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按平台查找All Visual C++(44) 

[单片机开发] Temperature-monitoring-SMS

To AT89c51 as the center, the temperature sensor dht11 measured temperature data, the temperature exceeds a certain threshold through the GSM module SIM900A send a text message (2017-05-22, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] Construct-and-Interpretation-of-PC

This version highlights several new issues, the most important of which is the central role of computing in the different ways in which time is handled in the model: objects with states, concurrent programming, functional programming , Lazy uation and non-deterministic programming. (2016-12-06, Visual C++, 2092KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] spi_sl_6

US Drought Mitigation Center definitive calculation SPI executable program (WMO adopted), WINDOWS operating system command line (2016-09-29, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] yuanmamiansha360

Control DDOS源码 免杀过360全部 编译无错误免杀过360 编译环境:C++,SDK,XTP 否则编译不通过
Control DDOS Source Free killed 360 killed all 360 compiler to compile error-free environment: C++, SDK, XTP otherwise the compiler does not pass (2015-08-13, Visual C++, 6728KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] Virtual-serial-port

如果用户的终端设备提供RS-232/485/422通信接口,需要通 过以太网连接到控制中心的应用计算机上,可以在串口终端设备 端选配NP801串口服务器
If the user s terminal equipment to provide RS-232/485/422 communication interface, need to pass The Ethernet connection to the application of the computer control center, in the serial terminal equipment End of selection of NP801 serial device server (2015-04-27, Visual C++, 244KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] 1

The programmer the path to uniting the consists of a series of independent parts, covering topics personal responsibility, career development, until is used to keep the code flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse of various architectural technology. By using many examples of entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful and interesting analogy, fully illustrates the many different aspects of software development best practices and major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, or a software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2015-04-01, Visual C++, 5964KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] 1021ciluopan

Complete the communication with the control center of the magnetic compass, by interrupting receive instruction, and determine the type of instruction, the magnetic compass according to specific instructions to complete the corresponding action (2015-03-23, Visual C++, 303KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] controlling-keyboard

By controlling the rotation of the keyboard to control the distance of the object, and about the x, y, the center point in different ways (2014-12-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] chuzuchejijiaqi

Taxi meter design: AT89S52 microcontroller as the center, ranging through the metal sensors to achieve statistical valuation of the taxi. Combining voice chip ISD4004, clock chip DS1302, composed voice amplifier module LM386N-time control system, and finally through the LCD display module LCD12864 price, distance, total time, etc. The system can modify the price, starting at daytime at night price display and time. AT89S52 through the P0 port is connected to an external circuit voice quotes, quotes voice functionality can be achieved (2013-12-14, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] asdwe

基于51单片机的智能小车循迹部分的硬件,DDB 以及控制中心的单片机,基于STC12C5A60S2
Provides a wide range of styles and generous style and generous style better one against a Vatican Vatican developed countries (2013-06-22, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] soso1989

关于图像亚像素边缘检测方法的相关文献 (薄片零件机器视觉图像亚像素边缘检测,机器视觉标定中的亚像素中心定位算法,机械零件亚像素边缘检测算法的研究,基于分层插值和最小二乘拟合的亚像素细分算法等等。)
Literature on the image sub-pixel edge detection method (thin parts machine vision image sub-pixel edge detection, sub-pixel target location in the calibration of the machine vision, machine parts sub-pixel edge detection algorithm, based on the hierarchical interpolation and least squares subpixel fitting algorithm, and so on.) (2012-05-27, Visual C++, 2091KB, 下载63次)


[单片机开发] jiyuhuoeryuanjiandechuzuchejijia

本电路以STC89C52RC 单片机为中心、附加 A44E霍尔元件检测转速,实现对 出租车计价统计,输出采用8 段数码显示管。本电路设计的计价器不但能实现基本的计 价,而且还能根据白天、黑夜来调节单价。
This circuit to STC89C52RC singlechip center, additional A44E hall com ponets detect speed, realize the taxi valuation statistic s, output with 8 period XianShiGuan di gital. This circuit design the meter can not only realize the basic valuation, and still can according to the day and the night to adjust the unit price. (2012-05-11, Visual C++, 95KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] gridPpick

An example of the platform based on VTK, the main show unstructured grid drawing and realization of human-computer interaction, click the quadrilateral around the vertex, you can display a straight line connecting the center (2011-07-10, Visual C++, 7444KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] 4432_DKDBx_(TXRX_Switch_470M)(1)

GT033-TRX 是一款低成本的ISM 频段FSK 收发模块, 可工作在240--930MHZ 中任意频点。功率可以最大配 置为20dBm(si4432),13dBm(si4431),接收灵敏度可达-118dBm,64 字节 TX/RX FIFOS,内置温度传感器, 8 位模数转换器,3 个I/O。支持跳频工作模式。可提供一个SPI 接口,通过MCU 设置就可调整各种参数(发 射功率.中心频点.带宽等)。无需外加功放电路就可实现远距离无线数据传输.
GT033-TRX is a low-cost ISM band FSK transceiver modules can operate at 240- 930MHZ arbitrary frequency. Maximum power can be configured to 20dBm (si4432), 13dBm (si4431), receiver sensitivity up to-118dBm, 64-byte TX/RX FIFOS, built-in temperature sensors, 8-bit ADC, 3 I/O. Support frequency hopping mode. Provide a SPI interface to MCU setting can be adjusted by various parameters (transmit power. Center frequency. Bandwidths, etc.). No external power amplifier circuit can realize long-distance wireless data transmission. (2010-05-19, Visual C++, 842KB, 下载164次)


[单片机开发] 433

Ningbo Branch GAINS IC Design Center in the agreement MAC433 series manual, on the background of interest in wireless sensor routing protocols are interested can refer to (2010-05-18, Visual C++, 624KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] solar

To achieve a small solar system, sun in the center of the earth around the sun while the rotation of the moon around the sun (2010-05-17, Visual C++, 101KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] bowei

机场泊位弓l导是指引导飞机从滑行道行进至机坪停机位置并准确停泊的过程。机场 泊位引导可保障飞机安全准确停泊,使廊桥能够有效靠接飞机。泊位引导分为人工引导 和自动引导两种方式。人工引导是通过站在飞机前方的工作人员用标牌向飞行员展示的 各种行为语言来指示飞机的位姿(距停止线的距离、偏离中心线的方向与程度),是基本 和原始的方式。自动引导通过传感器监测接近泊位的飞机位姿与速度信息,并通过停泊 位前方的显示屡显示飞机位姿与速度等信息。
Bow l Airport parking guide is to guide the aircraft from the taxiway to ramp down the road parked position and accurate process. Airport parking guide can guarantee the safety of aircraft parking and accurate, so that bridges can be effectively received by the aircraft. Parking guide is divided into manual and automatic boot boot two ways. Manual guidance by the staff stood in front of the aircraft to the pilots to use sign language to show the various behaviors indicative of aircraft position and attitude (the distance from the stop line, the direction and extent of deviation from center line), is a basic and primitive way. Automated guided by sensors to monitor parking spaces close to the aircraft position and attitude and speed information, and through the parking spaces in front of the display shows the aircraft position and attitude and repeat the speed of information. (2010-05-13, Visual C++, 1991KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] jiaotongdeng

The system uses the MSC-51 Series MCU ATSC51 and programmable parallel I/O interface chip 8255A-centric devices to design the traffic light controller, which can realize the basis of actual traffic flow through the P1 port 8051 chip set red, green fuel Liang time function traffic lights lit cycle, the countdown five seconds left when the yellow light flashing warning (traffic lights signal through the PA output, indicating the time directly through the PC port output 8255 to double-digit digital tube) vehicles闯红灯alarm green time can detect the flow through a double-digital tube display. (2009-02-12, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载27次)


[单片机开发] USB

为了使USB开发者、爱好者轻松学习USB协议,开发USB设备,凌阳科技教育推广中心设计了USB 接口模组。USB接口模组可以与任何满足资源条件的MCU连接,设计者可以使用它来完成自己的USB 设备。
In order to enable USB developers, enthusiasts USB easy learning agreement, the development of USB devices, Sunplus Technology Education Center was designed to promote USB interface module. USB interface modules can be combined with any of the MCU resources to meet the connectivity, the designer can use it to complete their own USB devices. (2008-07-02, Visual C++, 4150KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] 32阶幻~1

本程序为32阶幻方的一种,在左上角的4*4=16个空格中,第一、三行的第1,2个空格标记*,第二、四行的第3,4个空格标记*。然后分别以轴对称、中心对称扩展到另三个区域的256个空格的左上方1/4区域,然后又以轴对称、中心对称扩展到256个格的其它三个区域,依次类推直至整个区域的1024个空格中对应的 空格均有标记*。
procedures for the 32 bands a magic squares in the upper left corner of the 4* 4 = 16 spaces, the first and the first three rows 1,2-box labeled*, second, the first four lines of 3,4* 000 box labeled. Then axisymmetric respectively, the Center symmetric extension of another three regional 256 spaces in the upper left 1/4 regional, then, axisymmetric, the Center symmetric extension of the 256 grid other three regions, a total of 444 throughout the region until 1024 the corresponding blank spaces are marked*. (2005-07-29, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)
