT or need the flexibility to build dialogues or generate text, this warehouse provides you with diversity, (2023-08-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Mresms

Human Resource Management System is a set of human resource management system suitable for all types of enterprises; Its functions include: HR recruitment (candidate registration, candidate reexamination, new employee probation evaluation); Personnel files (employee employment, employee browsing, employee query, personnel statistics, and comprehensive statistics); Personnel changes (employee transfer, employee resignation (2022-07-15, HTML, 4627KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Analyze-ab-test-results

对企业网站的新旧页面转化数据进行分析以及A B测试,得出新旧页面对比数据结果,并按照数据结果提供可行性建议
Analyze the conversion data of old and new pages of the enterprise website and conduct A B test to obtain the comparison data results of old and new pages, and provide feasible suggestions according to the data results (2019-05-14, HTML, 5196KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] open-cloud

微服务开放平台- 基于SpringCloud2.0+,SpringSecurity,Oauth2,nacos服务发现和配置管理.统一API网关,在线调试文档,身份认证,接口鉴权,限流等。搭建基于API的生态体系,微服务架构的企业级开放平...
Micro service open platform - based on SpringCloud2.0+, SpringSecurity, Oauth2, nacos service discovery and configuration management, unified API gateway, online debugging documents, identity authentication, interface authentication, flow restriction, etc. Build an API based ecosystem, an enterprise level open platform with microservice architecture (2019-02-22, Java, 698KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] LeSystemDetection

这是一款适用于Ubuntu(基于12.04)系统的操作系统测评软件,名为乐测评, 主要对系统进行如下六个方面的性能检测:CPU、内存、磁盘&IO、网络、开机速度、系统安全,软硬件方面都会进行较全面的检测。每个方面先检测操作系统基本信...
This is an operating system evaluation software for Ubuntu (based on 12.04) system, called Le Evaluation. It mainly tests the performance of the system in the following six aspects: CPU, memory, disk&IO, network, boot speed, system security, and software and hardware. Check the basic information of the operating system in every aspect first (2017-03-25, Shell, 63778KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Dynamic-Programming

This Repository is all about the Popular Dynamic Programming Concepts and their Variations Which can be helpful to Competitive Programming as well as Coding Interviews. I have added the Resources from where I have learnt these topics and their Codes. In future, I would like to add my own English and Bengali Explanation to Each topic. (2021-05-23, C++, 252KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] JavaGreat

[Technical explanation+interview with first-line large factories] From technical learning to interview and entry materials, covering basic, highly concurrent, distributed, Microservices, Big data and other fields, the logical steps of the technical part are complete, the interview questions are continuously updated, the author is humorous and funny, the explanation is vivid and easy to understand, if you can t read it, you can scold me on WeChat, and learn and play well. It s no fun to avoid detours! (2020-05-09, Others, 38KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Squirrel-Archive-TJYX-JiSu-School-UniApp-MiniApp

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E proofreading". The project has been abandoned, and this is the UniApp mini program code. This repository is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, Vue, 489KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] rchive-TJYX-JiSu-School-UniApp-MiniApp-Ambassador

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E Xuepin". The project has been abandoned, and this is the UniApp campus ambassador code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, Vue, 473KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Squirrel-Archive-TJYX-JiSu-School-Server

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E proofreading". The project has been abandoned, and this is the server-side code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, JavaScript, 184KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] rel-Archive-TJYX-JiSu-School-Vue-Admin-Management

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E proofreading". The project has been abandoned, and this is the Vue backend management code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, JavaScript, 4015KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CmsTemplates

A CMS template framework designed based on. Net reflection characteristics, which stores CMS structural information in a non database manner, but directly in the program s running memory. CMS data is stored in Json or other formats on three parties, which can be databases or other relational databases (2018-07-09, C#, 4502KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] mybatis-mate-examples

mybatis-mate 为 mp 企业级模块,支持分库分表,数据审计、数据敏感词过滤(AC算法),字段加密,字典回写(数据绑定),数据权限,表结构自动生成 SQL 维护 等
Mybatis-mate is an MP enterprise level module that supports database and table partitioning, data auditing, data sensitive word filtering (AC algorithm), field encryption, dictionary write back (data binding), data permissions, and automatic SQL maintenance for table structure generation (2021-09-10, Java, 2746KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] TopLeedcode

According to the statistics of [LeetCode ByteDance enterprise question bank high frequency algorithm], [Niuke.com client high frequency algorithm], [Small Code Brother Love Data Structure and Algorithm], the client high frequency interview questions (2020-11-25, Others, 45KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] QuestionWechatApp

WeChat mini program, exam mini program, question answering mini program, and question brushing mini program. Graduation design mini program, with complete source code and database at the front and back ends, easy for secondary development. It can also be used for exam activities, internal assessments of enterprises, internal training, and other vocational exams. (2023-06-06, JavaScript, 320KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] acm-statistics

An online tool (crawler) to analyze users performance in online judges (coding competition websites). Supported OJ: POJ, HDU, HYSBZ, CodeForces, UVA, ICPC Live Archive, FZU, SPOJ, Timus (URAL), LeetCode_CN, CSU, LibreOJ, 洛谷, 牛客OJ, Lutece (UESTC), AtCoder, AIZU, CodeChef, El Judge, BNUOJ, Codewars, UOJ, NBUT, 51Nod, DMOJ, VJudge
acm-statistics,An online tool (crawler) to analyze users performance in online judges (coding competition websites). Supported OJ: P... (2023-05-12, C#, 5261KB, 下载0次)
