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[电子书籍] Loundrunner

LoadRunner 是一种预测系统行为和性能的负载测试工具。通过以模拟上千万用户实施并发负载及实时性能监测的方式来确认和查找问题,LoadRunner 能够对整个企业架构进行测试
LoadRunner is a load testing tool to predict system behavior and performance. By simulating tens of millions of users to implement concurrent load and real-time performance monitoring to identify and find problems, LoadRunner can test the entire enterprise architecture (2021-03-10, MultiPlatform, 2662KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] 95185243

A simulation program for decoding LDPC codes based on Log-BP algorithm is presented. The statistical diagrams of bit error rate and packet error rate under different signal to noise ratios are given. The matlab and Cc-mex paths are used to calculate the bit error rate and packet error rate. (2019-03-28, MultiPlatform, 84KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] zcsbxy

Hello, webmaster: this is the online tree selection system that I upload, it mainly faces the university to choose the tree, this system is to use asp sql quality is relatively high, please check and verify the webmaster. Thank you! (2018-12-19, MultiPlatform, 452KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] LWIP_manual(CN)

本文叙述了lwIP的设计与实现。叙述了协议实现及子系统中所使用的算法和数据结构如存储和缓冲管理系统。还包括LWIP API的参考手册和使用LWIP 的一些代码例子。
This paper describes the design and implementation of lwIP. The protocol implementation and the algorithms and data structures used in the subsystem, such as storage and buffer management systems, are described. Also included are the LWIP API reference manuals and some code examples using LWIP. (2017-11-24, MultiPlatform, 677KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Book-for-IT-Students

中国IT 领域的发展速度之快令世界瞩目,但是中国的计算机教育却没有能够跟上。因此,在各大高校扩招的同时,IT 培训机构同样发展的很快。 然而,学习IT 的学生却仍然面临着其他专业不一样的困惑。因为IT 技术发展很快,而 课程体系并不能很快跟上,因此学生在学校并不了解企业需要什么,自己需要学习什么。
Book about IT industry for Chinese students whose majors concerning with IT (2013-07-18, MultiPlatform, 850KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] dydl

multisim 仿真 电源电路 逆变 整流 SPWM
multisim rectified SPWM inverter power circuit simulation (2011-05-29, MultiPlatform, 2977KB, 下载279次)


[其他书籍] LoadRunner_book

Mercury LoadRunner 是一种预测系统行为和性能的负载测试工具.通过以模拟上千万用户实施并发负载及实时性能监测的方式来确认和查找问题,LoadRunner 能够对整个企业架构进行测试. 该文档是LoadRunner 8.0的使用手册。
Mercury LoadRunner is a prediction system behavior and performance load testing tools. Through tens of millions of users to simulate the load and the implementation of concurrent real-time performance monitoring approach to identify and locate the problem, LoadRunner to test the entire enterprise architecture. The document is LoadRunner 8.0 user (2008-07-15, MultiPlatform, 2572KB, 下载52次)


[网络编程] Squid_chinese

彭勇华所译Squid 权威指南最新中文版。“译 者序:本人在工作中维护着数台Squid 服务器,多次参阅Duane Wessels(他也是Squid 的创始人)的这本书,原书名是"Squid: The Definitive Guide",由O Reilly 出版。我在业余时间把它翻译成中文,希望对中文Squid 用户有所帮助。对普通的单位上网用户,Squid 可充当代理服务器;而对Sina,NetEase 这样的大型站点,Squid 又充当WEB 加速器。这两个角色它都扮演得异常优秀。窗外繁星点点,开源的世界亦如这星空般美丽,而Squid 是其中耀眼的一颗星。对本译版有任何问题,请跟我联系,我的Email是:yonghua_peng@yahoo.com.cn 彭勇华” (2008-05-20, MultiPlatform, 3048KB, 下载97次)


[CA认证] c_sha1_rsa

一个用纯C写的RSA_SHA1数字签名库,可以在各个平台下编译成功,不需要任何其它的包依赖,便于移植,适合对信安有兴趣的朋友学习 PS:刚才有个相同的包上传后没有显示,不知道是不是bug..小修改后重新上传 (2008-05-10, MultiPlatform, 27KB, 下载131次)


[打印编程] Print

本程序为通用打印程序,单据、会计凭证、发票清单、报表、任意复杂表格、合并表格如工矿企业合同都可以由系统提供的几个默 认打印对象组合打印。
This procedure for the common printing procedures, documents, accounting documents, invoices, statements, any complex form, the merger contract forms such as industrial and mining enterprises can be provided by the system several default portfolio print print object. (2008-04-14, MultiPlatform, 162KB, 下载27次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GNU_make_zh_CN

GNU make中文手册,本文比较完整的讲述GNU make工具,涵盖GNU make的用法、语法。同时重点讨论如何为一个工程编写Makefile。作为一个Linux程序员,make工具的使用以及编写Makefile是必需的。
GNU make Chinese Manual, this article about the complete GNU make tools, GNU make to cover the use of grammar. At the same time focus on how to prepare a project Makefile. As a Linux programmer, make tools and the preparation of Makefile is essential. (2008-03-29, MultiPlatform, 880KB, 下载147次)


[企业管理] Patterns_of_Enterprise_Application_Architecture-ch

企业应用架构模式 (PDF, 中文扫描版,全本,384页) 【原 书 名】 Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture 【作 者】(美)Martin Fowler 【译 者】 王怀民 周斌 【出 版 社】 机械工业出版社 【出版日期】 2004 年7月
Enterprise application framework (PDF, scanned version of the Chinese, all of this, 384) [Title] original Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture [Author] (U.S.) Martin Fowler] [translator WANG Huai-min ZHOU Bin] [Press Machinery Industry Press Publication Date] [July 2004 (2008-02-02, MultiPlatform, 9432KB, 下载88次)


[Web服务器] BetterCOSv2.06

该系统是基于 Intranet 的 Web 技术,完全采用B/S体系结构的内联网办公系统。 该系统独特的信息流设计使得信息在政府/企业的部门内部和部门之间传递效率极大提高,信息传递过程中耗费降到最低。办公人员得以从繁杂的日常办公事务处理中解放出来,参与更多的富于思考性和创造性的工作。COS系统力求突出体系结构简明、功能实用、管理和维护简单易行的特点。同时为了适应不断发展变化的需要,服务目录的体系结构具有良好的可扩展性。
The system is based on the Intranet of Web technology, we adopt the B/S Architecture intranet office system. The system (2007-08-07, MultiPlatform, 3070KB, 下载44次)


[Windows编程] CodeAndSetup

此系统可以管理企业员工的出勤情况包括加班,签到,下班,迟到,早退,请假,每月休息天数,每天工作时间设定,添加删除员工和修改员工信息,并且每月会有月统计汇总功能.普通员工只能操作上班下班功能,其他管理功能由管理员也就是经理来操作.因为考虑到有的机器可能没有安装SQL Server所以我将系统分为两个版本分别是SQL Server版和Access版. 系统数据库内置20个登陆帐号和密码分别为: ID:001 密码:001……ID:020 密码:020.当系统启动时自动监测数据库连接,若没有提示错误则表示连接正常即可使用. 若发现使用Bug或功能上有不顺心的地方请联系我的邮箱(MSN): Lingo.wxy@hotmail.com 系统需要.Net Framework2.0运行时支持,下载地址:http://p2s.newhua.com/down/dotnetfx_38669.exe (2007-07-17, MultiPlatform, 5158KB, 下载155次)


[电子书籍] J2EEclassChinese

电子书籍,不错滴 今天,越来越多的开发人员都想编写分布式的,事务型的企业及应用程序,以及平衡速度、安全及服务器方可靠度的技术。如果你已经在这个领域工作,你应该知道在当今的快速变换及需求的电子商务及信息技术的世界里,企业应用程序需要设计、编译、产生低价位的、高速的、占用少量资源的程序。 为了缩减开发成本,快速跟踪企业应用的设计和开发,J2EE技术提供了基于组件的设计方法,开发、集成、部署应用程序。J2EE平台提供了多层分布式应用模式,使具有重用的能力,并集成了基于XML的数据交换——一个统一的安全模式及灵活的事务控制。
electronic books, good drop today, more and more developers want to prepare distributed, Service-oriented enterprises and application procedures, and to balance speed, security and reliability of the server side technology. If you already work in this field, you should know that in today's rapidly changing and the demand for e-commerce and information technology world, enterprise applications need to design, compile and produce the low-cost, high-speed, taking up a small amount of resources procedures. To reduce development costs, fast tracking enterprise application design and development, J2EE technology provides a component-based design, development, integration and deployment of applications. J2EE platform offers a multi-tier distributed application model, with the ability to reuse (2006-07-05, MultiPlatform, 3747KB, 下载51次)


[系统设计方案] 武汉钢讯网络设计方案

in the modern factory, the production processes for image control is to raise the level of corporate governance, the strengthening of production scheduling, reasonable arrangements for staff, the timely production equipment found significant risks of an important measures. (2005-07-26, MultiPlatform, 103KB, 下载61次)


[系统设计方案] 基于DEDS派送调度问题的研究

太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 派送调度问题是物流管理领域中一个重要的课题,是大型 超市集团、大型零售连锁店、物流派送中心及工业生产企业共 同存在的问题。随着跨地区、跨地域的经济活动日益加强,迫 切要求解决物资流通当中合理调度运输工具的问题来有效实现 企业生产计划、减少物资库存,从而提高工商企业的生产效率。 目前对于派送调度问题的研究主要集中在对运输工具的配置和 静态调度领域,这些研究工作已经取得了丰富的成果,并且研 究结果也主要应用于决策和管理方面。但是对于运输工具运行 情况变化和派送任务动态产生和调整关注较少,同时,在线派 送调度的计算机系统产品也较少
Taiyuan University of Technology master's degree thesis Abstract delivery scheduling problem is the logistics management field an important issue, is a large supermarket groups, large retail chains, logistics distribution centers and industrial production enterprises to the problems that exist. With trans-regional and cross-boundary economic activities increasing, it is urgent to address the flow of goods among them reasonable means of scheduling problems to the effective realization of production plans to reduce material inventory, thereby improving business productivity. Current scheduling problems for the delivery of concentrated mainly in the transport and distribution of static scheduling fields, these studies have achieved rich results and findings of the study are mainly used in (2005-04-14, MultiPlatform, 132KB, 下载46次)


[xml/soap/webservice] XML.Guide.CHS

这篇最近修订过的教程讨论了 XML 是什么、为什么开发它以及它正如何塑造着电子商业的未来。在讨论过程中,本教程还研究了几个 XML 标准和编程接口,演示了如何采用该技术着手您的工作,并讲述了几家公司如何构建了基于 XML 的解决方案以精简它们的企业并提高其效率。
recently revised curricula discussed what XML is, why it developed and how it is shaping the future of electronic commerce. In the course of discussion, the Guide also studied several XML standards and programming interface, demonstrated how to use the technology start your work, and several companies about how to structure the XML-based solutions to streamline their businesses and improve its efficiency. (2005-04-06, MultiPlatform, 176KB, 下载209次)


[技术管理] itservice

this column will be through case analysis, knowledge, Hoffman and other forms of IT services channels in the course of the program, which involves the management of knowledge, service standards and techniques related knowledge, hope to channel corporate restructuring and development to provide useful lessons. (2005-04-06, MultiPlatform, 235KB, 下载307次)


[USB编程] USB协议有关资料

[information] USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 protocol specification. PDF format, requested more information from the letter. (2005-03-19, MultiPlatform, 7241KB, 下载861次)
