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[Java书籍] Flight-Booking-System-JavaServlets_App

?? An enterprise level Flight Booking System for Turkish Airlines (web-application) based on the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture made using Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSPs). Moreover authentication and authorization for users is implemented. The web-application is also secured against SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting attacks. (2023-05-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] SPRING

适用于已具有一定Java 编程基础的读者,以及在Java 平台下进行各类软件开发的开发人员、测试人员,尤其适用于企业级Java 开发人员。本书既可以被刚开始学习Spring 的读者当作学习指南,也可以被那些想深入了解Spring 某方面功能的专业用户作为参考用书。
It is suitable for readers who already have a certain Java programming foundation, developers and testers who develop various kinds of software under the Java platform, especially for enterprise Java developers. This book can be used as a learning guide for readers who are just beginning to learn Spring, or as a reference book for professional users who want to know more about Spring's functions. (2019-06-05, Java, 85408KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] Spring源码深度解析

"Spring" source depth analysis from the two aspects of the core realization and application of the enterprise, from the shallower to the deeper, from easy to difficult to systematically explain the Spring source code, including Spring design concept and overall structure, the basic realization of the container, the default tag parsing, custom tag parsing, bean loading, container extensions AOP, JDBC, MyBatis, database connection and integration affairs, SpringMVC, remote service, Spring message service etc.. (2017-11-18, Java, 96786KB, 下载7次)


[Java书籍] zcms2x

ZCMS2.x是泽元软件出品的一款基于J2EE技术和插件技术的企业级网站内容管理软件,旨在帮助用户解决日益复杂与重要的Web内容的创建、维护、发布和应用的问题。本文档简要地介绍了ZCMS2.x的概念、特性和功能,是用户熟悉和掌握ZCMS 2.x的良好参考资料。 免
ZCMS2.x is a the Sawamoto software produced enterprise-class web content management software based on J2EE technology and plug-in technology, is designed to help users solve increasingly complex and important Web content creation, maintenance, publishing and application. This document briefly describes the concepts, features and functions of ZCMS2.x users are familiar with and master ZCMS 2.x good reference. Avoid (2012-12-12, PDF, 5080KB, 下载24次)


[Java书籍] Java_puzzlers

java FAQ, the book close-up of the 95 or the Java class libraries of traps and pitfalls of puzzles, most of which have adopted the puzzle the way the short program, the behavior of these procedures appear to differ with. Are given after each puzzle are answered in detail the program, the FAQ on the program behavior program beyond the simple explanation, to show the reader how to avoid the underlying traps once and for all and defects. . (2010-06-01, Java, 1103KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] chapter15.XFire.Web.Service

MyEclipse6.0中文开发教程第15章,刘长炯著, 本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
MyEclipse6.0 Chinese development tutorial Chapter 15, Liu Changjiong the book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. The book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of the SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2010-04-22, Java, 1186KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] chapter13.JPA

MyEclipse6.0中文开发教程第13章,刘长炯著, 本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
MyEclipse6.0 Chinese development tutorial Chapter 13, Liu Changjiong the book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. The book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of the SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2010-04-22, Java, 1932KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] chapter12_Struts.2.Spring

MyEclipse6.0中文开发教程第12章,刘长炯著, 本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
MyEclipse6.0 Chinese development tutorial Chapter 12, Liu Changjiong the book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. The book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of the SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2010-04-22, Java, 1789KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] chapter11_Spring.Struts.Hibernate

MyEclipse6.0中文开发教程第11章,刘长炯著, 本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
MyEclipse6.0 Chinese development tutorial Chapter 11, Liu Changjiong the book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. The book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of the SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2010-04-22, Java, 1646KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] MyEclipse.6.Java.chapter_1-10

MyEclipse6.0中文开发教程(1-10)章,刘长炯著,本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
MyEclipse6.0 Chinese Development Guide (1-10) Zhang, Liu Zhangjiong the book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. The book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of the SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2010-04-22, Java, 5047KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] MoreJavaPitfalls_CHS

More.Java.Pitfalls中文版本书通过分析和探究Java编程中的问题,总结出高效的解决方案,帮助Java程序员克服实际编程工作中的“陷阱”。全书分为3个部分,50个Items。第一部分“客户层”(22个Items)涵盖了J2ME和J2SE,讨论了在开发网络和独立客户应用程序时可能遇到的陷阱。第二部分“Web层”(14个Items)探讨了运行于Web容器内部的组件的陷阱。第三部分“企业层”(14个Items)涉及到J2EE平台的一部分组件,或是在企业Java Bean(EJB)容器内部的执行。本书适合有一定经验的Java程序员阅读,也可作为工作中解决实际问题的参考.
More.Java.Pitfalls the Chinese version of the book by analyzing and exploring the Java programming problems, and summarize a cost-effective solution to help Java programmers to overcome the real programming work " trap." The book is divided into three parts, 50 Items. The first part of the " client layer" (22 Items) cover J2ME and J2SE, discussed the development of networks and independent client application may encounter traps. The second part of the " Web Layer" (14 Items) explored the Web container running on the internal components of the trap. The third part of the " enterprise level" (14 Items) relates to part of the J2EE platform components, or in an enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container within the implementation. This book has some experience suitable for Java programmers to read, but also work to solve practical problems as a reference. (2010-01-26, Java, 27666KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] 1stJava

Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。
Java from Sun' s one called the Green project, its original purpose is to develop a home consumer electronics products distributed code system, so that we can E-mail sent to refrigerators, television sets and other household appliances, they control, and their exchange of information. (2009-09-08, Java, 123KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] MyEclipse6Javadevelopmenttutorial

MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程:本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最流行的SSH (Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石--Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。
English MyEclipse 6 Java development tutorial: This book is MyEclipse 6 on the development of enterprise applications, Java EE book entry. The book not only on the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. (2009-04-07, Java, 4358KB, 下载83次)


[Java书籍] FastUnit-help

FastUnit是基于Java的快速开发平台,开发时几乎不需编码,以可插拔组件为核心实现软件自动化,在可视化环境中创建可观察、可管理的企业级应用。 平台集成了运行框架、组件库、开发环境和辅助工具,实现了用户管理、权限管理、系统监控等通用子系统,开发中可以摆脱大部分技术问题的困扰,集中精力解决客户需求。
FastUnit are Java-based rapid development platform, the development of almost no coding to realize pluggable software components as the core automation, visual observation to create an environment for managing enterprise-class applications. Platform integrates the operating framework, component library, development environment and support tools, implementation of user management, permissions management, system monitoring, such as common sub-system, the development will be rid of most of the technical problems, focus on solving customer needs. (2009-03-31, Java, 1058KB, 下载13次)


[Java书籍] midpbasic

《Java手機程式設計入門》/王森 書號:29014 頁數:約 492 頁 ISBN:957-200-527-8 出版日期:2001年08月25日 出版廠商:知城數位科技股份有限公司 訂價:380 第一章 Java 2 Micro Edition概論阵 第二章 Java程式設計簡介阵 第三章 撰寫您的第一個手機程式阵 第四章 在實體機器上執行MIDlet阵 第五章 J2ME Wireless Toolkit阵 第六章 Motorola A6288手機程式開發阵 第七章 JBuilder MobileSet阵 第八章 MIDP for Palm 第九章 MIDlet的事件處理阵 第十章 MIDP圖形使用者介面程式設計阵 第十一章 MIDP圖形處理阵 第十二章 MIDP資料庫程式設計阵 第十三章 MIDP網路程式設計阵 附錄A MID其他參考資源總整理阵 附錄B Motorola J2ME SDK
err (2008-11-08, Java, 14675KB, 下载7次)


[Java书籍] SpringJishuShouCe

分享好书(good):台湾人的著作《Spring 技术手册》等 在网上找到了台湾java专家林信良的著作 《Spring 技术手册》的电子书和大家分享下~~~只是缺了AOP的介绍,不过已经很全面了,台湾技术书籍的特点:通俗易懂,深入浅出,结合实例~~~顺便也带上其它的几本Struts,Hibernate~~ 不过,全是繁体字的哦。。。。 另外,《Spring 技术手册》左边的index tree 是乱码!
share books (good) : Taiwanese book, "Spring Technical Manual" on the Internet to find a java experts Taiwan Lin Hsin-liang's book " Spring Technical Manual, "the e-books and we share ~ ~ ~ just lacking the AOP presentation But very comprehensive, Taiwan technical books features : user-friendly, easy to understand, with examples ~ ~ ~ incidentally also brought several other Struts, Hibernate ~ ~ Nevertheless, the characters are all oh. . . . In addition, "Spring Technical Manual" left index tree is gibberish! (2006-08-12, Java, 328KB, 下载108次)


[Java书籍] newsweb

明日新闻网络中心是由吉林省明日科技有限公司开发的一个信息管理系统,该系统把经常变动的信息,类似公司动态、企业新闻、新产品发布、促销活动和行业动态等更新信息集中管理,并通过信息的某些共性进行分类,最后系统化、标准化发布到网站上,同时提供新闻搜索及相关网站的友情链接。读者将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容完成配置后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。 明日新闻网络中心主要分为前台和后台,前台主要包括各类信息的搜索及查看,后台包括管理员及相关信息的系统管理。
News Network Center tomorrow from Jilin Province tomorrow Technology Ltd. developed an information management system, The system constantly changing information, a similar dynamic companies, business news, new product launches, promotional activities and industry trends to update information centralized management, and through some common information classification and systematization Finally, Standardization to the Web, while providing news and search related sites on the Links. Readers will be able to copy the original program of the local computer, remove the read-only folder attributes, according to the "installation configuration specification" as complete configuration, will be on the local machine running the site. Tomorrow News Network Center consists of front- and back- (2006-08-04, Java, 4986KB, 下载35次)


[Java书籍] MasteringRMI

《精通RMI:Java与EJB企业级应用开发》书籍的源代码. 本书是讲述RMI技术的经典著作,清晰地展示了设计和创建RMI应用中涉及到的思想,包括最常用的设计模式。详细讲述了如何利用RMI的所有高级特性,如何创建RMI系统,实例丰富,还介绍了常用的客户/服务器结构、远程调用的本质以及与RMI相关的技术。作者把既简单又很有说服力的应用与理论相结合,全书由浅入深,概念叙述和应用分析并举,使读者不仅“知其然”,而且“知其所以然”。对于所有关注Java技术、从事企业应用实现的读者来说,是一本内容详尽、技巧高超的参考书籍。
"proficient RMI : Java and EJB enterprise-class application development, "the source books. the book is about RMI classics, a clear demonstration of the design and creation of RMI application relates to the idea, including the most commonly used design patterns. A detailed account of how to use RMI all advanced features, how to set up RMI system, abundant examples, also introduced in the client/server structure, the nature of long-distance calls with the RMI and related technologies. The authors not only simple but also very convincing application and theory, elementary book. the concept of narrative and analysis applications simultaneously, so that readers not only "know-" and "know why they are so." For all the concern Java technology, enterprise applicat (2006-07-28, Java, 9516KB, 下载39次)


[Java书籍] JavaCodeSource

Java programming language mainly to explain Java is the most commonly used computer programming language and JA VA distributed and multithreaded senior computer and other advanced features of the language, "Java Programming Language," a book language is easy, not long period of training can prepare now for businesses or individuals in need of procedures. (2006-05-03, Java, 19KB, 下载10次)


[Java书籍] J2EE指南(中文版)

now there is a new platform, the new guidelines. Java2 Enterprise's success is notable. Developers who have strongly demanded for the use of the Java platform for the preparation of the server application information. With the original guide, this is no more than one example of easy-to-use and the J2EE platform as a reference. (2005-05-04, Java, 5411KB, 下载91次)
