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按分类查找All 区块链开发(110) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(110) 

[区块链开发] ShipChain

ShipChain是一个基于 Web3 技术的去中心化应用(DApp),旨在为用户提供方便的外卖点餐信息记录服务,并通过区块链技术实现代币铸造与奖励机制。
ShipChain is a decentralized application (DApp) based on Web3 technology, which aims to provide users with convenient take out order information recording services, and achieve token casting and reward mechanism through blockchain technology. (2024-02-24, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] zkSync-Greeter-Contract

该项目使用zkSync Hardhat模板来部署一个简单的智能合约,该合约存储并更新zkSync第2层扩展解决方案上的问候语。该合同允许用户通过去中心化应用程序(dApps)和zkSync的开发工具箱与其交互。
This project utilizes the zkSync Hardhat template to deploy a simple smart contract that stores and updates a greeting message on the zkSync Layer 2 scaling solution. The contract allows users to interact with it through decentralized applications (dApps) and zkSync s development toolbox. (2023-12-23, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Fundchain-Dapp

A decentralized fundraising application using Tezos technology with its own consensus protocol. It can be used to donate and raise funds and also conditionally funds. It also contains its own consensus algorithm (halfway implemented due to time constraint) which is similar to proof-of-stake, which is being designed to verify the fundraising (2022-08-16, TypeScript, 139KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] custom-solidity-smart-contract-using-ContractKit

This decentralized site allows the user to connect his Wallet, claim an NFT of a given testnet contract, see all available NFTs of the contract, see the NFTs claimed, read an annotation of each and change it. (2023-03-22, TypeScript, 1202KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Devdit-Blockchain

This is a decentralized website for developers where one can post and share new technologies with other developers. This website is developed entirely on the blockchain, using smart contracts built in solidity. Developers can also encourage other developers by upvoting their posts and commenting on their posts. (2021-06-10, TypeScript, 267KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] eresource

This decentralized energy trading application is designed to facilitate direct buying and selling of renewable energy between consumers and producers, without the need for intermediaries. It is built using Next.js, Node.js, Web3.js, and blockchain technology. The platform uses smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to execute transactions. (2023-05-27, TypeScript, 628KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] ARRtistry

The purpose of the project is to create a global registry based on blockchain technology where mistrusting stakeholders can come together and trust that a smart contract will automatically manage the ARR and other royalties after an art sale. (2020-06-01, TypeScript, 190KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] electra

electra,This is Electra blockchain s repository for a decentralized micro-grid electricity exchange solution (2023-04-19, TypeScript, 62254KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] contracts-v3

Bancor is a decentralized trading and yield protocol. Its network of on-chain automated market makers (AMMs) supports instant token-to-token trades, as well as single-sided liquidity provision, auto-compounding rewards and 100% impermanent loss protection for any listed asset. , (2023-04-24, TypeScript, 8857KB, 下载0次)
