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[.net编程] V5_CMS_4.20

V5CMS企业网站管理系统是一套小型的企业管理系统,基于微软asp.net mvc5开发的一套框架,模板使用nvelocity,模块包含文章发布系统,单页制作,友情链接,碎片管理,在线文件等模块,带缓存功能,上传即可使用,可以制作一般的门户网站,企业网站等
V5CMS enterprise website management system is a small enterprise management system, based on a set of framework developed by Microsoft asp.net mvc5, template uses nvelocity, module contains article publishing system, single page production, friendship link, fragment management, online file and other modules With cache function, upload and use, you can make general portal, corporate website, etc. (2019-05-15, C#, 12139KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] 4

The application platform of Xin you page tour platform is a page tour platform system developed by.Net+mssql. (2018-04-12, ASP, 45008KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] NMODBUS-API-Manual(cn)

NMODBUS API 手册,详细介绍了.NET 上Modbus的API使用。
NMODBUS API manual, detailing the use of Modbus API on.NET (2016-11-19, C#, 775KB, 下载52次)


[.net编程] zzcnewxt

程序内核采用:ZIJINCHENG.NET 新闻小偷 sina.com.cn版 因为本程序涉及版权问题,请非个人用户谨慎使用! 本程序包括5个文件:index.cgi ,config.cgi, news.cgi, see.cgi, gethtml.cgi,请修改config.cgi里面的变量,然后运行index.cgi.
程序内核采用: zijincheng.net 新闻小偷 sina.com.cn版 因为本程序涉及版权问题, 请非个人用户谨慎使用! 本程序包括5个文件: index.cgi, config.cgi, news.cgi, see.cgi, gethtml.cgi, 请修改config.cgi里面的变量, 然后运行 index.cgi. (2016-03-14, C#, 37KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] LAZYOA_erp(asp.netPSqlServer)-v5.8.3

一个用asp.net 加ms sql server搭建的公司企业内部的管理系统
asp.net ms sql server iis (2013-03-08, C#, 13443KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] PetShop4_ha

PetShop 是一个范例,微软用它来展示.Net企业系统开发的能力
The PetShop an example, Microsoft used it to display Net enterprise systems to develop the ability to (2012-09-20, ASP, 3593KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] OA

ASP.NET+C#+SQL2000 企业办公自动化系统,是以工作流为中心,支持移动办公,组合各管理要素和经营资源,与知识管理、项目管理等高度集成
The ASP.NET+C#+SQL2000 corporate office automation system, based on the workflow to support the mobile office, the combination of various elements of management and operational resources, and knowledge management, project management, highly integrated (2012-08-16, ASP, 844KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] EnterPriseWeb

企业网站设计与实现 前台浏览页面和后台管理页面
Corporate website design and realization of the foreground to browse the pages and admin pages (2012-06-01, Visual Basic, 1116KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] XinshouQiyeXinxi

An enterprise management system password 51.aspx only learn how to use can not be used for other purposes (2012-05-11, SQL, 2252KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] gongziguanlixitong0.9

Wage management system for small and medium enterprises employees on the payroll management (2012-05-08, ASP, 5358KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] hzw_dali

a good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good weba good webv (2012-04-21, C#, 6504KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] WebSite3

Enterprise management functionality of the web page part of the query development, and bring the database (2011-06-20, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] XMMangement

ASP.Net development of the Enterprise Project Management System (2011-04-20, ASP, 486KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] 20109191705688

企业电话客服系统 本系统运用现代化的技术,为中小型企业提供现代化的管理手段,提高企业产品信息的收集、处理能力,联动及反映能力,为各级领导和管理人员提供准确、及时的分析数据,提高管理的科学性和工作效率,促进企业管理工作合理化、规范化、系统化。本系统主要实现以下目标:  系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。
Business telephone customer service system, the system uses modern technology to provide SMEs with modern management tools, and improving product information collection, processing, interaction, and reflect the ability of leaders and managers at all levels to provide accurate and timely analysis of data and improve the management of scientific and efficiency, promote enterprise management rationalization, standardization and systematization. The system is mainly to achieve the following goals:  system uses interactive way, friendly and beautiful interface, information inquiry flexible, convenient, safe and reliable data storage. (2011-02-28, C++ Builder, 631KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] 2010122715569665

vb.net邮箱炸弹(邮很娱乐的一个小软件,可以用来恶搞。 新手可以来看看,高手就路过吧,O(∩_∩)O~ 件自动发)
vb.net-mail bombs (Post is a small entertainment software, can be used to spoof. novice can look at it, master it to pass, O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ pieces automatically sent) (2011-01-07, Visual Basic, 58KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] NServiceBus_version_1.9_RTM_full_source

Open source communication framework NServiceBus-to create enterprise-class. NET systems easier (2010-12-01, C#, 8484KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] counter

简单电子记账软件 用wpf开发的在.net 3.5 sp1下运行的学生简单记账软件 尤其适用于一卡通多功能购物的学校。 支持公交卡购物功能。 内有详细使用说明。 作者想用MFC重写,征合作人员。 有意者联系bugzapper@live.cn
Simple electronic billing software developed using wpf in. Net 3.5 sp1 students run a simple accounting software especially suited for multi-functional shopping card schools. Support for public transportation card shopping features. There are detailed instructions. Authors would like to use MFC rewritten, levy co-workers. Interested parties contact bugzapper@live.cn (2010-01-09, Visual C++, 935KB, 下载69次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET3.5

精通asp.net 3.5企业级开发案例
Asp.net 3.5 proficient in the development of enterprise-class case (2008-12-15, C#, 4104KB, 下载46次)


[.net编程] jtqyjxmkf

精通ASP.NET 2.0企业级项目开发 内容如同书名,内含源码.
Proficient in ASP.NET 2.0 enterprise-class content, as the title of project development, including source code. (2007-09-06, C#, 2164KB, 下载17次)


[.net编程] 2238.cn_2006827224434142

系统基于 .NET 框架开发,使用前请确认电脑里是否已安装 .NET 框架组件及数据访问组件。
based system.NET Framework development, Please confirm before use computer has been installed.NET framework components and data access components. (2006-11-15, Visual Basic, 43KB, 下载83次)
