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按平台查找All MultiPlatform(289) 

[对话框与窗口] ezcal

局域网斗地主 本源码是易语言 网吧可以用 嘿嘿
LAN local landlord source code is easy language Internet cafes can be used Hei hei (2018-08-11, MultiPlatform, 193KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] efev__suitable__Internet

Easy language Internet cafes management suite source code, very good easy language source code, suitable for easy language lovers to learn, (2018-08-02, MultiPlatform, 5KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] chsdging

This is a written in JAVA program is a program about changing leaf, open the net can be run directly (2017-04-20, MultiPlatform, 237KB, 下载1次)


[中间件编程] attribxtessubgroup

Flat Scroll Bar 这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址
Flat Scroll Bar this code can be returned to the network card in the current machine Ethernet address (2017-04-15, MultiPlatform, 43KB, 下载1次)


[DSP编程] Trees-parallel-graph-algorithms

分析树网结构, 发现树网上一特殊的传播规律,是优化方法另一种新的途径。
Analysis tree net structure, found the spread of a special online tree optimization method for rules is another kind of new way. (2011-04-18, MultiPlatform, 493KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] cgo1_ose

To meet the demands of modern architectures, optimizing compilers must incorporate an ever larger number of increasingly complex transformation algorithms. (2010-07-23, MultiPlatform, 91KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] DelaunayTriangulation

Qt developed using triangular mesh generation tools, adoption of interactive real-time monitoring means triangular grid generation process. (2008-12-31, MultiPlatform, 1732KB, 下载20次)


[网络编程] Computer-Networks-and-Internets-code

《计算机网络与因特网》(原书第4版) 作者:Douglas Comer博士 出版社:机械工业出版社 书中例子的代码
err (2008-11-08, MultiPlatform, 40KB, 下载17次)


[认证考试资料] 01-06

01-06 years of Network Engineering test subject, and I am very hard to collect it. Hope that we can worry (2008-06-29, MultiPlatform, 1614KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] wlgf

In order to ensure the security of campus network to find out possible attacks, the paper is designed and implemented a simple rule-based network intrusion detection system. The whole system can be realized network capture, intrusion detection and log records, be able to detect the hackers is currently the most commonly used means of a number of attacks. The article also elaborated on network intrusion detection system s basic principle, functions and structure, the structure detection engine, the current testing technology, both at home and abroad on the latest products and development analysis of the campus network intrusion detection needs explains Campus Network Intrusion Detection System s internal mechanisms and methods finally introduced the Network Intrusion Detection System Application of the rules. (2008-06-18, MultiPlatform, 342KB, 下载78次)


[Windows编程] eduweb

Campus network to form the necessary equipment, network construction manager for the broad masses of reference, is a universal type of program. (2008-04-20, MultiPlatform, 75KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] Sybase-ASE-quick-reference.zh-cn

Sybase ASE系统维护快速参考手册V2.0版,Sybase官方资料中文版,适合数据库维护和开发人员了解Sybase数据库
System maintenance Sybase ASE Quick Reference Guide V2.0 version, Sybase Chinese version of official information for database maintenance and development of staff understanding of Sybase database (2008-02-15, MultiPlatform, 977KB, 下载45次)


[单片机开发] 51C

51 Singlechip a good learning materials, a large number of source code, but also with C language! (2007-08-13, MultiPlatform, 263KB, 下载160次)


[Windows编程] qt-3.0.5-doc-zh_CN-20040303.tar

QT help, help QT is the Chinese translation, contains the DESIGNER QT, QT and the QT MAKEFILE programming help. (2007-06-27, MultiPlatform, 650KB, 下载102次)


[单片机开发] 8019-1

8019 NIC chip-driven details for the design of embedded Ethernet System (2007-05-18, MultiPlatform, 75KB, 下载99次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] EIC365k

done Ethernet may help! There is some diagram and use of the hardware will do useful! ~ (2007-04-19, MultiPlatform, 1473KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] vmwarenewgeneration

virtual machine using the guidelines, detailing the use of vmware to achieve a multi-machine system and can achieve single network test. (2007-04-03, MultiPlatform, 412KB, 下载26次)


[Ftp客户端] flashfxppassword

使用方法:用文本方式打开FlashFXP文件夹下的Sites.dat文件你会发现许多如下字段: [ftp://www.2ky.cn] Created=37525.5835161227 IP=www.realoveyou.com User=software Pass=45C170E56C99BB1A47 Port=21 Options=30033330000330011 将Pass=45C170E56C99BB1A47中等号后面的字串复制到FlashFXP密码解密器里,按解密按钮就得到真正的FTP明文密码。 【MD5值:540ff30708aeaf8a33fdf4bd2fbd6006】
Usage: used text to open FlashFXP folder Sites.dat document you will find many of the following fields: [ftp://www.2ky.cn] Created = 37525.5835161227 IP = www.realoveyou.com User = software Pass = 45C170E56C99BB1A47 Port = 21 Options = 30033330000330011 will Pass = 45C170E56C99BB1A47 the middle of the string behind No. FlashFXP Password Decryption copied to the browser, click on the button to decrypt real FTP cleartext password. [MD5 value: 540ff30708aeaf8a33fdf4bd2fbd6006] (2006-12-22, MultiPlatform, 177KB, 下载13次)


[VC书籍] ATAPI-DVD_SFF8090r99

A DVD specification books, on the development of DVD side is very useful friends (2006-02-22, MultiPlatform, 542KB, 下载81次)


[Windows编程] 图书管理借阅系统 毕业设计

图书管理借阅系统 毕业设计 工作室为朋友做的简单的毕业设计,没有花哨的功能,没有美观的界面,纯粹简单的易于操作的系统。 采用: Asp + Access 制作的系统。 简单的页面加密,页面密码(注意密码的大小写):2Fly.cn 尽供原创教程使用,如发现错误,请提出意见!谢谢大家! 作者:2Fly工作室 网站:http://www.2fly.cn 主要功能:(缺点:没做表单验证,因为想必大家都会) 实现了图书分类、图书添加、图书管理、借书会员管理、借书管理、还书管理、书本废弃管理 教案主要目的:学习参数之间的互相传递和SQL查询的主要应用
Lending Library Management System graduate design studio for a friend to do the simple design graduate, no garish function, not aesthetically pleasing interface simplistic easy to operate system. Use : Access Asp production systems. Simple pages encryption, password pages (Note that the password is case) : 2Fly.cn do for original guide, like the discovery of the error, please advise! Thank you! Author : 2Fly studio website : http://www.2fly.cn main functions : (drawbacks : do not form validation, because we all must) achieved the classification of books, and books add, library management, library membership management, library management, book management, waste management templates books main purpose : to learn each other parameters between the transmission and the main SQL Query Applicati (2005-10-30, MultiPlatform, 30KB, 下载224次)
