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[WEB开发] Infragistics.NetAdvantage2004.Vol.2

NetAdvantage是目前为止最为完整的表示层组件集,它所提供的组件集可用于构建基于Windows应用程序、XML web services、和web解决方案的界面。无论是创建Microsoft环境下精美、强壮的GUI(图形用户界面)还是在COM、.NET或是ASP.NET环境下开发,NetAdvantage Suite都能提供适用的工具集,并结合了当今认知度最高的商业应用程序 -Microsoft Office、Windows和Outlook中的技巧和用法,使得GUI的创建变得更为轻松。功能介绍:1.基于COM、.NET 和ASP.NET 的75种最佳表示层组件:包括网格、图表、工具条、菜单、制表符、树状子目录结构、进度表、日历、编辑器、GUI控件以及更多…2.利用Infragistics的表示层构架可用于继承并创建自定义组件的图形界面跨环境的通用对象模块提供更方便的在线学习 3.支持WindowsXP功能。4.RAD 设计器提升了可视化设计的速度。5.使用NetAdvantage‘s ASP.NET组件可以在瘦客户端环境中创建胖客户端的应用程序。6.提供ASP.NET组件的服务器端应用程序接口(API)7.应用广泛、直观的对象模块,包括了丰富的事件、方法和属性集合,可进行细化至象素水平的编程8.跨环境的通用对象模块提供更方便的在线学习9.Subscription和企业版都提供所有.NET组件和设计器的原代码...
NetAdvantage is by far the most complete set of components that layer, it provides the set of components that can be used to build Windows-based applications, XML web services, and web-based solutions interface. Whether it is created under Microsoft environment beautiful, strong GUI (graphical user interface) or in the COM, .NET or ASP.NET development environment, NetAdvantage Suite can provide suitable set of tools, combined with the highest degree of awareness today Business applications - Microsoft Office, Windows and Outlook, skills and usage, making much easier to create a GUI. Features: 1 based on 75 kinds of best presentation layer components COM, .NET and ASP.NET: including grids, charts, toolbars, menus, tabs, tree subdirectory structure, schedules, calendars, Editor , GUI controls, and more ... 2. Using Infragistics presentation layer framework inherited and can be used to create custom graphical interface components across environments generic object module provides a more c (2014-11-07, C#, 11735KB, 下载23次)
