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按平台查找All C++ Builder(296) 

[语音合成] vchenmy12

Console program, Mini Programs, who acquires the external network IP and updates the 3322 dynamic domain name, has the function of reading and logging configuration files. (2019-05-10, C++ Builder, 26KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] gnss-master

用于ROS的GNSS堆栈 与全球导航卫星系统合作的工具。
GNSS stack for ROS Tools for working with Global Navigation Satellite Systems. (2018-02-18, C++ Builder, 19KB, 下载5次)


[其他] EX21_PWM

Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China (2017-08-10, C++ Builder, 845KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] wxBingsns

BingSNS供销版O2O源码包含了O2O门店服务+网络分销+多级推客+2个商业闭环。 第一个,模式闭环: BingSNS供销源码定位在供销模式,强调的是供销流程,提倡的是帮助供应商打造自己的渠道品牌第二个,支付闭环: 在系统内的任何一笔交易,粉丝可通过微信支付、微信扫码,支付宝,财付通在线收款,系统会自动核算每笔交易中的各个角色(供应商、分销商、门店、推客)的账单明细
BingSNS supply and marketing version of the O2O source code contains the O2O store services+ network distribution+ multi-level push off+2 business closed loop. First, mode closed loop: BingSNS supply and marketing source positioning in the supply and marketing model, the emphasis is on the supply and marketing process, is to help suppliers to build their own channel brand second, pay closed loop: Any transaction within the system, fans can pay through WeChat, Alipay, WeChat scan code, TenPay online payment, the system will automatically check each role in each transaction (suppliers, distributors, stores, twitter) of the statement (2016-09-10, C++ Builder, 6284KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] rhbbs

内核为BBSXP部分为动网BBS,针对bate1版,修正了一些错误,增加了一些功能等 用户名:寒 密码:rhbbs 投票管理登陆:N:rhbbs P:rhbbs 首页公布登陆:N:rhbbs P:rhbbs
Kernel BBSXP part Mobility BBS, for bate1 version fixes some bugs, adds some functions Username: cold Password: rhbbs Voting login: N: rhbbs P: rhbbs Home announced the landing: N: rhbbs P: rhbbs (2016-03-13, C++ Builder, 847KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] ppxqqmusic

1.采用二级分类结构,二级栏目下拉菜单全自动生成,节省页面空间,结构也更加清晰. 2.首页数据统计功能,包括新闻统计,专辑统计,歌曲统计,会员统计. 3.娱乐新闻,站内新闻 4.图片新闻功能,其中图片新闻支持首页推荐功能.
1. The use of secondary classification structure, two columns drop-down menu generated automatically save page space, the structure is more clear. 2. Home statistical functions, including statistical information, statistical album, song statistics, membership statistics. 3. entertainment news, news station 4. The image news features, photo news Home Recommended support functions. (2016-03-08, C++ Builder, 735KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 8eskybbsv2

相对v1.0新增如下功能: 基本加入了动网发布的所有补丁(包括最近发布的动网DV6.0-UBB安全补丁) 1,解决了有些版面在绝对象素定位时的,显示越界问题;例如各种插件、特别是短信弹出窗口。 2,加入即时换肤功能; 3,增加虚拟形象设计系统; 4,增加简洁模式功能,方便拔号用户;
The relative v1.0 add the following functions: The basic dynamic all joined the patch network released (including the recently released DV6.0-UBB network security patches) 1. To solve the layout of some in the absolute pixel positioning and display of cross-border issues for example a variety of plug-ins, especially SMS popup window. 2, add instant skin function 3, increase the virtual image design system 4, increase the simple mode function, convenient user dialing (2016-03-06, C++ Builder, 8004KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] hdtxt

This program beautify Mobility articles, support secondary classification, classification search, classification management Home JS calls and browse the latest articles ranking, online backup and compression, the article added using UBB, support picture uploads (requires support FSO) (2016-03-04, C++ Builder, 398KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qy4u

Mobility Mobility articles and use the Download Manager, but has changed a lot, easy to use some of the background, but there are also some bug, if you use your own style you need to modify it, under article directory for article management, download directory under a download manager, event directory website under Events management, directory vote under the voting procedures (2016-03-01, C++ Builder, 280KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] HaRepackerEX2

冒险岛wz修改工具,Adventure Island wz Editing Tools
Adventure Island wz Editing Tools (2015-11-01, C++ Builder, 176KB, 下载17次)


[matlab编程] resume

我用matlab凋式程序时出现如下报错,搞不懂了,求教高人!<BR>??? Error using ==> network/train<BR>Targets are incorrectly sized for network.<BR>Matrix must have 5 rows.<BR><BR>我的输入是9 ,隐含层7,输出5<BR>建网函数为:net=newff(minmax(p),[7 5],{ logsig logsig }, traingdx )
我用matlab凋式程序时出现如下报错,搞不懂了,求教高人!<BR>??? Error using ==> network/train<BR>Targets are incorrectly sized for network.<BR>Matrix must have 5 rows.<BR><BR>我的输入是9 ,隐含层7,输出5<BR>建网函数为:net=newff(minmax(p),[7 5],{ logsig logsig }, traingdx ) (2015-05-02, C++ Builder, 626KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] 121213

Client program, to achieve two microcontroller development board through an Ethernet communication, the development board has two buttons and digital control, when one of the press, the other one shows the same value. (2013-05-22, C++ Builder, 400KB, 下载2次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] DM900A

The DM9000 is a fully integrated and cost-effective, single chip fast Ethernet MAC controller. It has a general interface, an adaptive 10\/100M PHY and 4K DWORD SRAM. (2013-04-21, C++ Builder, 48KB, 下载49次)


[Windows编程] caxungsd

一款查询归属地的免费软件,本软件支持全国最新的15X号段、18X号段的查询,自带数据库总量超过二十三万多 条手机号码归属地信息,可以详细查询到手机号码的开户地信息,包括该号码所属省份、 城市、长途区号以及该号码 SIM卡类型(仅供参考),并提供更换皮肤功能。号码资源 收录容量极大,可以方便地帮你了解任何一个手机来电、短信息的来源地。自2001年以 来一直提供长期专业归属地查询服务,界面超酷!众易网,归属地查询服务开创者! 本软件为一款免费软件,但如果您在业务工作上对手机号码数据库有一定需要,您 可根据您的情况选择注册会员版查询软件,或者直接与众易网合作,获得完整数据库。
A query attribution to the Free Software (2012-10-04, C++ Builder, 1735KB, 下载6次)


[图形图像处理] SUNSAN-Moravec

Based on the video image corner detection a c++ program, realize the basic misconduct detection methods, including Moravec corner detection operators, SUNSAN corner detection operators, etc (2012-04-19, C++ Builder, 792KB, 下载25次)


[WEB开发] tttuangou-v2.7.3.gbk

Buy every day is a powerful open-source system buy procedures, using PHP+ mysql development, system built Paypal, TenPay, GOOGLE maps interface, support for SMS coupons and buy real buy express delivery, etc. the other by Ucenter modules seamlessly integrate existing systems with web, synchronization to achieve user registration, login, exit. (2011-12-07, C++ Builder, 3011KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] d-(1)

In cognitive radio networks, power control is considered as an important issue to improve the performance of dynamic spectrum sharing. In this paper, in order to maximize the efficiency of the system, the secondary users and primary user behaviors will be considered. (2011-11-28, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载9次)


[单片机开发] xyz

msp430149 some experimental code, each with detailed circuit diagrams. Qin Long' s book is the accompanying CD-ROM content. (2010-07-19, C++ Builder, 8736KB, 下载31次)


[网络编程] 123

English called the Millennium packet decryption set, the name at a glance, all know what is, but I found has been useless, required under friends can click (2009-03-24, C++ Builder, 30KB, 下载25次)


[IP电话/视频会议] openh323proxy-0[1].9.13.tar

Opengatekeeper project is the expansion. Through its support for RTP (audio and video) Gatekeeper routing and T.120 communications, there is no direct communication between the endpoints. (2005-04-28, C++ Builder, 460KB, 下载48次)
