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[数据库系统] news-miniPrograme

Simple WeChat news applet, cloud function, cloud storage and database implementation of server development based on cloud (2020-12-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] dhub

dhub(Data Hub)即数据中心,用于存储大批量数据,如音乐、电影等
Dhub (Data Hub) is the data center, which is used to store mass data, such as music, movies, etc (2016-01-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] cloud_disk

本云网盘为您提供优质的文件网络存储和分享服务。具有空间大、速度快、安全稳固,同时永不限速等优点。 Please star ^_^(前端请提issues)
This cloud disk provides you with high-quality file network storage and sharing services. It has the advantages of large space, fast speed, safety and stability, and unlimited speed. Please star^_^ (Please mention issues at the front end) (2021-04-12, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] e-Avro-to-Apache-Parquet-Convertor-Azure-Function

将事件中心捕获Avro格式转换为SQL DW的Parquet格式,
Convert Event Hub Capture Avro format to Parquet format for SQL DW, (2017-09-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] tlp-stress

Apache Cassandra的以工作负载为中心的压力工具。设计简单,不需要数学学位。,
A workload-centric stress tool for Apache Cassandra. Designed for simplicity, no math degree required., (2022-01-10, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] tidbits2022.github

welcome to tidbits! here s where we place all our links for MIT Solve Submission, 2023., (2023-01-24, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] QML-NewsFeedReader

基于Qt 6的RSS新闻提要阅读器,支持脱机数据库
Qt 6 based RSS News Feed Reader with offline database support (2022-02-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] conan-sqlpp11-connector-sqlite3

[过时]配方现在在<;https:github.com conan io conan中心-索引>;
[OBSOLETE] The recipe is now in <https: github.com conan-io conan-center- index> (2020-01-12, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] conan-sqlpp11

[过时]配方现在在<;https:github.com conan io conan中心-索引>;
[OBSOLETE] The recipe is now in <https: github.com conan-io conan-center- index> (2019-11-21, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] conan-sqlite3

[过时]配方现在在<;https:github.com conan io conan中心-索引>;
[OBSOLETE] The recipe is now in <https: github.com conan-io conan-center- index> (2019-09-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] sql_session_store

Dr.Ing.Stefan Kaes SqlSessionStore插件的Git(中心)镜像。版权所有(c)Dr.-Ing.Stefan Kaes
Git(hub) mirror of Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kaes SqlSessionStore plugin. Copyright (c) Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kaes (2009-06-15, Ruby, 18KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] PDE

医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)处方药事件(PDE)。使用MS SQL。
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Prescription Drug Event (PDE). Using MS SQL. (2021-04-20, TSQL, 14KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] sql-for-data-science-capstone-project

Analysis of data collected from 2021 Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (2022-05-19, Jupyter Notebook, 3634KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] SQLCDC2EventHub

Send SQL Change Data Capture (CDC) tracked changes into an Azure Event Hub for downstream processing (2020-09-18, C#, 7006KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] qbit

qbit is a kotlin-multiplatform embeddable decentralized DBMS with object- relational information model (2022-05-05, kotlin, 193KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Python-News-Management

A news management system based on Python language and three major databases: MySQL, Redis, and MongoDB (2022-04-04, Python, 324KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Php

A news management system based on PHP, including databases, adding, deleting, modifying, querying administrators, and user login operations. (2019-08-24, PHP, 1899KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] synchronize

1. 熟悉常用网络数据库的安装和使用 2. 掌握网络数据库的应用编程技术 3. 掌握网络环境下实现数据同步的相关编程知识 4. 掌握网络通信编程的具体应用 Oracle的安装和使用 2、SQL Server的安装和使用 3、数据库应用编程 本次实验采用ADO技术访问Oracle 9i和SqlServer 2000 数据库,用VC++开发,选用MFC开发工具。实验要求中只要求从从站到中心站的同步,这里我们加大难度实现了从站和中心站的互同步。项目名称为:synchronize,即为同步。 本程序分为三个模块:数据库连接操作、通信模块(包括发送和接收)、用户操作更新数据、同步更新数据库模块。 2. 通信模块(包括发送和接收)模块(Comm) a) 功能:用于将从站的insert 语句发送到中心站,中心站正确 执行后将学号返回给从站,从站更新数据库。 同时在中心站上时接收从站的insert语句。 b) 工作流程: c) 数据结构:继承MFC中的CSyncSocket类,利用它的功能。 3. 用户操作更新数据模块(User) a) 功能:接收用户对数据库的插入命令,提供用户界面。 b) 工作流程: c) 数据结构: 4. 同步更新数据库模块模块(Asy) a) 功能:将中心站接收到的insert 语句检查后,在中心站上执行,实验中心站的同步。 b) 工作流程:
1. Familiar with the popular web-based database installation and use of 2. Master network database application programming techniques 3. Master data synchronization network environment to achieve the relevant programming knowledge 4. Grasp the concrete application of network communication programming Oracle of the installation and use of 2, SQL Server installation and use of 3, database application programming This experiment using ADO technology to access SqlServer 2000 and Oracle 9i database, using VC++ development, use MFC development tools. Experimental request only requires from the slave to the central station synchronization, here we increase the degree of difficulty to achieve from the station and central station of mutual synchronization. Project name: synchronize, namely synchronization. This program is divided into three modules: the database connection operation, communication modules (including the sending and receiving), the user update the data operatio (2009-08-27, Visual C++, 560KB, 下载54次)


[数据库系统] xinwencaiji

ASP development environment used to write out the news gathering system, the database used by Access. (2008-12-17, ASP, 187KB, 下载22次)


[数据库系统] news

Press Release System, which includes the complete source code, database files and detailed description of the environment configuration. (2008-04-25, Java, 975KB, 下载2次)
