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[其他] slot-savvy

SlotSavvy is an open-source, easy-to-use scheduling platform for booking and managing time slots. Ideal for businesses, schools, and personal use, it ensures effortless appointment coordination. (2024-05-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Discussion-Forum

This platform handles two types of users, i.e. entrepreneurs and investors. Provides a functionality where investors can search for startups in various fields and choose wisely. (2024-03-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] symfony_youtube_tutorial

I am a self-taught aspiring web developer and totally the opposite of an expert! I just love coding, it all started doing this for myself with various small projects running on my home PC over the years for my own amusement. I am going to share with you what I ve learned so far on my new journey! (2024-02-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] QuestForge

QuestKeeper is a fantasy-themed to-do app designed to infuse your task management with a sense of adventure and accomplishment. Embark on quests to complete your tasks and conquer your goals in a realm inspired by dungeons and dragons. With QuestKeeper, you can organize your tasks, track your progress, and level up as you conquer your to-do list. (2024-02-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 博客管理系统(apanchephpphp_z4r4eo

Scripting language server-side PHP implementation, blog management system provide express personal feelings, good communication platform, the content of the blog have real, can through the blog to record work, study, life and entertainment, and published articles and reviews, in which, at hand reference examples of program code (2020-11-14, PHP, 1147KB, 下载0次)


[其他] jueqi_fkdt

The module has been continuously developed and maintained for nearly 3 years. It is a product with many times of commercial use for all modules of hori enterprise. It is a necessary module for the activities of government, enterprises and businesses! (2020-01-28, PHP, 11617KB, 下载1次)


[其他] yhwxscxcx

Firefly mall small program is an open source e-commerce system, providing the best new retail solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. (2019-04-03, PHP, 10163KB, 下载6次)


[其他] DS3615xs+6.1

群晖科技(Synology )创立于 2000 年,自始便专注于打造高效能、可靠、功能丰富且绿色环保的 NAS 服务器,是全球少数几家以单纯的提供网络存储解决方案获得世界认同的华人企业。
(Synology)Creation in 2000, the NAS Serverof the., ly, function, and., and the network-store, is be be the new-system. (2018-10-24, PHP, 33714KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 大兄弟开源网盘程序v1.0

企业,团队多人使用的网盘应用,灵活并且功能强大。 支持个人网盘,机构部门,群组,并可根据使用情况开启关闭。例如可只开启群组功能。
SkyDrive applications, which are used by businesses and teams, are flexible and powerful. Support personal SkyDrive, institutional departments, groups, and can be opened and closed according to usage. For example, only group functions can be opened. (2018-09-13, PHP, 377KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 1

欢迎使用犀牛鸟人品计算器查询工具!本工具运行环境需求:PHP。 主要功能: 1、“人品问题”,这绝对是现在年轻人,尤其是大学生口中出现频率最高的字眼之一.东西掉了,是人品问题;考试不理想,是人品问题;就连生个病受个伤,统统都算是人品问题!本工具为您提供娱乐的道德评价。输入您的姓名,计算您的人品,评价您的人品。 2、本程序内容纯属虚构,仅供娱乐之用,如有雷同,纯属巧合。 3、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 4、免费、开源程序。
Welcome to use rhino bird human calculator query tool! This tool runs environment requirements: PHP. Main functions: 1. "Personality problem", this is absolutely one of the most frequent words in the population of young people, especially college students. Something is lost, it is a character problem; the examination is not ideal, it is a character problem; even a sick and injured, it is a character problem! This tool provides you with entertainment moral evaluation. Enter your name, calculate your character, and evaluate your character. 2, the contents of this procedure are purely fictitious, for entertainment purposes only, with the same coincidence. 3, DIV+CSS template is convenient to modify; 4, free, open source program. (2018-08-10, PHP, 32KB, 下载0次)


[其他] %2A%2A%2A荣耀

无需导入数据库!! 无需导入数据库 无需导入数据库 (No need to import the database)
dfdstreterjkhflksduiugldfjghfoiuhufgkjhtligjdflgjdfilg (2018-07-05, PHP, 888KB, 下载1次)


[其他] THINKPHP-汉朝多用户商城系统

The Han Chao multi-user shopping mall system supports the coexistence of platform self-management and multi business shops. It can fully support mobile platforms such as IOS/Android/Wap/ WeChat. With its rich marketing function, fine user operation, solve the electric business drainage, promotion problems, help enterprises to create an ecological level B2B2C profit model commercial platform. The complete function of electric business has enhanced the reputation of the industry's e-commerce brand for enterprises. System security, stability, rapid, convenient function expansion and the two development of the business city source, for the rapid development of enterprise business long line provides a strong guarantee. (2018-05-31, PHP, 9056KB, 下载17次)


[其他] 小白影视全站源码

影视网站 后台采集资源 需要插件 自带插件 在线播放 高仿苹果cms
Film and television website (2018-02-20, PHP, 2040KB, 下载5次)


[其他] Virtual trading paid download system

会员自助充值、自助消费,自助提货、全程无人值守 适用但不仅限于源码交易、模板素材交易、交友等等虚拟交易平台 同时也适用于公司企业、工作室、个人等形象站 环境:Php5.2+、Mysql/PDO_mysql、Windows/Linux 大小约:2.30MB
Virtual trading paid download system (2018-01-28, PHP, 3175KB, 下载2次)


[其他] eku

一库仓储:第一便捷的开源仓储软件,基于 HTML5 的,适合库存品类在 3000 以内的中小企业。界面简单,无需配置品类,直接使用。
One warehouse: the first convenient open source storage software, based on HTML5, suitable for inventory category within 3000 of small and medium enterprises. Simple interface, no need to configure category, direct use. (2017-11-08, PHP, 208KB, 下载3次)


[其他] cicms-cicms-master

Enterprise site CMS, very powerful, very convenient, even if the novice does not understand programming, are easy to use phpcms, you can develop two times, a key site, not letter, you can download, try Oh! (2017-09-30, PHP, 14402KB, 下载1次)


[其他] OpenCart_CN

Opencart Chinese version, this version is based on the English version of modified, derived from, follow the OC MVC architecture, according to the domestic user habits, a lot of modifications. Mainly includes (Free Edition provides 15 function points): 1, the name and surname combination, domestic unity called name 2, domestic, provincial, city, Chinese (the most important thing is to recover the Tibet and Taiwan 2 areas)
Opencart Chinese version, this version is based on the English version of modified, derived from, follow the OC MVC architecture, according to the domestic user habits, a lot of modifications. Mainly includes (Free Edition provides 15 function points): 1, the name and surname combination, domestic unity called name 2, domestic, provincial, city, Chinese (the most important thing is to recover the Tibet and Taiwan 2 areas) (2017-09-11, PHP, 11069KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 高仿一元云购CMS-PHP源码

1:将程序解压上传到网站根目录 2:将数据库文件 mooban_cn.sql 还原到数据库(推荐使用navcat数据库管理工具:新建数据库>>查询执行SQL), 数据库编码一定要为UTF-8(这个就不用再说清楚了吧,一般的主机商都有mysql数据库还原的地方)
1: extracts the program and uploads it to the root directory of the web site 2: returns the database file mooban_cn.sql to the database (recommended using the navcat database management tool: new database) query execution SQL), The database code must be UTF-8 (so you don't have to be clear about it, the average host has the MySQL database to restore it) 3: modify the database information in the configuration file system/config/database.inc.php, which is marked, please read the database information carefull (2017-06-23, PHP, 7812KB, 下载3次)


[其他] ShopExV481_PhpWindV632

ShopEx481 & PHPWind整合版 发布公司:ShopEx 授权方式:免费版 操作系统:Win2003/XP/2000/NT/9x/ME 软件语言:简体中文 软件大小:9.41MB 下载地址:http://click.shopex.cn/free_click.php?id=26 ShopEx网店系统和PHPWind Forums论坛系统同属于建站行业中的领航企业, 长期以来我们的产品受到广大店主和站长们的关注与青睐,整合版是我们尝试推进电子商务结合与论坛的第一步, 希望我们的努力能为大家带来便利和新思路。 现在推出的ShopEx & PHPWind整合版,采用的是ShopEx最新 v4.8.1 + PHPWind Forums v6.3.2,编码方式为utf-8, 适用于初次安装的用户(也就是说您未安装过PHPWind,也未安装过shopex), 在一次安装过程中只需根据提示进行设置即可完成两个程序的安装和整合, 您可以选择以商店作为服务器端或以论坛作为服务器端。如果您之前已经安装过任一系统,您可以直接下载另一程序, 通过通行证进行整合。
err (2008-11-19, PHP, 9636KB, 下载4次)


[其他] shoopd20060502

用 php + mysql 驱动的在线商城系统,我的目标为中国的中小企业及个人提供最简洁的购物环境
use php mysql-driven online mall, My goal for China's small and medium enterprises and individuals to provide the most succinct of the shopping environment (2006-05-03, PHP, 393KB, 下载62次)
