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按分类查找All android开发(335) 
按平台查找All Java(335) 

[android开发] GameReminder

An Android app for crawler NBA TV broadcasting info from Sina.com. Support game reminding with google calendar. An available google calendar account will be needed if you want to use the reminding functionality (2013-04-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] MyNetWorkSpeedMeterView

The custom control for measuring network speed will move according to the input value. I am doing router app, which is a self-service control (2020-08-12, Java, 7387KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] src

Using Baidu Map and Location SDK to do a simple example code, the Eagle Eye Track part has not been fully completed, first upload this part, because the file is too large, only upload the SRC part, Baidu SDK official website are downloaded links. (2019-07-26, Java, 86KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] NetChangeReceiver

The network change listener can set the network switching listening time, and the network interface will not be called back within the time to reply to the network (2018-06-06, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] DongWeather22

The Android version of the weather forecast, the basic functions can be realized. You can add it again. (2017-12-12, Java, 26000KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] bms(终版)

Realize the Ethernet communication in WIFI environment, monitor the operation parameters of BMS on the mobile phone (2017-11-23, Java, 3097KB, 下载13次)


[android开发] IRead

library management APP (2017-11-05, Java, 8083KB, 下载11次)


[android开发] CbhPaRead

Able to read books online, some functions did not do, the network connection is within the network can refer to, the network will do a page (2017-08-30, Java, 10040KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] mdlyouhuiquan

McDonald s coupon access to source code is a McDonald s coupon information access to the Android source code, you can network in mcdonalds.com.cn access to McDonald s coupon information, on the developers to build their own websites to obtain information classification and screening. Accessories can be used in the use of the restaurant features the project to use the Baidu map of the SDK project is also integrated with micro-blog s sdk. Is fullyequipped small sparrow. Click the coupon information can be added to the port (2016-07-20, Java, 8363KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] IOT-Espressif-Android-master

esp8266 wifi模块的智能配置的安卓软件,可以实用一键配置wifi。
Andrews intelligent configuration software esp8266 wifi module, you can configure a key practical wifi. (2016-07-05, Java, 6352KB, 下载37次)


[android开发] kbylyx

Shooting screen horror entertainment source is a Android horror entertainment application project source code, open the application after will allow you to a gun, just point a gun the pictures will be redirected desktop. Click on the desktop will according to choose guns different gun voice, playing the hole size, glass cracks. Here you may think this is just a ordinary use guns, but you still behind, if the number you will suddenly jumped out of a horror pictures and sounds associated with horror, the psychology bearing capacity is relatively weak small partners ready to be scared of urine, do not a person in the middle of the night play this application. (2016-06-12, Java, 11229KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] AndBasekfkjym

The project is a developer for the Android open-source library tailored a product, you can get the latest code amsoft.cn, exemplary and development documentation. tandbase contains a large number of commonly used development tools, such as Internet downloads, Http request, management thread pool thread, image cache management, image files download upload, ORM framework, and encapsulates a number of common tools, such as the string, date , document processing, image processing, etc. (2016-05-30, Java, 15286KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] Meituan

An android application to imitate the U.S. group, access to the U.S. group net data only for academic research use technology to share. (2014-05-11, Java, 3380KB, 下载38次)


[android开发] AlipassSDKDemo_android

Alipass开发安卓端程序代码。 Alipass,是支付宝公司推出的一款可以管理电子凭证的产品。
Alipass, is pay the company introduced a product to manage electronic evidence. The evidence from a variety of product aggregation bills living services, including coupons, coupon, buy tickets, hotel bookings, movie tickets, tickets, boarding passes, membership cards, loyalty cards and gift cards. Businesses or individuals can pay treasure open protocols or interfaces provided by the certificate added to the Paypal wallet. Users can view and use alipass through Paypal wallet client assets in my function. (2013-12-13, Java, 812KB, 下载11次)


[android开发] anroidrp

A run on the Android mobile client personality test procedures, by the Java source code implementation, test results can be generated based on the input of the age, name and lucky number, you can tell the character value is a simple Android game The source code is only for entertainment, learning and reference. (2013-05-15, Java, 199KB, 下载6次)


[android开发] douban

JAVA写的Android 安卓系统上的豆瓣网程序项目比较完整,如果你对Google Android手机系统比较熟悉的话,你也可以通过代码了解它的运行机理。
Written in JAVA Android the Andrews system on the watercress network in project complete, If you are more familiar with the Google Android mobile phone system, you can understand its operation mechanism through code. (2013-04-07, Java, 1264KB, 下载8次)


[android开发] SlidingMenu-master

自定义Android滑动式菜单SlidingMenu,拥有实现类似 Facebook 、Path 2.0 、网易客户端类似的滑动式菜单的组件
Custom Android sliding menu SlidingMenu, has a similar Facebook, Path 2.0, similar NetEase client sliding menu component (2013-03-11, Java, 380KB, 下载68次)


[android开发] Yuplayer

A simple imitation cool dog player, just some simple function, due to personal time, the program is a bit error changed network understanding (2012-08-30, Java, 1726KB, 下载7次)


[android开发] Farsight091219Android-2

android ui设计方面的书籍,实例是华清远见的一个开心网客户端(仅一个登录界面设计)。
android ui design book, examples are China Qingyuan happy to see a network client (only a login screen design). (2011-07-30, Java, 370KB, 下载43次)


[android开发] ndk

这是一个用java语言写的android代码,对于第一次接触android的人很有用,包含了sdk, ndk, sygwin 等相关知识。
this a android develope code with java wtite, for mainly a firt time touch android persone , there include sdk and ndk , sygwin and so on acknowage. (2010-01-11, Java, 120KB, 下载20次)
