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按平台查找All MultiPlatform(289) 

[文章/文档] LWIP_manual(CN)

本文叙述了lwIP的设计与实现。叙述了协议实现及子系统中所使用的算法和数据结构如存储和缓冲管理系统。还包括LWIP API的参考手册和使用LWIP 的一些代码例子。
This paper describes the design and implementation of lwIP. The protocol implementation and the algorithms and data structures used in the subsystem, such as storage and buffer management systems, are described. Also included are the LWIP API reference manuals and some code examples using LWIP. (2017-11-24, MultiPlatform, 677KB, 下载1次)


[IP电话/视频会议] askmfc

Are you afraid of someone else in the Internet is stealing your password it will not really of the virus, and even the QQ did not dare to open it. Do not be afraid you will not be misled things, with this chat program to use mfc produced, you do not now what to passwords, but no password can be stolen. Because you are another QQ the company' s CEOs (2010-02-03, MultiPlatform, 211KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程文档] 1

China Mobile Communications Corporation has recently been in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities out of six commercial tests WAP network, the first commercial trial of the six major cities in the network March 25-5 31 during the introduction of free Internet access, June 1 the WAP business in future will be the development of communications standards. WAP users can use the six cities WAP mobile Internet browser WAP site information, which indicates that China has its own WAP gateway, greatly promoted China' s WAP service industries, but also a symbol of China' s wireless communications technology into the a new milestone. (2009-07-10, MultiPlatform, 3KB, 下载1次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] FAT16

1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename specification。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。 (本代码只供测试,研究,设计使用,如需用于商业应用,请与作者联系购买许可,qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)
err (2008-12-13, MultiPlatform, 580KB, 下载111次)


[其他书籍] cool3d

包括:视窗画面说明 输入文字 改变文字样式 移动、旋转文字 套用样式库 改变背景 立体样式 色彩与光源 贴材质 摄影机 制作动画 输出图档
Including: window screen to enter text to change the text style move, rotate the text to apply the Treasury to change the background of three-dimensional style style color and light texture paste animation camera output image (2008-12-11, MultiPlatform, 535KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Squid_chinese

彭勇华所译Squid 权威指南最新中文版。“译 者序:本人在工作中维护着数台Squid 服务器,多次参阅Duane Wessels(他也是Squid 的创始人)的这本书,原书名是"Squid: The Definitive Guide",由O Reilly 出版。我在业余时间把它翻译成中文,希望对中文Squid 用户有所帮助。对普通的单位上网用户,Squid 可充当代理服务器;而对Sina,NetEase 这样的大型站点,Squid 又充当WEB 加速器。这两个角色它都扮演得异常优秀。窗外繁星点点,开源的世界亦如这星空般美丽,而Squid 是其中耀眼的一颗星。对本译版有任何问题,请跟我联系,我的Email是:yonghua_peng@yahoo.com.cn 彭勇华” (2008-05-20, MultiPlatform, 3048KB, 下载97次)


[单片机开发] ipphone_1

本方案是一款低成本ip phone方案。具备高端IP电话的多网口和路由功能;采用ARM9E单芯片处理所有语音和网络功能,便于升级和移植;ARM9作为业界标准芯片,便于大规模生产,未来成本更加优势明显;采样独特软件优化方法,降低系统消耗;语音性能优,网络接口稳定可靠
The program is a low-cost ip phone programs. IP phones with high-end multi-network I and routing functions using ARM9E single chip to handle all voice and network features, easy to upgrade and transplantation ARM9 chips as the industry standard for large-scale production, more obvious advantages of future costs sampling unique software optimization method to reduce the system consumption voice performance excellent, stable and reliable network interface (2008-04-12, MultiPlatform, 181KB, 下载13次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GNU_make_zh_CN

GNU make中文手册,本文比较完整的讲述GNU make工具,涵盖GNU make的用法、语法。同时重点讨论如何为一个工程编写Makefile。作为一个Linux程序员,make工具的使用以及编写Makefile是必需的。
GNU make Chinese Manual, this article about the complete GNU make tools, GNU make to cover the use of grammar. At the same time focus on how to prepare a project Makefile. As a Linux programmer, make tools and the preparation of Makefile is essential. (2008-03-29, MultiPlatform, 880KB, 下载147次)


[网络编程] danbiluyou

华为路由器单臂路由实例 阅读提示:在局域网中,通过交换机上配置VLAN可以减少主机通信广播域的范围,当VLAN之间有部分主机需要通信,但交换机不支持三层交换时,可以采用一台支持802.1Q的路由器实现VLAN的互通。 需求:在局域网中,通过交换机上配置VLAN可以减少主机通信广播域的范围,当VLAN之间有部分主机需要通信,但交换机不支持三层交换时,可以采用一台支持802.1Q的路由器实现VLAN的互通。这需要在以太口上建立子接口,分配IP地址作为该VLAN的网关,同时启动802.1Q. 组网:路由器E0端口与交换机的上行trunk端口(第24端口)相连,交换机下行口划分3个VLAN,带若干主机.
err (2007-12-12, MultiPlatform, 13KB, 下载8次)


[Web服务器] BetterCOSv2.06

该系统是基于 Intranet 的 Web 技术,完全采用B/S体系结构的内联网办公系统。 该系统独特的信息流设计使得信息在政府/企业的部门内部和部门之间传递效率极大提高,信息传递过程中耗费降到最低。办公人员得以从繁杂的日常办公事务处理中解放出来,参与更多的富于思考性和创造性的工作。COS系统力求突出体系结构简明、功能实用、管理和维护简单易行的特点。同时为了适应不断发展变化的需要,服务目录的体系结构具有良好的可扩展性。
The system is based on the Intranet of Web technology, we adopt the B/S Architecture intranet office system. The system (2007-08-07, MultiPlatform, 3070KB, 下载44次)


[单片机开发] LCDchangjia

This is a LCD (lcd) manufacturers Solutions, including domestic and foreign, especially in Shenzhen piece. access to a network, so the development of LCD system selection, the search for suitable TFT, LCD, LED module is extremely helpful, I looked for a long time (2007-06-06, MultiPlatform, 6KB, 下载64次)


[文章/文档] USS

USS 协议(Universal Serial Interface Protocol通用串行接口协议)是 SIEMENS 公 司所有传动产品的通用通讯协议,它是一种基于串行总线进行数据通讯的协议。U
USS agreement (Universal Serial Interface Protoc 帽ol Universal Serial Interface Protocol) is a company SIEMENS drive communications products definitive agreement, it is based on a serial bus for data communications agreement. U (2007-06-02, MultiPlatform, 27KB, 下载65次)


[手机短信编程] ChinaMobile-SMS-GateWay-Protocol

中国移动通信互联网短信网关接口协议 本规范为中国移动通信集团公司企业规范,简称CMPP,现阶段版本是对1.2.1版修订后形成的,为2.0版。本规范描述了中国移动短信业务中各网元(包括ISMG、GNS和SP)之间的相关消息的类型和定义。
Internet SMS Gateway Interface Protocol standard to the China Mobile Communication Corporation standardize enterprises, listed CMPP, at this stage version of a revised version .2.1 formed to version 2.0. The standard description of China Mobile SMS operations of the network element (including ISMG. GNS and SP), the correlation between the types of information and definitions. (2006-12-27, MultiPlatform, 82KB, 下载38次)


[处理器开发] at91rm9200bsp

AT91RM9200工程评估板的CPU源代码,基于ARM920T内核的AT91RM9200,180MHz,32/64M SDRAM,4M NOR Flash 10/100Mbps以太网,Linux操作系统。该源代码经过修改和项目支持,可以稳定运行。有一定的工程参考价值
AT91RM9200 CPU source code, Based on the AT91RM9200 ARM920T core, 180MHz. 32/64M SDRAM, 4M NOR Flash 10/100Mbps Ethernet, the Linux operating system. The modified source code and project support, and stable operation. There are certain projects in reference value (2006-06-26, MultiPlatform, 253KB, 下载299次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] IEC61131

IEC 61131-3是可编程序控制器的编程语言的标准,它将现代软件的概念和现代软件工程的机制与传统的PLC编程语言成功地结合,使它在工业控制领域的影响越出PLC的界限,成为DCS、PC控制、运动控制,以及SCADA的编程系统事实上的标准。本文综述了该标准成功的原因,它的优势和不足,目前和今后的发展,以及推广应用的活动。
PLC programming language standards, it modern software and the concept of the modern software engineering with the traditional mechanism of PLC programming language successfully integrated, it industrial control in the affected areas beyond the limits PLC, as DCS, PC control, motion control, the programming and SCADA system the de facto standard. This paper reviews the success of the standard reasons, the advantages and shortcomings, the current and future development and application activities. (2006-06-15, MultiPlatform, 26KB, 下载210次)


[电子书籍] CC2420_Data_Sheet_1_3

CC2420是Chipcon公司推出的首款符合2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4标准的射频收发器(RF transiver)。它只需要极少外部元件,其选择性和敏感性指标超过了IEEE 802.15.4的要求,可确保短距离通信的有效性和可靠性。并且支持最高达250kpps的数据传输速率,可实现多点对多点的快速组网。
Chipcon CC2420 is the company's first with 2.4GHz IEEE 802 .15.4 standard RF transceiver (RF transiver). It requires very few external components, selectivity and sensitivity of the indicators over IEEE 802.15.4, to ensure that short-range communications effectiveness and reliability. Support 250kpps maximum data transmission speed can achieve more rapid point-to-multipoint network. (2006-05-01, MultiPlatform, 866KB, 下载73次)


[其他] Recorver4all2.15

a good disk recovery software oh, strongly recommend that you resides in the paper and helpful. I have deleted a prepared themselves all the procedures, it is the restoration of the test. (2006-04-10, MultiPlatform, 348KB, 下载37次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] dsfs

扫描信号从C3 ~C0送入,信号依序为1000 ->0100 ->0010 -> 0001->1000 循环,当扫描信号为1000时,则扫描第0行中的四个按键. 扫描信号为0100时,则扫描第1行中的四个按键, 以此类推.如果有按键被按下,则R3~R0的输出信号中会有一个为1,但我们还是是无法确定哪一个键被按下,必須要从R3 ~R0 的输出信号与C3~C0的
scan signal from C0 to C3 into the signal in order of 1000-gt; 0100- gt; 0010- gt; 0001- gt; 1000 cycle, when the scanning signal to 1000, then scanning 0 line of four keys. Scanning signal for 0100, then scanning resolution a line of four buttons, and so on. if a button is pressed, R3 ~ R0 the output signal will be one to one, but we are unable to confirm which a key is pressed, we must proceed from R3 ~ R0 with the output signal of C0 to C3 (2005-09-11, MultiPlatform, 110KB, 下载6次)


[系统设计方案] 基于IP网络的QoS路由算法研究

太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 随着网络和多媒体技术的不断发展,当前可以提供实时数 据特别是多媒体数据传输服务的分布式多媒体网络已经成为网 络发展的一个重要方向。为了实现这一目标,如何在现有的 Internet 中引入服务质量(QoS)就成为网络服务中的一个重要 课题。
Taiyuan University of Technology with a master's degree thesis Abstract network and multimedia technology continues to develop, the current can provide real-time data, especially multimedia data transmission services distributed multimedia network network development has become an important direction. To achieve this goal, how the existing Internet introduced Quality of Service (QoS) network services as an important task. (2005-04-14, MultiPlatform, 148KB, 下载146次)


[电子政务应用] EMall10

中国工商网电子商务购物中心系统EMall 软件介绍: 完全公开源代码,并无任何许可限制,特别基于大型电子商务网站的系统开发 Microsoft SQL Server 2000后台数据库,充分应用了存储过程的巨大功效 基于类模块的扩展数据访问能力支持任何类型的大型数据库
China Business Network e-commerce shopping EMall system software introduced : a completely open-source, no licensing restrictions, in particular for large-scale e-commerce site development system for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database background, the use of the storage process of the tremendous effect on the Class of Extended Data Module visit the capability to support any type of large databases (2005-03-28, MultiPlatform, 923KB, 下载54次)
